Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Haulage managing director name
Contact number
Email address
Health and safety representative name
Contact number
Email address
Appointed person name
Qualification type (eg ALLMI, CPCS etc.)
Qualification registration number
Expiry date
Photo of qualification
Contact number
Email address
Dispatcher's name
contact number
Email address
Is the motor insurance available and in date?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Date of expiry
Is the motor Insurance cover a minimum of: Personal Injury Cover – Unlimited. Property Damage – Minimum cover £20million ?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Add photo or scanned document
Add photo or scanned document
Is the employers liability insurance available and in date?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Date of expiry
Is the employers liability cover a minimum of 10 million?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Add photo or scanned document
Add photo or scanned document
Is the public liability insurance available and in date?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Is the public liability insurance cover a minimum of 5 million?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Date of expiry?
Add photo or scanned document
What is the current OCR score? (Operator Compliance Risk Score)
What incident(s) have impacted the score?
What is being implemented to resolve this?
Follow this up by email coping in the Transport manager
Upload a copy of the report
What incident(s) have impacted the score?
What is being implemented to resolve this?
Follow this up by email coping in the Transport manager
Upload a copy of the report
Is the FORS accreditation available and in date?
Contact the Mobile Mini Transport manager and SHEQ team
Date of expiry?
Add photo or scanned document
FORS level
Are there any other company accreditations? (for example ALLMI, MPBA, clock, RHA etc.)
Please provide as much information as possible on all other acreditations
Add photos or scanned documents
Method statements and risk assessments
Is a copy of the Method statement and risk assessment available and in date?
Contact the SHEQ team
Date of review?
Do they cover high risks sufficiently? (i.e. working at height, rescue procedures, lone working etc.)
What improvements need to be made?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Upload digital copy of RAMS
Upload digital copy of RAMS
Is a lifting plan available? or is the lifting plan incorporated into the Method and Risk?
Please follow up with emails coping in the Lift ops until this is resolved
Upload digital copy
Are stabiliser loadings available for the lorry loaders?
Please follow up with emails coping in the Lift ops until this is resolved
Upload example of the stabiliser loadings
Driver/operator training (use 1 driver/operator as an example)
Is the driver/operator lorry loader training accreditation ALLMI or CPCS?
State accreditation
Is this current and in date?
Expiry date
Add photo
Expiry date?
Add photo
Is the driver/operator Slinger training accreditation ALLMI or CPCS?
Expiry date?
Add photo
State acreditation
Is this current and in date?
Expiry date?
Add photo
Add photo
Is the working at height training available?
Follow this up by email and copy in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Is this current and in date?
Follow this up by email and copy in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Is this an internal or external training provider?
State the qualifications of the trainer
Is the qualifications sufficient?
If unqualified please follow up with emails coping in the Lift ops until this is resolved
Add photo or scanned training qualification
Safety briefings, toolbox talks driver/operator support
Are safety briefings taking place and being recorded?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Upload an example of this
Are tool box talks taking place and being recorded?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Upload an example of this
Name and position of the person safety concerns are raised with?
Are they the direct line manager of the driver/operator?
This needs to be followed up with the SHEQ team
Are daily checks on the lorry being recorded and logged?
Upload an example of this?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Are the lorry defects actioned in a timely manor?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Provide an example of this
Are the Crane daily checks being recorded and logged?
Provide an example of this
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Are the crane defects actioned in a timely manor?
Please follow up with emails coping in the SHEQ team until this is resolved
Provide an example of this
How would you rate communications from the Mobile Mini dispatch and branch
Please provide information on this
How could we improve?
Please provide information on this
How could we improve
What are we doing good?
What could we do better?
To help us implement the excellent communications in other locations please let us know how we excel
How would you rate our expectations
Please provide information on this
How could we improve?
Please provide information on this
How could we improve
What are we doing good?
What could we do better?
To help us implement our excellent expectations in other locations please let us know how we excel
Any other things we do good?
Please give details
Any other thing we could improve?
Please give details