
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Scoring System:
    Anything that is not green or blue, requires a corrective action.


  • Are safety meetings being held in a weekly basis?

  • Are MSDS trainings being held on a weekly basis?

  • Are departmental procedures being trained to on a weekly basis?

  • Is the Emergency Contact Sign posted in the department?

  • Area is free of trip hazards. (Cords, hoses,open pits, etc.)


  • Aisles kept clear and pallets properly stored?

  • Cylinders are secured.

  • Work surfaces are free of slip hazards.

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation?

  • Prompt disposal of combustible waste?

  • Window and doors operate properly?

  • Cleanliness ( safety related)

  • Condition of floors. (Free from trip hazards, slip hazards, water hazards, etc.)

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Properly mapped on ERP map?

  • Have an assigned station and labeled?

  • Readily visible-located in designated place?

  • Accessible, not obstructed?

  • Operating instructions legible, facing outward?

  • Hung correctly and poses no hazards?

  • Pressure gage in operating range?

  • Annual inspection up-to-date?

  • All LOTO authorized employees been trained?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • All authorized employees have been issued the necessary equipment to comply with the program?

  • Area Supervisor has been trained to LOTO?

  • Supervisor's have reviewed LOTO applications to ensure their accuracy?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • All confined spaces that might contain serious hazards have been evaluated and posted with appropriate "permit required" signs?

  • Persons who are required to Supervise employees who may have to enter a Permit Confined space have been trained?

  • If a permit required confined space has been entered, has a permit been issued and followed?

  • Has the supervisor reviewed the confined space to ensure it was applied properly?

  • Is rescue/ retrieval equipment available to enter the space?

  • Is proper PPE available to enter the space?

  • Have all employees in the department, who may be involved in Permit Confined Space, been properly trained?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Electrical panels and disconnect boxes are clear from obstructions. ( 3 ft)

  • Electrical cords are protected from chaffing and abrasion.

  • Emergency lighting?

  • Circuit breakers labeled correctly?

  • Extension cords and wires in traffic areas covered?

  • Dust proof outlets where required?

  • Disconnects labeled?

  • Outlets, electrical switches, junction boxes have covers and are secure. (No exposed wires)

  • Strain reliefs on electrical cords are intact?

  • All open holes or knockouts on electrical boxes are properly covered and closed?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Railing and toe boards in place?

  • Employees inspect ladders prior to use? (Ask at least two employees in the area)

  • Ladder is in good condition?

  • Platform is slip resistant?

  • Ladder is free of build-up? (i.e. Wax)

  • All damaged ladders are discarded or tagged out-of-service for repair?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:

  • Comments:


  • All safety devices are in place and adequate?

  • Are safety devices functioning properly? (Test alarms, emergency switches,etc.)

  • Is lockout tagout being used where required? (Verify with employees... Locks available, tags available, and employee seems knowledgable about the program)

  • Lockout tagout equipment available?

  • All machines have specific lockout tagout procedures near the point of use?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Are spill kids and first aid kids located in their designated locations?

  • Are the spill kits and first aid kits accessible? (Not obstructed)

  • Are all the used material replaced?

  • Are all exits clearly marked?

  • Is the Evacuation map posted?

  • Are all emergency exits free of obstruction?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Capacity marked?

  • No damaged to the lifting straps.

  • Do the operators conduct a daily inspection prior to using the crane or hoist? (Ask two employees what do they check on a daily basis and if they conducted a check today)

  • Inspection tag on crane/hoist?

  • Safety latches on lifting hooks?

  • Control pendants are labeled with directional controls?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • All obsolete labels removed?

  • MSDS easily accessible?

  • MSDS book is up-to-date?

  • Obsolete equipment removed?

  • Spill kits in place?

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Material properly stored?

  • All containers labeled?

  • Secondary containment in place?

  • Ventilation ducts are clear of obstruction?

  • Loads are properly distributed on storage medium?

  • Load capacity labeled on each shelf?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Tools are in good condition? ( no mushroomed tools or cracks)

  • Employees are using the right tool for the job? ( audit two employees)

  • Safety devices are not being by-passed?

  • Air valves are free of obstruction? ( i.e. Valve is not used as a hook)

  • How many hand trucks audited?

  • How many hand trucks audited, needs some kind of repair?

  • How many carts audited?

  • How many carts audited , needs some type of repair?

  • Hand trucks/ carts are in good condition? (Wheels, handles, screws, rivets, welds, etc.)

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Are proper warning signs posted?

  • Are lockout Tagout signs posted where required?

  • Do all pinch points have proper warning signs or labels?

  • Welding arc warning signs posted?

  • Are confined space warning signs posted where required?

  • Are PPE signs posted and accurate?

  • Exit signs clear, visible, and accurate?

  • Slip hazards marked and identified with proper warning signs?

  • Are all secondary containers labeled properly?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Chairs in proper working condition?

  • Desks and work stations in safe condition?

  • Tables and desks are not overloaded?

  • Items are not stacked too high? ( risk of falling over, causes employee to stretch into extreme red zone)

  • Shelves in good condition? (Stable, no risk of collapsing, properly constructed)

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Rotating shafts properly guarded?

  • No missing guards? ( belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, drums, flywheels, chains, or other reciprocating, rotating, or moving parts.)

  • Sight glass on all gauges are intact and damage free?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • All cylinders are chained and properly stored?

  • Compressed gas cylinders systems are turned off and regulator/line bled when not in use?

  • Caps are on bottles when not in use?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Is the department PPE sign posted and current?

  • Are the process specific signs posted and current?

  • Number of employees audited? (Audit employees to the department PPE requirements as well as the process specific requirements)

  • Are the employees wearing the required PPE?

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:


  • Wiped clean and free of obstruction? ( if in an area with acidic or caustic material, it must be within 6 ft of chemical use and a clear shot. The employee must be able to walk to the eye wash and shower with both eyes closed.)

  • Plumbed- flushed weekly until water runs clear?

  • Bottled eye wash stations- within expiration date?

  • Inspection card posted and current?


  • Are all heat producing apparatuses have a shut-down procedure?

  • Is the Hot Work procedure being followed?

  • Are all equipment free of debris like wax, oil and other fire hazards?

  • Flammable materials are properly stored? (Flammable cabinet when required)

  • Flammable materials are properly stored? (Flammable cabinet when required)

  • Photos of issues

  • Corrective actions to be taken for this section,

  • Comments:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.