General Information
Well Site Name
Prepared by
Document No.
Conducted on
Northern Operation
Southern Operation
Personnel and Equipment
Perf #
Trailer #
Lead Operator
Job Type
Pump Down Operation
TCP Operation
Are all AHWS employees staying clear of area until ready for TCP Operations?
Are feet and limbs clear from under the gun when rigging down guns from coil tubing?
When breaking off the gun carrier, are heads down shielding their face from trapped pressure?
Due to the breaking down of guns in the vertical position; are employees aware of the swing radius of the pipe wrenches?
Are employees transporting guns safely and using lifting caps at all times?
Vertical Operation
Logging Operation
Client Specific SOP
Does each AHWS employee have correct and current orientation sticker or card for the location that they are on?
Are all employees aware of O-ring removal SOP and following correctly?
Does each AHWS employee have their proper fit test card along with their H2S Performance training card?
Are all personnel wearing AHWS issued H2S monitors (properly, that are in working order, and have been bump tested before shift)?
Are all AHWS employees aware of using Axiom Medical Consulting for their HSE first aid or greater incidents?
Are all fire extinguishers currently inspected, charged and tagged (yellow and metal)?
Is hard hat with face shield and bracket being used when bleeding off the setting tool and/or when disassembling a tool that may contain trapped pressure?
General Safety
Is location cleared and proper housekeeping practices in place?
Are all tools in working condition to eliminate too slippage?
Are employees using proper lifting techniques?
Are employees aware and avoid pinch points?
Is the electrical in the pump down trailer current with policy (conduit for external wires, proper junctions boxes for wired connections, etc.)
No Cheater Pipes or Torque extenders being used on location?
Is this location considered an H2S location?
Is the perforator parked so the windsock can be seen?
Are all personnel wearing AHWS issued H2S monitors (properly, that are in working order, and have been bump tested before shift)?
Are all HWS personnel on location clean shaven?
PPE- are all personnel wearing ANSI z87.1 eye protection?
PPE- are all personnel wearing face shield with glasses when using grinder or abrasive wheel?
PPE- are all personnel wearing FR clothing with reflective tape clearly visible?
PPE- do all personnel have standard F2413-05 steel toe boots? Metatarsal Boots for Victoria Operations?
PPE - are personnel wearing ANSI standard hard hats
PPE - is all jewelry removed from fingers and wrist. Any long hair or loose clothing secured when working in PPE required areas?
PPE - are gloves being used when required?
PPE - is fall protection being used when employee is at risk of falling above 4 feet?
Pressure Control
Is AHWS Pressure Control Gear on Location
Trailer Number
Are all hydraulic hoses marked with burst and working pressures?
Is the Grease used for the wireline pressure control systems rated for current weather conditions?
Does the Pressure Control gear have a rig up dolly and is it used during rig up/down of lubricator?
Has each piece of pressure control equipment been inspected and certified for use according to industry standard?
Are Wheels Chocked?
Does the Trailer have a current inspection?
Is the current pressure control package rated for the maximum expected wellhead pressure?
Does the trailer have a current registration?
Does the trailer have a fire extinguisher that is serviceable?
Are all employees following RP 67 guidelines when handling explosives?
Does someone on location have a current explosives license for the state they are working in? (PA, OH)
Does each employee know the difference between the megohmmeter and the intrinsically safe meter used with explosives?
Are the grounding cables connected to the wellhead and crane... Is stray voltage low enough to continue operations?
Is the pump down trailer grounded?
Is the blast tube for detonators being used?
Are we using RF safe explosives?
Are explosives signs out and cell phones and RF transmitters turned off?
SDS- current legible copy for chemicals used on location?
SDS- Are all containers labeled for the contents?
HMIS-Are all containers properly labeled with the HMIS labels?
Rig Up
Has a per-job safety brief (M3) occurred before the start of any work?
Picture of the M3
Is the signal person listed on the M3?
Signal Person:
Is there a current copy of the Explosive Usage Tracker?
Take picture of Explosive Usage Tracker
Do all sheaves have safety pins in the Clevis to prevent the nut from backing off?
Has the wireline crews work area been isolated with warning tape?
Is the crew using bolt type anchor shackle with cotter pin?
Lifting Gear
Are we utilizing our lifting gear on this job?
Has Owners lifting certs been checked for compliance?
Which AHWS Employee physically checked these Certificates?
Who Owns the lifting gear?
Does the bottom sheave have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Does the top sheave have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Does chain one have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Does chain two have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Does the 12 T shackle have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Does the 6 T shackle have a current cert?
Expiration Date:
Is the dog bone being used?
Does it have a current certification?
Expiration Date:
Is the crane operated by AHWS Personnel?
Crane Number
Does the crane have a current insurance card?
Does the crane have current Federal/State inspection?
Does the crane operator have his NCCCO and state licenses on him?
Are the outriggers set on a firm lever surface?
Is the crane inspected as per AHWS policy?
Does the crane have a current registration?
Truck and Trailer information
Perf Number
Does the Truck have a current state/federal inspection?
Does the Truck have a current registration?
Does the Truck have a current insurance card?
Does the Truck have a current IFTA sticker and license?
Is there a current HUT permit in the truck?
Does the truck have a current copy of the ERG, Hazardous materials compliance and safety regulation books?
Does the truck have a fire extinguisher that is serviceable?
Are the wheels chocked?
Pumpdown or TCP Trailer
Trailer Number
Is the trailer equipped with bench bumper/roll off guards?
Does the trailer have a current federal/state inspection?
Do the lights in trailer have the proper cages or covers?
Does the trailer have a current registration?
Does the trailer have a fire extinguisher that is serviceable?
Are the Wheels Chocked?
Pickup Number
Does the Truck have a current state/federal inspection?<br>
Does the Truck have a current insurance card?
Does the truck have a current copy of the ERG, Hazardous materials compliance and safety regulation books?
Does the truck have a fire extinguisher that is serviceable?
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