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UltraFast Fibre Health and Safety Observation
Is this an active or an inactive work site?
Who is the UFB Owner? Is It.....
- UFB 1 Build
- UFB 2 Build
- UFB Provisioning
- UFB 2+ Build
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel Onsite. Take a photo of the attendance register.
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Site Induction
Aerial Installations
Is this an aerial installation
- Yes and the asset owner is...
- WEL Networks
- Waipa Networks
- Powerco
- Chorus
- Privately Owned
- N/A move onto the next question.
- No
Are Work Type Competencies (WTC) up-to-date for staff members engaged in the aerial install...
- Yes move on to the next question.
- No the WTC are out of date for the following reasons
- Awaiting a refresher course
Please take a photo of the identification number or tag...
Have all team members and visitors read, understood and signed onto the job start?
- Yes, Move to the next question.
- No, The reason for not signing onto the Job start was...
- N/A Move onto the next question.
Upon entering the site have you noticed tasks or practices that can seriously harm the health or endanger the safety of the workers and others onsite?
- Yes, I will inform the Site Supervisor at the Site Induction.
- No, Move on to the next question.
- N/A, Move on to the next question.
GENERAL SITE. Has the site been established correctly and are items safe and tidy?
Are there critical risks with any of the tasks on this work site?
- Yes, The critical risks have been escalated to the appropriate authority for approval to carry on with the Task?
- Yes, An approval notice is required and this is the number...
- No, An approval notice,or number is not required.
- No, The reason for not escalating to the appropriate authority for approval is...
- No move onto the next question.
- N/A, Move onto the next question.
Is the correct PPE being worn in accordance with the hazard and risk assessment and the JSA for the tasks onsite?
- Yes move to the next question.
- No, The reason for the deviation from the JSA / Risk Assessment is.
- N/A move to the next question.
Are current utility plans onsite?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Have all underground services been located?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is the excavation permit accurate, complete, current and onsite?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
PUBLIC SAFETY. Are the following being used where appropriate?
Are barriers and fences being used correctly and in good condition?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. Are the following items of safety equipment available and checked?
Are there emergency plans in place, for when things go wrong at this work site?
- Yes, We have considered and implemented an emergency plan for the following scenarios.
- No, I did not consider an emergency plan as.
- N/A move on to the next question.
- Fire
- Medical
- Electrical
- Gas
- Water
- Sewage
- Notifiable Work to worksafe
Is the site able to call for emergency assistance e.g. Fire, police, ambulance utility services, worksafe, and your employer?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is there a suitable 1st aid kit onsite, complete and easily accessible in an emergency?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Are fire extinguishers present, test stamped, fully charged and easily accessible?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Do you know how to operate the fire extinguisher? Have you been trained in it's use?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is there a suitable spill kit onsite and is it complete?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Have all sections within the job start form been completed?
- Yes move to the next question.
- No, the reason for incomplete sections on the job start are.
- Time consuming
- Lack of understanding around...
- Lack of training
- Being able to read the words.
- Understanding technical words and phases.
Has the site induction provided a clear understanding of how to mitigate the risks associated with this job site?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
TRAFFIC CONTROL. Have the following traffic control requirements been met?
Is a TMP required for this site?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Are the approved TMP drawings onsite?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Has a traffic control checklist / audit been completed and recorded for this site?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PRACTICES. Are all environmental issues been addressed?
Are any leaks, spills or discharge from the site being controlled?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Has the sediment and erosion control measures been installed in accordance with erosion and sediment control guidelines?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is damage to grass areas and vegetation being minimized?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
When working near trees, are the correct procedures being followed?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is the worksite clean and free from clutter?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is waste material (rubbish) disposed/stored correctly?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Are the following current and certified?
Is the drill rig fully fenced with a 1metre exclusion zone and earthed?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Have plant checks of drill rigs and excavators been completed in the last week?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Are tools and equipment stored safely?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Are all fuels and chemicals safely and securely stored?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Are the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) onsite for all fuels and chemicals?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Are all electrical equipment tested / tagged and protection used when required
Have all electrical tools and leads been tested and tagged in the last 6 months?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Is RCD protection being used when required?
- Yes move onto the next question.
- No but education in the following areas can be beneficial towards providing clearer understanding.
- Hazard Management
- Risk Management
- Effective Controls
- Monitoring
- N/A move onto the next question.
Concluding Comments. Ensure feedback is passed onto the team before leaving the work site, that the report is emailed to the appropriate personnel in your respective areas and any actions from the reports are verbally escalated immediately to staff onsite, Site Supervisors, the appropriate Managers, the appropriate Health & Safety teams and that these actions are followed up on and closed off in a timely manner.
What positive attitudes and behaviours did you observe during this site visit
What improvements are needed to ensure the Health and Safety of oneself, workers, other contractors, the public, machinery and tools at this worksite?
Site Supervisor Name
Auditors Name