Title Page

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    A safe means of access and safe place of work are essential requirements for any work activity. Whenever work has to be done from which a person can fall and suffer an injury, specific precautions must be taken. These precautions will apply in all workplaces or sites.

  • Every year many accidents occur due to slips, trips and falls, most of these accidents occur due to poor housekeeping and improper site planning. Most items left on the ground such as coiled cables, hand tools, lengths of pipework or timbers will trip someone if they are not moved into a safe position. Spills on floors of liquids can also cause a slip hazard if it is not immediately and properly cleaned up. Trailing leads are a frequent cause of tripping hazards. Reduced levels of natural lighting, especially during the winter months can easily increase tripping hazards if adequate access lighting is not provided. Tools, equipment, materials or other hazards which are visible in daylight might not be seen in poor lighting.

  • What must you do;
    It is your responsibility to ensure all open voids are safely sealed off in your work area. If tools or materials fall through the open voids it could result in a serious injury to persons working below. You as a cilantro operative have a duty of care to take care of yourself and others around you by your acts and omissions.

  • You must also;

    ✓ Clear away waste materials as you create them ensuring you are disposing waste into the correct segregated bins.
    ✓ Always work in a tidy manner, plan your works. Do not leave tools, equipment or unusedmaterials lying on the floors in the way of yourself or others.
    ✓ If you are using liquids or any materials which can spill, make sure you have a means of cleaning it up properly should a spillage occur.
    ✓ When using 110V cable tools or task lighting, ensure the cables are hung above head height from ‘Sky Hooks’ or covered on the floor with a cable mat.
    ✓ If the site is muddy make sure you scrape the mud from your boots before you climb any ladders.
    ✓ Be aware of the increased risk of tripping as levels of natural light fade, ensure that all tools, equipment and materials are stored in a safe location.
    ✓ Tell your supervisor if you do not have suitable means to clear up and dispose of the waste you created.

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.