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Safety Excellence

  • Is there no evidence of pest activity?

  • Intergrated pest management(IPM) regarding pest proofing and prevention have been implemented?

  • All structural and premises related maintenance issues which could affect food hygiene rating score have been escalated?

  • Is the store cleaned to satisfactory levels that pose no immediate hygiene or food safety risks?

  • Does the branch have approved cleaning materials and chemicals with cleaning and usage logs?

  • Does the store have upto date fire extinguishers and first aid kits?

  • The suitable team member hand washes facilities available with water, soap and hand facilities at all times?

  • All deliveries are accepted within correct temperature & date range and recorded?

  • Digital probe accuracy check completed weekly and working probe available?

  • All ambient, chilled and frozen food are being stored correctly at all times?

  • Fridge/Freezer temperatures recorded twice daily?

  • All fridge temperatures are correct and temprature logs upto date?

  • Only WOODS approved products are used in store?

  • Are all products in store within expiry date?

  • The Store Safety Data sheet is available?

  • All staff with upto date health certificates and baladia cards?

Housekeeping Excellence

  • Outside of store, all frontage and pavements are clean and litter free?

  • Outside/Internal signage is all clean, undamaged and fully working?

  • Floors and carpets are in good condition, clean and debris free both front and back of house?

  • Interior walls, skirting, ledges, mirrors, pictures and ceiling are clean, unmarked and undamaged?

  • Are indoor & outdoor plants watered & in condition?

  • Are indoor & outdoor air conditioning in optimum working condition with regular service logs?

  • Condiment unit is free of dust, debris and spillages and is fully stocked?

  • Lights are clean and in good working order?

  • All food display cabinets, shelves and fridges are clean inside and out, undamaged and in good condition?

  • All food is displayed according to relevant planogram in an attractive way and is undamaged?

  • WOODS approved back bar equipment and back of house equipment is clean and working?

  • The correct legal and safety posters are displayed and in date?

  • All posters, menu board and point of sale are approved, up to date, in good condition and displayed correctly including all items price labelled?

  • Toilet facilities are fully stocked and fully functioning?

  • Toilets, ceiling, walls, floors, doors, sinks and mirrors are clean and undamaged?

  • Smoking areas have a clean ashtray on every table?

  • Where tips/WOODS monies are collected this is to WOODS SOP?

  • Outside tables, chairs, awnings and barriers are clean and neatly arranged?

  • Doors and windows are clean, unmarked and in good condition?

  • Doormats are maintained and are as clean as possible?

  • Chairs/sofas and high chairs are clean and stain free?

  • Table tops and bases are clean and free of chewing gum?

Customer Service and SOS Excellence

  • Uniform and team members appearance are kept to WOODS SOP?

  • Team Members do not eat or drink behind the counter. Uniform is covered when on break?

  • Team Members are deployed to give efficient service?

  • All Customers are acknowledged whilst in the queue?

  • All Customers are greeted in a welcoming manner?

  • Team Members alter their service style to treat each Customer accordingly to their needs?

  • Team Members smile and make appropriate eye contact?

  • Team Members engage with Customers at all given opportunities?

  • All market specific service styles achieve WOODS SOP service times of 2 minutes for the full order?

  • Team Members confirm the price of the bill, confirm the amount of any change and return correct change and the receipt to the Customer?

  • WOODS Excellence Manual is available and up to date?

  • All foods are served to WOODS SOP. For all sit in drinks crockery is clean, undamaged and the correct spoon is given?

  • All tables are cleaned and cleared within 3 minutes of the Customer leaving?

  • The last WOODS Check action plan is available & displayed with clear evidence of actions being progressed/completed?

  • All relevant training workbooks and showcases are available, up to date and with Manager sign off?

  • All take away/eat in food is presented to WOODS SOP?

Calibration Excellence

  • Grind and dose checks conducted to WOODS SOP?

  • Team Member can explain grind and dose checks & why they are completed?

  • All semi-automatic buttons calibrated to dispense the correct amount?

  • All espresso extraction calibrated to woods standards?

  • All v60 calibrations done to WOODS Standards?

  • Is both TDS set to 150 for normal water & 80 TDS for coffee filter?

Drinks standards Excellence

  • Espresso are produced to WOODS SOP & know how to taste it?

  • Milk Based style drinks are prepared to WOODS SOP? Latte,Cortado,etc

  • All cold and Iced drinks are prepared to the correct recipe.Iced Americano/Karkade

  • All hot/Iced syrup/sweet based drinks are prepared to WOODS SOP?

  • All V60 varieties are served to correct WOODS SOP?

  • All pre-mix is prepared to WOODS SOP for drinks in the correct size jugs before any group handles are prepared for the shift?

Machines Excellence

  • Espresso machine handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • Irhea brewer handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • 3Temp brewer handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • Grinders handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • Ice maker handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • Chillers handling and maintenance to WOODS SOP?

  • Maintenance log for all machines available?

  • Is there evidence of all approved machine service tools,cleaning materials and chemicals?

Coffee Tools Excellence

  • Approved coffee distributing tools in use i.e Ona and Autocomb and in good condition?

  • Approved temperature checking tools in use i.e thermopop, calibrated and in good condition

  • Approved and enough coffee servers, drippers and in good condition

  • Enough and approved weighing tools and in good condition

  • All stainless steel milk jugs are cleaned inside and out to WOODS SOP?

  • Is there approved chemicals and cleaning materials for the coffee tools?

Accounting Excellence

  • Is WOODS cashier end of shift log filled & no variances?

  • Do you have enough cash change?

  • Are POS & payment devices working as expected?

  • Are POS Updated with latest WOODS products with correct names & prices?

  • Are the cashiers trained & aware of WOODS menu and put the correct payment methods in Foodics?

  • Is verification of cash drops registered in excel?

  • Is the cash of each cash drop and sealed envelope with date and quantity?

Sales Excellence

  • Are cashiers trained to maximize sales & know how to do upselling and cross-selling?

  • Are you meeting your daily target of sales?

  • Are you meeting your daily zero waste target?

  • Are you meeting your daily target of minimum returns?

  • Are you meeting your average target daily bill?

  • Are online sales app making the daily target?

Inventory Excellence and Back of House Operations

  • Is food items ordered to WOODS SOP?

  • Is non food items ordered to WOODS SOP?

  • Is the store arranged according to inventory categories?

  • Is safety observed and in cooperated in inventory storage management

  • Are all products within recommended approved expiry period?

  • Are there inventory checklists and waste management procedures?

  • Are there sitting inventory in the branch?

  • Is there enough coffee bags for retail sales?

  • Is there enough merchandising tools for retail sales?

  • All management files are labelled by subject and in chronological order?

  • Is there evidence of all required operation files to enable successfull running of the cafe day to day bussiness?


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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.