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Handover & Collateral Delivered to Chorus
1.000 Design
1.001 - All documentation lodged in itools e.g. scope, CDPs, RMA site plans, lay, hauling and grid plans
1.040 - Tasks completed as per proposed plan
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2.000 Handover & Collateral Delivered to Chorus
2.022 - Cable Plant Alteration (CPA) forms completed and correct<br>
2.025 - As-builts accurately reflect what was built
2.028 - Handover procedure followed, WATCH form applied and correct. Bearer connectivity confirmed "end to end"<br>
2.029 - Commissioning information meets specified requirements. NetMAP updated, integrity checked & confirmed. PRA passes<br>
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6.000 Work Areas & Safety
6.014 - Referrals: Any defects to existing network outside of scope of project referred to be rectified in the future
6.018 - Confined space entry permit completed<br>
6.024 - All services clearances maintained<br>
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9.000 MDF
9.009 - MDF: Old jumpers removed
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11.000 OFDF & Exchange Fibre:
11.007 - Fibre: 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations
11.013 - H&S: No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained
11.024 - Network labelling correct at AOFDF and log completed<br>
11.025 - Access OFDF patch-cords routed within mandrels. Excess length stored at AOFDF end<br>
11.026 - Patch cords on the POLT are installed and labelled<br>
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13.000 Cable Haul
13.022 - Fibre cable prepared for joint correctly in manholes (cable management tidy to cable loop brackets)<br>
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Comments: Please refer to the relevant task code for any comments.
14.000 Cable Removal
14.001 - Correct cables recovered.
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15.000 Cable & Duct Lay
15.016 - Fibre Cable Installation: Metallic cable location cable installed<br>
15.020 - Bridge crossing: U channel, brackets, covers and pipe galvanised. All anchor bolts and fittings robust and secure<br>
15.021 - Route markers installed (Rural only)<br>
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16.000 Microduct Directional Drill & Lay
16.031 - All microduct ends of runs are sealed with end-caps, then approved closure fitted<br>
16.032 - Microduct capped , wrapped in heatshrink and labelled, then either buried or housed in approved enclosure (eg pedestal, handhole). Marker peg left for ROW , and locate marker installed at buried lateral location or soft surface<br>
16.033 - Microduct - ends on correct customer boundary<br>
16.034 - 1-way microduct correctly labelled<br>
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17.000 Manhole, Joint Chamber & Ducts (new and existing)
17.016 - Ducts sealed where necessary to prevent the ingress of water, moisture, gas, pests into buildings and cabinets<br>
17.021 - New ducts into existing manholes - correct hole size and location cut in manhole wall for new duct entry<br>
17.032 - Manhole correctly installed as per standard. Including framework removed, throat correct, duct entry grouted, reamed and flush to ground<br>
17.033 - Manhole cable management arms installed as required. Cable management correct and treadplates installed where required<br>
17.034 - Unused feeder ducts plugged/sealed-, with duct correct hole size and location cut in manhole for new duct entry<br>
17.035 - Direct fibre feed hauling tape installed and secured at each end<br>
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18.000 Manhole Cable Management
18.003 - Fibre cable protection when required-tread plate/split subduct/bandit tape<br>
18.007 - All cables managed tidily on bracket and arms, Joint closure secured on bracket and labelling completed<br>
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19.000 Fibre Jointing & Closure
19.010 - 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations<br>
19.014 - No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained<br>
19.018 - Joint closure secured on manufacturers bracket, NETMAP label on closure and each cable tail labelled with cable ID. Laser safety label (starburst) visible outside and inside closure. Non metallic strength member anchored. Metallic strength member isolated.<br>
19.019 - Unused tubes controlled, managed, secured without stress<br>
19.020 - Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement<br>
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20.000 Copper Cable Jointing
20.001 - Cables pressure maintained<br>
20.005 - Correct jointing connectors & tool used<br>
20.009 - Spare exchange ducts sealed where necessary to prevent the ingress of water, moisture, gas, pests<br>
20.011 - No obstruction of spare ducts, earth continuity maintained as required. All Cables labelled and identified clearly<br>
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21.000 Copper Heat shrink Closure (incl PEDCAP & Radi)
21.007 - Pressurised closure has pressure valve fitted/test OK<br>
21.008 - Closure management; manhole arms or direct buried has protective slab<br>
21.009 - Closure sized correct, branch clip used and installed to standard, O-ring installed and closure labelled<br>
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24.000 SSA
24.003 - SSA cable type and size correct<br>
24.010 - End terminations and cable management correct, SSA tension, sag and twist (anti dancing) correct<br>
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25.000 Poles
25.033 - Unsafe poles labelled / marked for replacement/7 days and noted in Hazadous Pole Register<br>
25.042 - All tagged poles in NetMAP<br>
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37.000 Passive Copper Cabinet
37.021 - Outer door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming. Door stays are in place and all work well, Door seals in good condition. Locks and hinges ok<br>
37.022 - Distribution Frame: Correct modules installed and labelled correctly. Data cards (D & E Side) in door. Cabling/jumpering run correctly with dead jumpers removed<br>
37.023 - All duct seals in place, locks and hinges OK, plus site tidy, no task waste<br>
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40.000 Pillar Terminal
40.004 - Lead-in through base only
40.007 - Minimum sheath height 50mm (30mm if in concrete and/or uneconomic to repair, 80mm for V3)
40.008 - Coloured zip ties to 25 pair groups (not too tight)<br>
40.013 - Unused pairs capped<br>
40.016 - Encapsulated loop resealed correctly<br>
40.023 - Pillar ID correct and lid secure and placed vertical<br>
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41.000 BDD Terminal/Channel Pit
41.024 - Pit installed correctly and lids secure/locked, with bung fitted where appropriate<br>
41.025 - 2m loops at pits and 2m insulated tail installed at last pit<br>
41.026 - Plastic bags installed & secure and coloured ties secured to 25 pair groups<br>
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42.000 Pedestal/IFDB
42.004 - PDS network labelled correctly (when housing a copper loop or other MDF customer feed)<br>
42.008 - Foam bung fitted/in correct position<br>
42.013 - Unused pairs capped<br>
42.015 - Micro duct sheath opening 50mm above bung<br>
42.025 - Starter pipe(s) installed to facilitate provisioning of NGA services<br>
42.026 - MD and connectors installed in vertical positions only<br>
42.027 - Pedestal - vertical, firm, depth , lid secure, with foam bung fitted<br>
42.028 - QF terminal labelling correct and QF secured to backing plate<br>
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Comments: Please refer to the relevant task code for any comments.
55.000 Network Records
55.101 - CVLS test proves continuity<br>
55.106 - Recording made to the appropriate standards (FOGs , UCP, Schematic , ..). Records match what was build/completed in the field<br>
55.108 - Cable pair records updated in ICMS<br>
55.109 - Adjoining sheets have been referenced, and references are consistent across FOG plans. As built fibre connectivity correct and matches FOG Plan<br>
55.110 - Address report shows necessary allocations in the field<br>
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68.000 Fibre Access Terminal
68.019 - No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained<br>
68.032 - All latches are closed - ports blocked/sealed , O-Ring installed, and swing arm and bracket in working order.<br>
68.033 - Fibre correctly managed within FAT and trays , only two Fibres per tray, and 30mm bending radius observed. Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement<br>
68.034 - FAT labelled correctly and strain relief installed<br>
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72.000 Reinstatement
72.029 - Reinstatement completed to standard with no trip hazards, and surplus soil/material removed<br>
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73.000 Site Tidy
73.024 - Site tidy, no task waste - general<br>
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74.000 Hand Holes
74.003 - Starter pipe(s) installed to facilitate provisioning of NGA services<br>
74.017 - Bedding done correctly and compacted , Hand hole locked, with lock facing the customer boundary and openable, flush with ground, lid free from concrete/seal , and sited correctly (close to customer boundary, hard surface, foot traffic only)<br>
74.018 - Single way ribbonet, one turn only, end cap installed and sealed with heat shrink, labelled maximum of four single way ribbonets installed, and 30mm bend radius observed at all times<br>
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77.000 UFB-Channel Flash 9 Installation
77.009 - Locking collar on closure is secured with locking bolt. ID label facing upwards<br>
77.016 - Incoming & outgoing fibre cables in correct 12mm tubes<br>
77.024 - Spiral wrap buffer tube protection installed and secured at the UMS with a cable tie<br>
77.027 - All microducts are labelled<br>
77.029 - Joint bundle wrapped in Eziwrap or A3 - 250 micron clear plastic and secured<br>
77.042 - Microducts 1 - 26 enter through 3 RH ports (viewed from swing arm)<br>
77.044 - 100mm duct capped at pole<br>
77.064 - Water ingress - no water access to closure<br>
77.067 - Pressure testing completed<br>
77.068 - Earth wire managed and secured to pit wall and Velcro ties secured to wall<br>
77.070 - Correct microduct connectors used to join and seal microduct (5mm & 12mm), All spare 5mm & 12mm tubes capped within end cap.<br>
77.071 - Correct size gas blocks installed on 12mm microducts outside of closure containing optic fibre cable. Correct 12mm divisible seals used.<br>
77.072 - Closure base 'O' ring clean, dry undamaged & correctly seated. Spare 'O' ring in closure, and pit lid free of reinstatement materials<br>
77.073 - All 5mm microducts trimmed to 80mm in height from base, and 12mm tubes 40mm in height<br>
77.074 - Lid closure labelled correctly with netmap ID and facing upwards , 12 mm microduct carrying a cable is correctly labelled with netmap elements<br>
77.075 - Fibre routed and laid up correctly in trays, splitter and its input leg splice is installed on correct tray<br>
77.076 - Figure 8 grommet port seated correctly in base , and cable sheath between 10mm and 20mm above grommet<br>
77.077 - Cables correctly labelled with section ID using Critchley system<br>
77.078 - Correct number of SC & SE trays installed<br>
77.079 - Lid in place on the top SC, SE, & UMS trays<br>
77.080 - Micro duct tubes routed correctly in pit - minimum bend radius not exceeded - 50mm of inner black sheath past outer green sheath<br>
77.081 - Earth wire managed and secured to pit wall and Velcro ties secured to wall<br>
77.082 - Direct buried ADSS fibre protected at pit entry with 50mm duct<br>
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78.000 Building Distributor
78.001 - Correct reducers used and protection installed, appropriate external pipe and fixings used<br>
78.004 - Feeder/fibre cables labelled correctly. Incoming fibre secured to anchor point with foam and zip tie<br>
78.013 - Two fibres per tray only<br>
78.017 - No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained<br>
78.026 - Fire & smoke barriers reinstated in accordance to AS/NZS3000 Standard<br>
78.039 - Distribution Frame: Data card inside drawer and labelled with the splitter, unit, level #<br>
78.064 - Feeding structure installed correctly - vertical, lid secure, labelled and coils managed correctly<br>
78.065 - Feeding structure and feeder cables recorded correctly in NetMAP - including reservations for future PON splitters"<br>
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80.000 Aerial Cable
80.006 - Aerial cable within 800mm of existing low voltage envelope<br>
80.007 - No new road crossings created<br>
80.009 - ADSS cable correct tension & sag matches that of existing lines as best as possible<br>
80.010 - Cable down pole secured with down-lead clamp & Fibre on lower section of pole protected with cover<br>
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Comments: Please refer to the relevant task code for any comments.