Vehicle No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Previous inspection
Has the last inspection been reviewed?
Are all outstanding actions resolved?
2.0 General Areas
Clear all garbage from vehicle?
3.0 Equipment
If required is PPE available? I.e. Blast suit, Voltage detector, Electrical gloves, grounding stick
4.0 Fire / First Aid
Is first aid kit and contents clean and orderly?
Is there easy access to the first aid kit?
Are all employees aware of location of first aid kit?
Are Extinguishers easily accessible and location known by all employees?
5.0 Vehicle Condition
Is the vehicle 3rd party oil check up to date? Attach photo of any new oil change receipts.
When was the last oil change completed?
What date is the next oil change due?
Current Mileage of Vehicle
Mileage the next oil change is due
Current oil level is:
Are the tires in satisfactory condition?
What is the tire pressure of the right-front tire? What is the recommended tire pressure? Insert response as Current Pressure (PSI) / Recommended Pressure (PSI) (i.e. 34/35)
What is the tire pressure of the left-front tire? What is the recommended tire pressure? Insert response as Current Pressure (PSI) / Recommended Pressure (PSI) (i.e. 34/35)
What is the tire pressure of the right-rear tire? What is the recommended tire pressure? Insert response as Current Pressure (PSI) / Recommended Pressure (PSI) (i.e. 34/35)
What is the tire pressure of the left-rear tire? What is the recommended tire pressure? Insert response as Current Pressure (PSI) / Recommended Pressure (PSI) (i.e. 34/35)
What mileage is the next tire rotation scheduled?
Are the brakes in satisfactory condition?
Brake fluid level is:
Are the lights in satisfactory condition? (Check operation of brake, indicator and reversing lights)
When was the air filter last replaced?
When is the air filter scheduled for next replacement?
Are the windows in satisfactory condition?
Are the Windshield Wipers in satisfactory condition? (Check operation and wear)
Windshield fluid is:
Coolant level is: (Check while engine is cold)
Transmission fluid is: (Check while engine is in idle)
All fluid caps are in place, properly sealed and tightly closed?
Note any fluid leaks that might be present either within the engine compartment or leaking onto the pavement.
List any other issues with the vehicle that are noted during driving or idle time.
Is the Vehicle overall Condition satisfactory? (Are there any scratches, dents, etc)
Is the condition of the drivers seat acceptable? (Not dirty or torn)
Is the condition of the other seats acceptable? (Not dirty or torn)
Is the steering wheel and dash clean?
6.0 Sign Off
Representative Completing Checklist