Title Page
Site Conducted
Date Conducted
Part 1 - Authorisation by Permit Co-Ordinator
Contractor's Supervisor
Permit Date
Permit Start Time
Permit Finish Time
Confined space location and description, including any plant or processes
Hazards - the following processes within the confined spaces have been withdrawn from service:
Electrical Power
Pressure Systems
Mechanical Power
Liquids/Flowing Substances
Relevant isolation permit no.
There exists the potential for the following hazards to be present:
Flammable substances
Ingress/Presence of Liquids
Oxygen Enrichment
Oxygen Deficiency
Solids That Can Flow
Toxic Gases, Fumes or Vapours
Excessive Heat
Excessive Cold
Activities within the confined space
Safe Systems - A suitable and sufficient written safe system of work must be produced for this activity
Risk Assessment document no.
Risk Assessment author
Method Statement document no.
Method Statement author
The confined space has been assessed and the following control measures, identified within the written safe system of work, are to be implemented (tick all that apply)
Removal of Residues
Full Breathing Apparatus (BA)
Escape BA only
Use of Intrinsically Safe Tools
Purge Atmosphere Before Entry
First Aid/Emergency Procedures
Forced Ventilation/Extraction
Tools and Equipment Checked for Safe Use
Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease) Cards Issued
System of Communication in Place (e.g. radios/mobiles)
Team Lead Only/Rescue Team
Warning Signs/Barriers in Place
Safety Harnesses/Lifelines
Competency of Work Team Checked
Continued atmospheric testing - record unit type/serial no.
Permission is granted to work within the confined space according to the safe system
Part 2 - Receipt by Supervisor
A recorded briefing has been delivered to the workforce on this safe system of work
As the supervisor, I am familiar with the scope of work and safe systems to be implemented
Part 3 - Completion by Supervisor
The activities authorised by this permit have finished and the confined space fully vacated
Part 4 - Cancellation by Permit Co-Ordinator
The confined space and any plant within it have been returned to service
The activities authorised by this permit have now ceased. The cancellation of this permit now precludes any further work taking place in this confined space