
  • Confined Space Hazard Evaluation and Classification

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Name of space

  • Are there similar/identical spaces elsewhere at this facility? If yes, how many, and where are they located?

  • Name(s) of person(s) evaluating space

  • Date of evaluation

  • Description of physical characteristics of space (i.e. measurements, above/below grade, volume, contents, purpose, etc.)

IS THIS SPACE A "CONFINED SPACE"? You must determine if the space meets the definition of a "confined space" prior to determing if it's a "permit-required confined space". If you answer "yes" to ALL of the questions below, then the space is considered a "confined space" and you must continue to the next section for further evaluation. If you answer "no" to ANY of the following questions, then the space is NOT a confined space. Do NOT proceed to the next question, and enter "Not a confined space" In the "RESULTS OF EVALUATION" section. Stop.

  • Is the space large enough and configured that a person can bodily enter and perform assigned work?

  • Does the space have limited or restricted means of entry and egress (i.e. does an entrant need to climb a ladder, crawl through a manhole, or change the position of his/her body for ingress/egress)?

  • Is the space NOT designed for continuous human occupancy?

IS THIS CONFINED SPACE A "PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE"? A "permit-required confined space" is a space which meets the definition of "confined space", AND contains some type of hazard, such as unguarded, moving parts or a hazardous atmosphere. If you answer "yes" to ANY of the following questions, then the space is a "permit-required confined space" and you must continue to the next sections for further evaluation. If you answer "no" to ALL of the following, then the space is NOT a permit-required confined space. Do NOT proceed to the next question, and enter "Not a permit-required confined space" In the "RESULTS OF EVALUATION" section. Stop.

  • Does the space contain, or have the realistic potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere, such as Oxygen concentrations below 19.5% or greater than 23.5%, or ACUTELY toxic atmosphere such as Hydrogen Sulfide or Carbon Monoxide (chronic hazards are excluded), flammable or explosive atmospheres? Are there pipes, ducts, or sources of potentially hazardous substances? Will hazardous chemicals be used in the space, or will painting, sealing, or other work within the space create a possible hazardous atmosphere?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain, or have the potential to unexpectedly develop an engulfment hazard (i.e. sand, grain, water/flash flooding)?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space have inwardly converging walls that taper downward to a smaller cross section, or floors that slope downward that could cause entrapment or asphyxiation?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain mechanical hazards such as moving parts, unguarded/hazardous machinery, etc.?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain exposed or vulnerable electrical conductors, connections, or parts?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain vulnerable gas or chemical pipelines or similar?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain special hazards related to elevation, or falling?<br>

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain, or have the potential to contain temperature or heat stress hazards?

  • Describe.

  • Does that space contain equipment or configurations that would complicate the rescue/extraction of an unconscious entrant?

  • Describe.

  • Does the space contain any other significant hazard?

  • Describe.

IS THIS PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE A "TYPE 3" PRCS? If you answer "yes" to ALL of the following questions, then the space is a "type 3 permit-required confined space". Do NOT proceed to the next section. Enter "Permit-Required Confined Space - Type 3" in the "RESULTS OF EVALUATION" section. Stop. If you answer "no" to ANY of the following questions, then the space is NOT a "type 3 permit-required confined space" and you must continue to the next sections for further evaluation.

  • Is the space free of hazardous atmospheres, and the reasonable possibility of developing hazardous atmospheres?

  • Can ALL other hazards be temporarily controlled or eliminated WITHOUT entering the space (i.e. by locking out moving parts, or by wearing proper fall protection)?

  • Describe.

IS THIS PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE A "TYPE 2" PRCS? If you answer "yes" to ALL of the following questions, then the space is a "type 2 permit-required confined space". Do NOT proceed to the next section. Enter "Permit-Required Confined Space - Type 2" in the "RESULTS OF EVALUATION" section. Stop. If you answer "no" to ANY of the following questions, then the space is NOT a "type 2 permit-required confined space" and you must continue to the next sections for further evaluation.

  • Is the ONLY hazard of this space a hazardous or potentially hazardous atmosphere?

  • Is continuous mechanical forced air ventilation ALONE sufficient to maintain a safe atmosphere?

  • Are there formal, written evaluations by a qualified professional to support the conclusion above?

  • Describe.

IS THIS PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE A "TYPE 1" PRCS? If you have reached this point and concluded that the space is NOT a type 2 or 3, then the space is a type 1 PRCS. Enter "Permit-Required Confined Space - Type 1" in the "RESULTS OF EVALUATION" section. Stop.

RESULTS OF EVALUATION Check only one option

  • Not a confined space

  • Confined space, but not permit-required

  • Permit-required confined space - Type 1

  • Permit-required confined space - Type 2

  • Permit-required confined space - Type 3


  • Properly trained and equipped contractors

  • Properly trained and equipped University/location staff

  • Entry is not permitted by any person

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.