
  • Audit No.

  • Branch / Location

  • Auditor

  • Engineers Name

  • Vehicle registration number

  • Type of vehicle

  • Current Mileage

  • Location
  • Date

General Vehicle Condition

  • This form is the equivalent to Tyco form HSF6.2 issue 3 - Electronic Version 2.0

General Vehicle Condition

  • Is the period or mileage since last service satisfactory?

  • The recommended period between services for a vauxhall car is 24 months or 20,000 miles, a van is 25,000 or 24 months

  • Are the tyres within legal limits?

  • Are all the vehicle lights functioning correctly including indicators?

  • Is the vehicle fitted with roof racks?

  • Are the roof racks securely fixed to the vehicle?

  • Are the ladder clamps in a serviceable condition?

  • Is the vehicle loaded correctly?

  • Is the vehicle interior clean and is a no smoking sign fitted?

  • All company vehicles are required to display a no smoking sign in each passenger compartment.

  • Is the exterior of the vehicle clean and free of damage?

  • Is the safety screen fitted? <br>Note: All company estate vehicles that carry company stock must have a safety screen fitted.

  • Is the vehicle windscreen in an acceptable condition (check for bad cracks)?

  • Are the windscreen wipers in a serviceable condition and capable of clearing the windscreen?

  • Is the seat and head restraint position in line with company guidelines?

  • Are the parking sensors operating correctly?

Personal Protective Equipment and Uniform

Personal protective equipment / uniform

  • Are the employees safety shoes or boots in a satisfactory condition?

  • Is the employees Safety helmet (head protection) in a satisfactory condition?

  • Safety helmet issue date.

  • Safety helmets to be renewed every four years irrespective of condition.

  • Are the employees gloves (hand protection)in a satisfactory condition?

  • Are the employees goggles / glasses (eye protection)in a satisfactory condition?

  • Are the employees ear defenders (hearing protection)in a satisfactory condition?

  • Is the employees hi-visibility waistcoat in a satisfactory condition?

  • Is the employees dust mask (respiratory protection) in a satisfactory condition?

  • Does the employee have PPE bag or suitable PPE containment?

  • Is the employees first aid kit in a satisfactory condition?

  • First aid kit expiry date

  • Is the employees asbestos emergency kit in a satisfactory condition?

Documentation / Eyesight test

Documentation and eyesight test

  • Does the employee have a valid identity card?

  • Expiry date

  • Does the employee hold a valid driving licence

  • Does the employee have an up to date employee EHS handbook?

  • Does the employee have up to date job spec./method statements?

  • Does the employee have up to date risk assessments?

  • Does the employee have up to date COSHH assessments?

  • Can the employee correctly read a vehicle number plate 20 metres away

  • If an employee cannot read a number plate correctly please contact your area HR specialist for further advice.

  • Does the employee have a Car Safety Kit?

  • Is the user / driver aware of the instructions for use of the car fire extinguisher?

Health and Safety Passports

Health and Safety Passports

  • Does the employee hold an ECS or CSCS card?<br>Note: All engineers are required to have a valid card

  • Expiry date

  • ECS is required for all engineers

  • Does the employee hold a 1b IPAF Licence?

  • IPAF 1b Expiry Date

  • Does the employee hold a 3a IPAF Licence?

  • IPAF 3a Expiry Date

  • Does the employee hold a 3b IPAF Licence?

  • IPAF 3b Expiry Date

  • Does the employee hold a SPA passport?

  • SPA Expiry

  • Does the employee hold a PASMA card?

  • PASMA Expiry

  • Does the employee hold any other cards?


  • Auditors Signature

  • Add signature

  • Engineers signature

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.