This information should be completed in preparation before the visit.
Tenancy Information
Tenancy Reference
Please use the following format, 12345678-1-5
Tenancy Start Date
Lead Tenant
Is this a Joint Tenancy?
Joint Tenant
Visit Information
Visit Number
Conducted on
Conducted by
Please continue to the next section to enter the rent account information before carrying out your visit.
Rent Account
Rent Account Information
Is the Rent Account in arrears?
Are there any current Arrears Actions?
Please select the current arrears action
Any other notes (e.g. awaiting HB)
Anti-social Behaviour
Details of any reports since last visit (or tenancy commencement if first visit)
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Criminal / immoral activity
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Domestic violence
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Pet nuisance
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Other (please specify)
Please provide detail of breaches, any interim visits, letters sent or other action taken.
Condition of Property
Property Condition
Evidence of tenant neglect?
Evidence of wilful damage?
General Condition of property
Does property have a private garden?
Condition of garden
Decorative condition
Housekeeping standards
Are there any other matters to report since last visit or tenancy commencement
Summary of any advice given to tenant(s) or action which they were advised might be taken (leave blank if not applicable)
Neighbourhood Officer/Warden Signature
Lead Tenant Signature