University of Minnesota
UConstruction Safety Inspection
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE: Eye protection, hard hats, gloves, high-visibility clothing/vests, hearing protection used as required.
Worksite and Traffic Control
Adequate physical barriers, signage, warning tape, bollards, spotters? Housekeeping acceptable? Sufficient lighting and noise levels or controls
Positioned safely and properly secured? In good condition and suitable for the job?
Working at Heights
Fall exposures of 6 feet or higher have adequate edge protection with railings or warning lines, or personal fall protection is employed. Aerial lifts or scaffolding set up and used properly.
Confined Spaces
Procedures properly implemented (entry permit, air monitoring, ventilation, LOTO, retrieval equipment, trained entrant and standby personnel, etc)?
Lockout/Tagout and Machine Hazards
Are machine guards in place? Is LOTO utilized properly?
Tools & Equipment
In good condition, including no missing or damaged guards, power cords in good condition, ground prongs not missing, etc). Correct equipment is used for the job.
Electrical Hazards
GFCI protection used. Extension cords in good shape, protected from damage, and not used permanently. Circuits not overloaded, electrical equipment not near water, no exposed live wiring, etc. Minimum 10-foot distance maintained from overhead power lines.
Hot Work
Was a Hot Work Permit completed and protective measures employed?
Hoisting Equipment
Loads not lifted over persons, not in close proximity to obstacles, and 10-feet minimum distance from overhead power lines. Lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks, appears in good condition. Safe Working Loads are not exceeded. Inspections performed.
Environmental & Health Hazards
Are chemicals, including fuel, stored and transported safely? Health hazards controlled? Adequate dust suppression? Adequate systems to prevent contamination of storm water drains?
Other Comments, Notes or Sketches: