Title Page

  • What truck are you checking in?

  • Lead Driver

  • Navigator

  • When was this check in started?

Truck load

  • Which volume amount is closest to what is on this truck?

  • What is on this truck?

Inside the cab

  • Start the truck

  • What is the closest fuel level?


  • Headlights

  • Brights

  • Front turn signals

  • Rear turn signals

  • Brake lights

  • Hazard lights

  • Truck box marker lights

  • If any lights are out, please indicate so here

Inside the cab

  • Fuel Card

  • Safety Vest

  • First Aid Kit

  • Is the first aid kit sealed?

  • First extinguisher

  • Using the control buttons, operate the truck box up 1-2 feet

  • Using the control buttons, lower the truck box back down all the way

Tool Box

  • Operate the tarp slightly in both directions to ensure it is functional

  • Sledge-Axe

  • Metal Rake

  • Push Broom

  • Spade Shovel

  • Scoop Shovel

  • Cro-bar

  • Floor Dolly

  • Extension Cord

  • Safety Triangles

  • Contractor Bags

  • Are there enough Contractor bags?

  • Take a photo of the Tool Box


  • Shut off the truck


  • What is the recommended tire pressure of this truck?

  • Check the tire pressure of all 6 tires and inflate as needed

  • Are all tires inflated to the proper recommended pressure?

  • Is the engine oil between the recommended minimum and maximum fill levels?

  • Underneath the cab, closer to the front of the truck

    no label
  • Is the transmission fluid between the recommended minimum and maximum fill levels?

  • Under the cab closer to the truck box

    no label
  • Is the windshield washer fluid between the recommended minimum and maximum fill levels?

  • Inside the passenger door

    no label

Marketing Box

  • Booties

  • Are there enough booties to complete the day?

  • Tarp

  • Two (2) Bedbug suits

  • 10 lawn signs

  • 10 lawn sign frames

  • Take a photo of the Marketing box

Carry On Tools

  • What truck team # are you?

  • Sawzall

  • Socket Set

  • Is the socket set zip tied?

  • Flashlight

  • Vice Grips

  • Tape measure

  • Alan Wrench set

  • Box Cutter (with good blade)

  • Flathead Screwdriver

  • Wire Cutters

  • Needle Nose Pliers

  • Channel Locks

  • Crescent Wrench

  • Phillips Head Screwdriver

  • Take a photo of the tool roll to ensure all tools are accounted for

Clipboard and box

  • What truck team # are you?

  • Volume/Bedload rate card

  • SIP/ Contractor Rate card

  • Swaco Hazardous Waste Center Card

  • Receipt Book

  • Does it have more than 10 blank receipts left?

  • Phone Car Charger

  • Phone belt clip

  • Square Credit Card Reader

  • Garage Door Clicker

  • At least two (2) pens

  • Stack of Junk Bucks

  • Stack of magnets

  • 50+ door hangers

  • Stack of Joe Gillotti business cards

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.