Inspectors Name:
Location of Inspection
Conducted on
Total number of containers
* Inspections must be conducted on a weekly basis * Maintain checklists as documentation of this requirement
Is the area free of debris and other materials?
Is the ground clean and dry?
Are container tops free of spillage ?
Is the area free of spills or leaks?
Are all containers properly closed?
Are containers labeld with hazardous waste labels?
Have wastes been disposed of within the allowable accumulation time?
Are the containers compatible with their contents?
Are incompatible waste stored separately?
Is there adequate aisle space?
Is the information on the label legible?
Is the following information on the labels filled out?
Generator name and address
Accumulation start date
Physical State
Hazardous Properties
Describe any observations for items checked "NO":
Corrective actions required:
Add signature