Warehouse Site reference
Conducted on
Audited by
Additional Documents
Checklist Warehouse ZEU
General work place
Are floors in good condition, free from slip trip hazards and clean not spill
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Are walkways clean and free from slip trip hazards
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Are all loading bays clear and in good condition
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Are all produce containers stored off the floor thus preventing trip hazards
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Is floor cleaning equipment readily available for clearing spillages
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Are work stations so organised that allows user to operate safely
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Are workplace transport procedures being observed
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Are correct chemicals segregation protocols being followed
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Are floors and corridors clean to avoid any slips/trips/falls risks are present
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FLT ( Forklift Trucks ) & Others Lifting Equipements
What type of FLT are using ?
Do you manage a list of driving licences for drivers ?
Do you have rules for FLT entering in ATEX zones ?
Are using Charging stations fro FLT's (They are clean, fire protected, detached buildinds, ventilation)?
What are the rules for stacking IBC's and drums ( IBC max 2 level, Drums 4 levels ) ?
Electrical Hazards and risk of Fire
Are you safety cabinets clean and locked to un-authorized people
Who is authorized to access to electrical cabinet/panel ?
Could you provide us an example of authorized licence from electrician ?
Do you perform PAD testing and thermal infra-red checking
Do you have in the past a Safety alert linked with electrical hazard ( smouldering, ignition, fire ) ?
Do you have in place a pest control policy ? ( Avoid cables damages by rats/mice)
Do you install in the electrical cabinet a pest control element when the electrical cabinet is in the basement ?
Is there an Electrical Preventive Maintenance (EPM) program in place (including thermography) ?
Do you use an UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) in your premises ? If yes do you have considered sufficient Ventilation, Maintenance and specific fire detectors in the room the UPS is installed ?
Fire & Emergency Provisions
Are fire exits clear of obstructions
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Outside : Are combustible materials stored a minimum 5 meters away from the building/premises
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Are fire extinguishers kept free from obstruction, in their correct storage location, undamaged, fully laden and in date
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Are emergency spill kits present and accessible at any time
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Are fire alarm call points free from obstruction
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Are buildings protected with fire resistance doors and fire wall
Are building protected with sprinkler systems ?
Are storage protected with water or high /low density Foam system ?
What type of drainage are using (pumping, pipes, trenches) ? what are the volume ?
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Sprinkler Room and Pumping Station
Is you Pumpig / spinkler station detached from main building or well protected ?
Is high visibility and any others PPE ( gloves, masks, respiratory ) available to colleagues where appropriate
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Are eye protection, gloves and aprons provided in charging areas
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Is safety footwear being worn and soles in good condition
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Are safety gloves being worn and in good condition, I.e. fingers not cut off
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Are the mandatory hearing protection areas, if yes is hearing protection being worn
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Compliance : permits
Do you have a copy available of the existing permit/licence to operate ?
Are you registered as SEVESO site
Have you been prosecuted in the past for any deviation regarding your permit ?
Insurance Landscape
Have a insurrance policy for facilities and all materials '
Manual Handling
Are good manual handling techniques being observed
Please provide media and/or notes using the buttons below.
Are manual handling aids being used as provided for
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Are wheels free from debris and free moving
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Is there any lifting above shoulder height being observed
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Equipment & Machinery
Is all equipment in good working order
Is the area around machinery, clean, clear and in good order
Are all fixed guards secured with only approved means, such as, nuts & bolts, Allen nuts - there should be no screws
Are interlocks functioning as they should - machine stops when open
Are all control panels locked and secure
Are all electrical sockets in good order
Are their any trailing or damaged cables
Are there any sharp edges on equipment
Are there any damaged emergency stop buttons
Are there any damaged isolation switches
Have all pre-start checks been completed
Are there any compressed air leaks
Are there any ladders/step ladders without ladder tags and or inspection record
If there is machinery being cleaned has isolation & lock off been implemented correctly
Hazardous substances
Are substances stored and secured to prevent unauthorised use
Are containers used for decanting displaying same label as original container
Is there good general illumination, any missing or faulty loading bay lamps
Are washing facility areas kept clean and acceptable
Workplace Transport
Are Daily pre start checks undertaken
Is battery room clean and well organised
Please provide media and/or notes using the buttons below.
Are all mhe users carrying appropriate authorisation
Loading/unloading docks
Have reach trucks been observed on dock and respected safety instructions
Are yellow routes on docks not blocked with pallets
Is housekeeping acceptable in the dock
Are colleagues observed walking across the dock in Safety
Are safety pad interlocks installed on dock during loading/unloading activities
Are colleagues working in line of fire whilst loads are being loaded or unloaded
Racking & general storage
Racking system secure & undamaged
Base protection in place & un damaged
Loading signs in place and being observed
Pallets stable and secure
Empty pallets stacked securely and stable
Damaged racking isolated and warning signs in place
Chilled store & cold store
Are chiller doors in good condition & well maintained
Are chiller floors free from contamination
Is storage well controlled with good access throughout
Is hearing protection available, where applicable worn
Management Systems & Training
Does your facility have a management system in place, or is it developing one, to assess environmental risks associated with production?
Is your facility management system in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations?
Does your facility have up-to-date ISO 14001, RC 14001, or EMAS certification?
Please list relevant certifications.
Does your facility hold the necessary license(s) or permit(s) for and has the facility received any fines, prosecution, or warnings by regulators in relation to (select all that apply):
- Air emissions
- Storage or use of hazardous substances
- Preventing soil & groundwater contamination
- Wastewater management
- Waste issues
Are environmental policies, practices, and expectations communicated to all employees and suppliers in local or appropriate languages?
Are employees trained on relevant environmental matters, including (select all that apply):
- Air emissions
- Management & use of hazardous substances
- Preventing soil & groundwater contamination
- Wastewater management
- Waste management, including hazardous waste
- Water use
Does your facility have established environmental targets and objectives to improve environmental performance?
What are the targets & objectives?
Does your facility review its environmental performance annually?
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions & Energy Usage
Does your facility monitor and track energy consumption and conduct on-site energy audits?
Does your facility have a system in place to reduce the environmental impact of energy use and greenhouse gases?
Does your facility have a program and/or procedures to reduce the use of energy?
Does your facility have goals and targets to reduce GHG emissions?
What are the targets?
Does your facility have set goals and targets in relation to increased energy efficiency?
What are the targets?
Total annual GHG emissions in the most recent year measured (enter in total metric tons CO2e)?
Does your facility report GHG emissions and climate change strategy to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) or publicly disclose an equivalent amount and type of information on an annual basis?
Air Emissions
Does your facility regularly test air emissions (i.e. NOx, SOx, mercury, hazardous air pollutants)?
Does your facility have a system in place to manage air emissions?
Does your facility have set targets in relation to reducing air emissions?
What are the targets?
Does your facility have pollution prevention devices on chimneys, vents, and extraction systems?
Water Management
Does your facility have a system in place to manage and monitor water withdrawals and consumption?
Does your facility have a program and/or procedures to reduce water use or reuse/recycle water?
Does your facility have set targets to reduce water consumption?
What are the targets?
Does your facility have a system in place to address wastewater generation and management?
Does your facility treat wastewater prior to off-site discharge?
What is the standard?
Does your facility identify the sources of its water (e.g. aquifers, municipal water sourced from local water body, harvested rainwater, etc.)?
Does your facility assess external supply and quality risks related to these water sources?
Waste Management
Does your facility have a program and/or procedures to reduce or eliminate pollution and waste in its operations?
Does your facility have a recycling program to reduce or eliminate pollution and waste in its operations?
Does your facility have a program and/or procedures to manage and dispose of hazardous waste (if applicable), wastewater, solid waste, and airborne emissions?
Does your facility have set targets to reduce the volume of waste generated?
What are the targets?
Does your facility maintain records of off-site transfer, treatment, and disposal of waste?
Does your facility have external waste contractors?
Do you conduct regular audits of those contractors?
Do they have relevant certifications?
Have they received any compliance violations within the past 3 years?
Does your facility have goals and targets to reduce, reuse, and recycle the amount of packaging used for its products?
What are the targets?
Does your facility incorporate packaging reduction, reuse, and recycling in its purchasing practices?
Pollution Prevention
Does your facility consider Design for Environment (DfE) in its development of products?
Does your facility use life cycle assessment (LCA) as part of determining chemical selection for product inputs?
Does your facility use chemical hazard assessment and/or comparative chemical hazard assessment as part of determining chemical selection for product inputs?
Does your facility assess whether substances stored, used, or handled on-site are prohibited by national or international laws or protocols?
Does your facility have a system in place to address pollution prevention and management of hazardous and potentially hazardous substances?
Does your facility maintain up-to-date material safety data sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous substances used on-site?
Does your facility set targets in relation to eliminating or reducing hazardous substances on-site?
What are the targets?
Does your facility conduct tests to identify impact on soil and groundwater from facility operations?
Other Raw Materials
Does your facility keep inventory of all chemical substances used, stored, processed, and manufactured?
Does your facility have a program and/or procedures to reduce the use of resources (other than water), and promote sustainable natural resource practices?
Does your facility have a policy statement and/or management system that addresses conflict minerals?
Does your company engage with the government, commercial contacts, or civil society groups regarding conflict minerals and/or rare earth materials?
With whom?
Does your facility have in place targets and programs to reduce overall sustainability impacts by managing transportation logistics (e.g. prioritizing low impact transportation modes)?
What are the targets and programs?
Sign off
Any others observations