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General Requirements
Is the Site Safety Plan and documentation up-to-date?<br>
Have sub-contractors safety plans been approved?
Is there a current Hazard/Task Analysis Register/Site hazard board?
Is there a site layout diagram. Showing the location of safety equipment, emergency assembly points, first aid kits etc?
Have Notifiable Works been notified to DoL (Working at heights, scaffolding, trenching, cranage etc)?
Are there records of regular Tool Box meetings, Pre-Start meetings that include H&S and are dated, sign?
Is there evidence that regular contractor and sub-contractor audits are being carried out and recorded?
Is their a trained safety supervisor on site?
Is there records of all persons on site being suitably inducted?
Is there a training and competency register? Are all personnel competent/ticketed for the role( confined spaces, working at heights, powder actuated tools, plant and machinery operation, spotter etc).
Do all personnel on site have current Go-Safe or Site Safe Passports or equivalent?
Have site services including gas mains, underground and above ground electricity been identified in the site specific safety plan?
Is there evidence of an accident/incident being recorded in the incident register? Do they match those reported to Todd Property each week?
Is there evidence that corrective actions from accidents/incident investigations are recorded and all controls closed out at tool box meetings?
Are all lunch rooms, toilets and wash areas clean?
Is there shade, water and other amenities for staff on site?
Is there good safety signage on site?
Are all personnel wearing the required PPE?
Is the PPE up-to-date and in good condition?
Are tools and equipment in good condition?
Is work carried out within one meter of gas, electricity and high pressure water?
Have the necessary work permits been issued by the main contractor?
Hazardous Substances
Is the hazardous substance register up-to-date?
Are the Material Safety Data Sheets maintained and available? Are they less that five years old?
Are the hazardous substances stored in a safe and secure manner?
Are personnel handling the hazardous substances trained and experience in their use?
Are the quantities of the hazardous substances recorded and has all the information been provided to Todd Property?
Has suitable provision been made for extra first aid supplies as required by the MSDS?
Public Safety
Are their safe alternative routes around the site for pedestrians and vehicles?
Is there visible safety signage on all approached to the work site?
Are al pedestrian and public footpaths clear?
Are materials on site stored safely?
Are all excavations/holes covered or fenced/ barricaded to restrict access?
Have all affected residents been notified? Has there been any complaints? Is there evidence of the complaints being closed out?
Traffic Management
Is there an approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
Does the traffic management on site conform to the TMP?
Is the TMP current, approved and dated?
Is the STMS less than 1/2 hour away or on site?
Site and Security
Access gates found secured with relevant security and safety signage?
Is the equipment/machinery on site serviced, in good condition and secure at night?
Is the site clearly defined with all works contained within the work site?
Is there fencing or barricades in place appropriate for the hazards?
Is the storage of materials, tidy, safe and secure?
Access not obstructed with loose ground/trip hazards?
Electric Equipment
Is the electric equipment inspected and correctly tagged (three months or less)?
Is electrical equipment in good condition?
Are correct Splitters/RCDs being used for electrical equipment?
Where required are leads off the floor?
Emergency Equipment
Is there an emergency plan in place? Has it been tested on-site in the past 12 months?
Is there a correctly tagged and tested fire extinguisher on-site?
Is there a up-to-date and suitable first aid kit on-site?
Are the first aiders clearly identifiable, are all their qualifications up-to-date?
Working at Heights
Are personnel using work platforms on-site?
Solid hand rails
Correct PPE, including harnesses
Safe tag
Decking/fencing/ barriers in place?
Lines secured correctly
Lines and Harnesses certified?
Emergency procedures in place and practiced?
Working at Heights training provided?
Have Notifiable Works been notified to Todd Property and DoL?
Safe tags in place?
Decking in place?
Hand rails/Fencing in place?
Access ladders and trap doors installed and used/ closed correctly?
Kick Boards in place?
Ties/Bracing in-place correctly?
Foundations in place correctly?
Have Notifiable Works been notified to Todd Property and DoL?
Confined Space Entry
Work Permit to enter forms at hand?
Is access to the area restricted?
tripod and winch being used?
Gas detectors being used?
Fan forced air being used?
Are all personnel trained and certified?
Emergency procedures in place and tested?
Breathing apparatus and other PPE being used correctly?
Have Notifiable Works been notified to Todd Property and DoL?
Plant and Machinery
Being operated correctly and safely?
ROPS/FOBS/Tops fitted
Amber Beacon operating?
COF/WOF/ inspection certificate visible and current?
Plant in good condition?
Evacuation and Trenches
if the trench/ evacuation 1.5 metres deep?Have Notifiable Works been notified to Todd Property and DoL?
Batters and sides ok?
Trench shields/shoring ok/ certified?
Is access to the site restricted?
Discharge silt free, not scouring?
Fuel stored correctly?
Spill kits available and all provision to prevent fuel leakage in place?
Dust control in place?
Are all roads, footpaths, streams and storm water retention ponds free of debris?
Silt ponds fenced with signage?
Bunds and Decants in place?