
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection

  • Select date

  • Temperature at Officer's Desk.


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

Area of Inspection

  • Location of inspection


  • Have measures been taken to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Is area properly stocked, I.e. paper towels, soap, sanitizer?

  • Are cell bars, windows, window sills, etc. clean/dust free?

  • Are vents free of dust/grime? Are surrounding areas dust free?

  • Has trash been taken out? Are trash cans clean inside/out?

  • Are the floors clean? Have spills been cleaned up?

  • Have appliances been wiped down?

  • Are the showers clean?

  • Is anything growing on the walls/floors?

  • Are the fixtures clean?

  • Have the shower vents been dusted?

Safety/Fire Safety

  • Is safety equipment easily accessible? Fire extinguishers, pull stations, etc.

  • Are wet floor sings and other safety measures being utilized? (Mats, spills immediately cleaned, etc.)

  • Is the 18" rule being followed?

  • Are cells free of clutter?

  • Are means of egress clear to exit?

  • Is the area clear of slips, trips, and fall hazards?


  • Are there any obvious maintenance issues?

  • Are all lights burning appropriately?

  • Does plumbing work correctly?

  • Has a Maintenance Request Form been submitted? If so, by whom?


  • Are containers (cleaning supplies) properly labeled?

  • Are inmates in cells visible? (Nothing should be hanging over the bottom bunk or over toilet area obstructing the view).

  • Have cleaning supplies been properly secured?

  • Is anything hanging from the bars, I.e., clothes lines, trash bags, clothing, etc.?

  • Is the main Pod door secure?

  • Have unnecessary security threats been removed from the area?

  • Printed name

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.