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Report issued by Dexion North Queensland

Relevant Information


  • It is recommended that the end user refer to Section 8 - “Operation and Maintenance of Adjustable Pallet Racking” of AS4084 (Steel Storage Racking) for racking inspection and
    maintenance procedures. As a supplement to the code recommendation, the following information has been compiled based on AS4084 and the FEM recommendation. For your information, FEM (Federation Europeene de la Manutention) is a European industrial body made up from various national organisations representing the storage equipment manufactures in their own country.

    The Pallet Racking system requires no maintenance, other than to replace possible damage through incorrect operation. The system should be regularly inspected.


  • It is recommended that a ‘Rack Safety Officer’ is appointed and a procedure put in place so that any damage or unsafe occurrence can be reported, thus ensuring that any necessary actions can be taken to maintain a safe working environment.
    The safety officer would undertake routine inspections, keeping maintenance and safety reports.


  • The following colour coding; Green, Orange, and Red are classifications of risk as defined by FEM ‘Guidelines for the Safe Use of Static Racking’

    Green Risk: Damage requiring surveillance.
    Orange Risk: Hazardous damage requiring action as soon as possible.
    Red Risk: Very serious damage requiring immediate action.


    Damage requiring surveillance.
    For damage to frames in which the limits are not exceeded. This would indicate racks where some damage was present but was considered non-critical.
    Such damaged components should be recorded as suitable for further service until the next management inspection, but clearly identified for further re-examination at future inspections.

    Hazardous damage requiring action as soon as possible.
    For damage to frames in which the limits are exceeded by up to a factor of two. This would identify an area where the damage was sufficiently severe to warrant remedial work but not so severe as to warrant the immediate off-loading of the rack. Once the rack is unloaded however, it should not be re-loaded until repairs have been carried out. In the event that the storage position remains full for several days after the initial identification of the problem, the rack should be off-loaded for repair without further delay.
    The USER company must have a method of isolating such racks to ensure that they do not come back into use until the necessary repairs have been carried out and the equipment certified as safe. For example, use could be made of dated adhesive labels, which indicate racks that are not to be re-loaded until rectified. In practice any racking with ORANGE RISK category damage should be re-designated RED RISK damage if remedial work has not been carried out within four weeks of the original designation.

    Very serious damage requiring immediate action.
    For damage to frames in which the limits exceed a factor greater than two.
    These are situations where a critical level of damage is identified which warrants an area of racking being immediately off-loaded and isolated from future use until repair work is carried out. Such repair work would involve replacement of the damaged item.
    USER companies must have a method of isolating areas to ensure that they do not come back into use prior to the repair work being carried out. For example, a particular bay could be off-loaded in the presence of the inspector and roped off to prevent further use.


  • Daily Inspections
    This applies to operator care of the system.
    _ Ensure the correct application and use of equipment.
    _ Ensure that the safe working loads are adhered to.
    _ Damaged pallets must not be entered into the system and should be removed as they occur.
    _ Any safety issues or damage to the structure should be reported to the Safety Officer who will carry out the risk assessment and identify the risk as necessary.
    Weekly Inspections
    The Safety Officer will perform visual inspection carried out from ground level of all the racking.
    This should include all forms of accidental damage classed as Red or Orange Risk.
    Monthly Inspections
    This should be carried out in a similar manner to the weekly inspection, but include the physical emptying of random bays in order to carry out a more detailed inspection.
    _ It should also be used to check that items already identified as Red Risk have been isolated with the necessary actions taken to rectify the risk. Similarly Orange Risk items should be checked to ensure repairs are underway.
    _ Ensure that all safe working load signs, maintenance and other safety signs are in place.
    Six to Twelve Monthly Inspections
    Must be completed at least once every Twelve months. A major inspection by a technically competent person fully experienced in the identification and categorisation of rack damage. Such a person may be an external specialist capable of giving an independent assessment of the racking. This review should also examine the performance of the reporting procedures and that actual repairs are being carried out.
    The inspection should be comprehensive and include checking for out-of-plumb and ensure that the rack installation has not been altered. A copy of the load application and configuration drawings shall be retained for this purpose.


  • Repairs and rectifications to racking systems should only be undertaken by a trained and competent person. Dexion North Queensland recommends all works be completed in accordance with the time frames based on the colour coded level of damage.

Site Compliance Issues

Site 1

  • Rack inspection check list

  • Serial
  • Rack/s

  • Bay/s

  • Material/Manufacturer

  • Comments

  • Observations

  • Comments

  • Item

  • Specifications

  • Specifications

  • Component notes

  • Component notes

  • Specifications

  • Specifications

  • Location

  • Comments

  • Rating

  • Recommended Actions

  • Comments

  • Photo

  • Rectifications completed by

  • Signature

  • Date completed

Additional Comments/Recommendations

  • Are user manuals retained on site

  • Are racking plans retained on site

  • Additional Comments

  • Photo

  • Inspectors Signature

The contents of this report have been discussed with the site contact. All damages and/or compliance issues requiring immediate action have been identified and brought to the attention of the undersigned.

  • Client Signature

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