ToolBox Talk Sheet

  • Toolbox Topic: First Aid

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  • Employers are required to make provisions for first aid. If an accident or illness does occur, the casualty must receive immediate attention. It could be life-saving.

  • Importance.

    In the event of an injury or a sudden illness, receiving first aid could mean the difference between life and death for the casualty.

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  • Regulations.

    The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations require employers to provide first aid personnel, equipment and facilities at sufficient levels to ensure employees can receive immediate attention.

  • Guidance.

    Cover first aid provisions within induction procedures

    Know who the first aider(s) and appointed person(s) are

    Ensure you know where the first-aid kit is kept

    Always have access to a first aid kit

    Always have access to a phone to call the emergency services if required

    If an accident/incident occurs:

    Remove any hazards if safe to do so

    Do not put yourself in danger

    Call for the first aider / appointed person

    Call for an ambulance (999) if required (if in doubt NHS direct 0845 4647)

    Don’t move the casualty unless they are in immediate danger.

    Remain with the casualty

    Make the casualty as comfortable as possible

    Don’t give drinks or food to a casualty, moisten lips only

    Carry out first aid if you are capable (if in doubt NHS direct 0845 4647)

    Basic first aid:

    Do you know how to perform CPR?

    Do you know how to treat burns?

    Do you know how to stop bleeding?

    Do you know what to do if someone collapses or has a seizure?

    If you don’t, you need to think about first aid training. A basic understanding of first aid could save a life.

  • Summary.

    Whenever you are at work there should be first aid cover, this includes shift and part-time work. Always make sure you know who is responsible for first aid and what to do in the event of an accident.


  • Why is it important to provide first aid resources at work?

  • What should you do if an accident occurs?

  • if in doubt who should you call ?

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