Site Name
Conducted on
Inspected by
Are the grounds in a good condition?
Are they gardens well maintained?
Is the grass cut to an adequate length?
Is there any overgrown weeds?
Is the car park in a good condition?
Are the windows clean?
Is there any visible damage to the windows
Is the bin store clean and in good condition?
Is the bin store overflowing
Are the bins damaged?
Is there any sign of pests?
Is there any damaged gutters/fall pipes/soffits?
Is the Entry system working?
Is the Main Door damaged ?
Is the Main Door in good condition?
Are the drains in good condition?
Is the external lighting working properly?
Is the paving in good condition?
Is the roof in good condition?
Are all fences in good condition?
Is there any dumped rubbish or large items in the external areas?
Are there any for sale or to let boards?
Are there any overflow leaks?
Are there any abandoned vehicles?
Meter Readings
Is there an electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Upload Meter
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Is there electricity another meter to read?
Meter number
Other Items
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Signature of Inspector