Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Issuing WTF
Are WTF being issued to HLMC drivers prior to the transfer of waste?
In the case of issuing WTF on behalf of clients, are those WTF's being issued to clients prior to the transfer of waste?
Material being transferred
What material types are being audited?
Has a WTF been completed for each waste stream required during the period being audited?
Is there a single WTF for each weighbridge transaction, where required, of the period being audited?
Is there a weighbridge ticket / scrap ticket available matching each WTF?
Where there are multiple collections being completed in a single transaction, is there a detailed annex attached to the WTF showing each collection point?
Where collections are from multiple counties is there a WTF a aolable for each of the collections in those counties? (Are the correct WTF being used for the correct counties)
End of Life Vehicles
In the case of non-depolluted vehicles, is there a WTF available for each vehicle collected or brought to the facility?
In the case of batteries over 200kg in one transaction or in one month, is there a WTF available?
Signing of WTF
For what period of time is the audit occuring?
For the WTF documents being reviewed, have all been signed by the driver?
Have the WTF documents been signed by the site accepting the waste material?
Scrap tickets
On the case of each hazardous transaction of material received (ELV, Batteries), is there a scrap ticket available?
Has the scrap ticket been signed by the person delivering the material and the weighbridge operator?
Has the weighbridge operator noted the record of having seen ID and Proof of Address?