General Site Parameters
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Time of the inspection
Visual Inspections
Are there any visual defects to be seen on the vacuum lifter? (cracks on rubber/gauge/steel work etc.)
Is the SWL (Safe-Working-Load) visible on the tag / equipment nr?
what is the SWL of the vacuum lifter (in kg)?
Is the latest inspection date visible on the vacuum lifter?
Is the object that you are going to pick up damaged?
do you need to use an alternative lifting method ?
- Manually
- Manually with 2 or more persons
- Forktruck
- Slings
- A smaller or larger suction lifter
Operator Awareness
Is the correct PPE being worn for this task ?
Is the operator trained to use vacuum lifters?
Is the operator aware of the weight that he/she is picking up ?
Does the operator require training on how to calculate or identify the unit weight of the item in question ? (ie. L*W*T*density calculations or where to find the unit-weight)
Is the operator using the right vacuum lifter for this task (Size & SWL)?
Is the operator doing the task with the correct manual handling posture ? ( straight arms , no body parts (legs/feet) under the lifted item)
Has the operator left enough space around his/her working area to take evasive action in case of a failure/emergency/unplanned events
Was the working area tidy ?<br>Specifically in and around the area of movement with the vacuum lifter.<br>(no muck or debris, loose tools, air/water hoses in the way etc.)
Electrical Checks
Is the isolator switch of the vacuum lifter easily identifiable?
did the operator know where it was ?
Is the audible alarm on the vacuum lifter working when vacuum isn't reached
Does the audible alarm kick in when power is lost to the vacuum <br>*warning only test with dummy objects*
How long does the object retain its vacuum after power is lost to the device ? (time in seconds)
Motor / Pump
Is the operator aware of the cleaning routine of the air/water filters on the vacuum lifter?
Did you explain to the operator how often this requires cleaning
When the operator was finished with this taks, did he/she turn the motor off?