JIB Number
TL Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
TLC knows what are the first 4 things to do right after arriving to the store( hand wash timer, walking - ref - freezer, chemicals , food safety previous day signature.)
TLC conducted a walk thru Outside the store (parking lot, drive way and dump area) indicating all things they need to check
TLC conducted a walk thru Inside the store (lobby/restrooms) indicating all things they need to check
TLC washed and sanitize hands right after the walk-thru
TLC did corrective action by sending employee(s) to clean or fix any issue and/or communicate with other Management team
Did TLC made sure ALL EMPLOYEES are properly uniformed, (stuck, no jewelry, name tags etc)
Food safety checklist book
TLC knows how many days need to be check on the Food safety book and the right way to do it
TL knows what goes on FSC follow up section . Employee explains ?
TL checks sanitizer strength! And make sure all sanitizer buckets are in place ( front counter 2 , kitchen , prep , fryer , drive thru . )
TLC checks the walking cooler and explains to you the most important things to be aware off. ( no boxes on the floor , no heavy items on top shelves , and hanging thermometers . )
How many taco packets can be stacked on the walking cooler and why?
TLC checked the walking freezer and explain to you the most important things to be aware of. (No boxes on floor, have a hanging termometer, no heavy items on top shelf . )
Why all meat boxes in the freezer need to be closed with plastic?
TL show you where the chemicals are and explains why they must be separate ?
TLC shows you the dry storage and checks at least 3 condiments expiration dates . Ask what corrective action must taken .
TL leader demonstrates how to check cleanliness on ice machine?
TLC washes and sanitize hands before calibrating the thermometer.
TLC demonstrate how to calibrate the thermometer and show you all procedure and temperature ?
What is the correct temperature and the correct procedure to check the water of the coffee machine?
Shake temp. TLC demonstrate how to take temp. And know follow up.
Fryers. TLC demonstrate how to take all fryers temperature.
**TLC showed you the follow up , after one of the fryers did not give the temperature
What is the correct temperature and the correct procedure to check fresh fries? (150 - 170 , 3 different French fries )
How many days does the oil last?
How many times a day do we filter and why? 2 times a day , 3 to 5 minutes to filter , must filter oil before discard.
How do you know when is time to change the oil?
Rice. TLC demonstrate how to check the rice temp
Grill. TLC demonstrate the right procedure when taking the grill lanes temperature.
Jumbo patty. TLC knows and demonstrates how to check a patty temperature and do final and visual check?
TL checks all pou ref, pou freezers , temperatures and makes sure they have 2 hanging thermometer!
TL knows how to do the correct procedure after they place the meat on grill ? In what order do you sear patty ? <br><br>
TL knows how to demonstrate how to check Teflon sheets and round out toasters.
**Have TLC drop eggs and make sure he/she follows all procedure
TL knows the correct temperature for any stage product except French fries .140f .
How many presses do we keep at all times? And make presses are labeled ?
What is the recovery time of presses after washing them and when reheating them on grill?
What are the utensils that we change every 4 hours? How long do you have to change them?<br>
At any point did the TLC did any coaching in the kitchen?
When hand washing timer goes off make sure TLC stop what he's doing and do the hand washing procedure.
Is the TLC the person who open and closes the water after each employee washes their hands. (at least 20 sec ) ?
Did the TLC called all employees one by one and did not miss anyone within 15 min?
All the employees washed and sanitize their hands with the TLC supervision
Was there any follow up made by the TLC?
When does TL fill out the observation section on FCS ?
TL leaders knows how to explain if hand washing timer is off when the consultant arrives.
Ask TL can you ask an employee to help when they are on a break ? (10 , 30 , or off work )
What form do we use to verify that employees took all appropriate breaks ? ( placement charts )
If you work graveyard shift , what breaks do you need to clock in and out ? ( 10 min breaks )