Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 01 PPE 1910.132
Do all employees have Safety Glasses with them?
Are the safety glasses in good condition?
Are the safety glasses Z87 certified? ( Lenses, frames, and side shields
Do all the employees have hand protection such as cotton gloves?
Is the location equipped with safety goggles?
Is the location equipped face shields
Are the face shield located in the proper place?
Is the location equipped with ear protection?
Is the worksite fitted with dust masks?
Are all employees wearing steel toed boots?
Are the steel toed boots in good condition?
Are the boots ATSM certified?
Are the employees wearing hard hats?
Are the hard hats in good condition?
Do all employees have FRC clothing?
Are the employees FRC clothing in good repair?
Does the location have harnesses?
Are the harnesses in good working order?
Are the SRL/ Lanyard in good working order?
Do all employee's PPE meet the requirements of the customer or Terra's policy to which is more stringent?
Do all employees have everything they need to work safe?
Documentation Requirements and SDS 1919.1200(b)(3)(ii)
Are all JSA's up to date? Review with Lead/Super
Have all BBS been turned in for the week/month/quarter?
Has a fluid transfer been done for each transfer?
Has the Heavy Equipment checklist been completed for the last two tours?
Are all required paperwork posted in the trailer or a binder in the truck?
Is there a list of Hazardous Chemicals at the HAZ-COM station?
Is there a SDS readily available for each hazardous substance?
Are all containers properly labeled?
Are all employees trained in HAZ-COM?
If MDU/ MCU present check all paperwork ( registration and insurance)
Have the equipment inspection reports been completed for the last two tours?
Living Quarters
Living Quarters CFR 1910.142 Temporary Labor Camps
Are the employees living on site?
Is the lighting sufficient in the office and living area?
Are the stairwells lit?
Do all the doors exiting the quarters have steps?
Are all exits cleared for egress?
Are the stairs in good repair?
Are the handrails present?
Are all trash receptacles emptied regularly?
Is hazardous trash separated from regular trash? ( Sharps and Med waste)
Are all fire extinguishers fully charged and in place?
Are all fire extinguishers labeled properly?
Are all extinguishers up to date?
Are all employees trained in the PASS method?
Are all fire alarms working properly?
Are all isles and walkways kept free of debris?
Are the bathroom facilities clean and orderly?
Are there any strong or offensive odors present?
Are there any clothes stored on or around the dryer? If so remove immediately?
Equipment 1910.22(a)
Is the work area properly illuminated?
Is all the machinery clean and properly maintained?
How does the paint look?
Are all the safety labels in proper location? Danger,warning, caution,pinch point, 480, and confined space
Are walking and working surfaces kept clean and dry?
Are all unused hoses and tank connections plugged or capped?
Do all crows foot connections have safety pins and whip checks?
Do all cam locks have safety pins and unbroken ears?
Are all hammer unions connected tightly?
Drying Shakers
Does the site have drying shakers?
Are all the shaker screen stobs in place?
Are the screens in good shape? Less than 10% failure.
When was the last time shaker motors torqued to manufacture's recommended torque?
Are there any leaks from the transitions of the primary and drying shakers or from drying shakers to open top tanks?
Are there any holes in the grating on the reclaimator tank?
MDU/ Dryer Skid
Does the feed auger have an end bearing cover?
Are there any leaks on the dryer? Around the water shield, the feed transition, and the laundry ring discharge.
Do all doors on the dryer close properly?
Does the feed auger have an end bearing cover?
Centrifuge/ MCU
Is there a centrifuge on location?
Does the centrifuge have locking pin in place?
Does the centrifuge have a lift assist in place?
Is the coffin lid properly installed with all clamps in place?
Is the gasket in good shape? No leaks.
Are all pins and "R" clips in place on the centrifuge stand?
Has the effluent line been screwed and strapped in place?
Has the discharge been attached properly?
Dewatering trailer
Is there a dewatering trailer on location?
Are the working surfaces free of polymer?
Is the trailer road worthy?
Is the inside clean and orderly
Electrical, LOTO, Machine Guarding
Do the employees have authorization to go into the SCR house alone?
Are all employees aware of SCR room hazards?
Do employees know to notify the electrician/ motorman before SCR house entry?
Do employees know the wiring system?
Are all grounds done properly? Tight fitting with 8' grounding rod?
Is there a power switch near the operator's position at the machine?
Are all electrical enclosures suck as switches, receptacles, junction boxes provided with tight fitting covers or plates?
Are all wires free of cuts, damage or splices?
Do all extension cords have grounding conductors?
Are multi-plug adapters prohibited?
Does the lockout procedure reduce power to zero?
Does the Lockout Procedure require that all stored energy be released or blocked before repairs and maintenance starts?
Is there a lock out kit on location?
Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use of equipment served?
Does all equipment that needs repair tagged out?
Machine Guarding
Are only authorized personnel allowed to perform maintenance properly trained?
Are all guards on properly?
Do all machine guards fully prevent the operator from reaching around the guard?
Are all manually operated valves and switches controlling operation clearly identifiable and accessible?
Is there adequate supervision to ensure that employees are following safe machine operating procedures?
Hosekeeping/ Handtools
Housekeeping 1910.22
Are aisles and passageways clear of debris?
Are the work sites clean and orderly?
Is the path to the disposal pit unobstructed?
Are all spilled materials or liquids cleaned immediately?if there is mud/ chemicals on the ground is there a spill report?
Are all chemicals stored in a safe manner?
Are all chemicals stored in a dry area?
Are all handrails and stairs free from hoses and other objects?
Are all handrails free from oil and grease?
Are all stairwells free of oil and grease?
Hand tools 1910.242
Is the tool box in order?
Are there any tools out in the work area?
Are the tools in good condition?
Are hand tools such as chisels, punches, and hammers that can potentially mushroom recognized and replaced?
Are all tool handles in good working order?
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers 1910.157
Does this location have a sufficient amount of fire extinguishers?
Are all of the fire extinguishers located close to the equipment?
Are all extinguishers free from obstruction or blockage?
Are all extinguishers fully charged and in their designated places?
Are all extinguishers free from ever being used?
Are all extinguishers secured properly?
Are all extinguishers clearly marked?
Does each employee know where the extinguishers are located?
Are all extinguishers up to date and in good visual shape?
Grinding and Welding
Grinding and Welding
Is there any Grinding, welding, or brazing happening in our work area?
Are bench and pedestal grinders permanently mounted?
Does each grinder have its own power switch?
Is each grinder grounded effectively?
Is cleanliness maintained around grinders?
Are goggles and face shields worn during grinding?
Are only authorized personnel permitted to use welding, cutting , and brazing equipment?
Are gas cylinders free from obvious signs of damage, defects, and deep rusting that can cause leakage?
Is care uses in storage and handling of cylinders to prevent damage?
Are cylinders kept away from heat sources?
Are only approves apparatus used?
Is it prohibited to use cylinders as rollers or supports?
Are empty cylinders appropriately marked with valves closed?
Are signs reading: DANGER NO SMOKING or equivalent posted?
Are all welding and grinding tools kept oil and grease free?
Are steps taken to never open fuel gas cylinders near sources of ignition?
Is a RED hose used to identify fuel gas, GREEN hose for Oxygen, and BLACK for inert gas?
Are electrodes removed from the holder when not in use?
Is it requires that electrical power to the welder be turned off when not in use?
Is the welder forbidden to coil or loop the welding electrode cable around his body?
Is there a suitable extinguisher available for immediate use?
Is the fire watch trained in fire safety?
Prior to hot work, has the internal area of tanks,drums, and barrels been cleaned as to not cause a hazard?
Under wet conditions are auto controls used reducing no load voltage used?
Are pressure reducing regulators used only for the gas and pressure they are intended?
Is open circuit (no load) voltage of arc welding and cutting machines as low as possible and not exceed of the recommended limits?