• RAMS - in place, current, approved, briefed & signed?

  • COSHH - SDS/assessments available for all substances and easily retrieved/accessed?

  • PERMITS - all relevant permits issued, current/valid, signed and (when required) correctly closed?

  • LIFTING PLANS - in place, current, approved, briefed & signed?

  • ATTENDANCE REGISTERS - all personnel correctly signing in/out?

  • PLANT & EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS - completed regularly, suitably recorded and filed?

  • INCIDENT REPORTING - accident book and incident report forms available, correctly completed?

  • POINT OF WORK RISK ASSESSMENT - completed appropriately?

  • COMMUNICATION - adequate evidence of daily activity briefings, tool box talks etc.?


  • ISOLATIONS/LOTO - are all energy sources suitably de-energised, purged etc. and adequate locks/securings in place?

  • MOBILE PLANT - fit-for-purpose, free from defect, valid servicing/inspection

  • LIFTING EQUIPMENT - free from defect, correctly labelled, valid LOLER certification and colour-tagging.

  • ACCESS EQUIPMENT - fit-for-purpose, free from defect, correct application, evidence of valid inspection.

  • ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - free from defect or evidence of damage, overheating, burning, cables/leads in tact, valid PAT?

  • TOOLS - fit-for-purpose, free from defect, guards/covers intact and in place, handles correctly fitted.

  • SPILL KITS - present and fit-for-purpose, suitably located, fully stocked?

  • STORAGE - storage facilities adequate, secure, well-maintained?


  • PLANT/PEDESTRIAN SEGREGATION - adequate separation of plant movements from pedestrians?

  • ACCESS ROUTES & WALKWAYS - clear and well-signed, free from obstructions and trip/slip hazards, suitable width?

  • HOUSEKEEPING - adequate storage and organisation of laydown areas, no excessive accumulation of materials, adequate disposal of waste?

  • FIRST AID - suitable provision of first aid personnel and first aid equipment?

  • EMERGENCY RESOURCES - suitable provision and signing of escape routes, fire-fighting equipment, fire-alarm call points, assembly points?

  • COSHH STORAGE - original, labelled & sealed containers, storage protected from damage/disturbance, secondary containment, incompatible materials separated?

  • OTHER ACTIVITIES - are activities adjacent, above or below suitably separated and co-ordinated?

  • WASTE MANAGEMENT - are waste streams suitably separated and diverted to correct waste disposal locations?

  • WELFARE - are welfare facilities adequate and well-maintained?


  • HOT WORKS - adequate control of ignition sources and combustible materials, fire-fighting equipment and fire watch present?

  • OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - adequate control of exposure to dust, fumes, noise, vibration, light etc.

  • INDUCTION - all personnel received site induction?

  • COMPETENCE - all personnel possess relevant and valid competence for the work they are undertaking?

  • PPE - all personnel wearing correct PPE, maintaining and storing PPE adequately when not in use?

  • WORKING PRACTICES - all personnel following RAMS, adopting control measures and implementing permit requirements?

  • SAFE/UNSAFE BEHAVIOURS - all personnel observed working in manner without excessive/unnecessary risk from working behaviours?

  • SUPERVISION - adequate levels and competence of supervision for all work groups?

  • OTHER - are all other hazards and issues adequately managed?



The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.