Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Safety Management
Is there a local Health and Safety Policy readily available
Take immediate action and ensure the Health and Safety Policy is readily available
Is there a local laboratory file upto date with valid policies, local rules and risk assessments
Take immediate action and ensure the local document is upto date
Are training and competency records available and are they upto date
Take immediate action as to ensure documents are available.
Are Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and emergency procedures on display in prominent area. E.g Lab rules on display on the wall.
Take immediate action and ensure appropriate documents are displayed or available
If applicable, has the CMR Fitness to Work assessment process being followed
Take immediate action and ensure the process is implemented
If applicable are there overnight / out of hours validated and on display
Take immediate action, the equipment must be isolated from use until a validated assessment is in place
Is a DSE assessment in place and operating effectively
Take immediate action and ensure that DSE assessments are being carried out
Building Emergency
Are emergency exits and routes clearly signposted and free from obstructions & trip, slips hazards