Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

General Requirements

  • Are all actions from previous inspections completed?

  • Are WHS safety management system documents accessible?

  • Are incident/accident reporting procedures available?

  • Are immediately visible safety risks which workers may be exposed to being addressed?

  • Are safety signs visible and in good condition?

  • Is information of the emergency team clearly visible?

Entry and Exits

Entry and Exits

  • Are all doorways, walkways and floor surfaces in good condition, non-slip, free of any tripping hazards as well as being clear of any obstacles?

  • Are exit signs clearly visible?

  • Are emergency exits and passageways free from obstructions?

  • Are ramps and/or stairways in good repair and free from hazards?

  • Are handrails on stairways sturdy and in good condition?

  • Do vehicle entrances and exits have clear vision to other vehicles and pedestrians?

  • Is the car park area marked well (e.g. signs, arrows, one way) to minimise the risk of injury from vehicle movement?

  • Do door locks operate correctly?

  • Are walkways and shelving adequate width for user access? e.g. wheelchairs

Amenities/ Workplace Cleanliness and Hygiene

  • Is the environment clean and tidy (free of slip/trip hazards)?

  • Is the workplace and any amenities (e.g. kitchen, toilet) kept in a clean and hygienic state?

  • Are lockers or lockable drawers provided for personal belongings?

  • Where dining facilities are available, can the space accommodate all persons likely to be eating during meal breaks?

  • Are dining facility chairs in good condition “ without any obvious damage?

  • Is there a hygienic means of sanitary disposal available and maintained for female workers?

  • Do workers have access to running water or an adequate supply of clean water along with soap and hand drying facilities?

  • Is there access to an adequate supply of clean drinking water?

  • Do facilities provide a refrigerator, sink and facility for boiling water?


  • Do the office chairs have at least a 5-point base?

  • Do task chairs provide appropriate support to the lower back (lumbar region)?

  • Can the seat height and lumbar support of office task chairs be adjusted?

  • Do all chairs used on smooth surfaces (i.e. non- carpeted areas) either have friction castor wheels or no wheels at all?

  • Is there sufficient space for work to be carried out at a desk, if required? (clear of rubbish)

  • Is all equipment and furniture maintained in a good condition?

  • Have all workers completed an ergonomic assessment, if required? (office location only)

  • Is storage space adequate, in good condition and being used safely?

  • Are filing cabinets, shelves and cupboards secured and safe from tipping over?

  • Is access adequate around stacked/stored materials/areas kept free of rubbish?


  • Is there an adequate supply of clean air (e.g. ventilation or system for heating/cooling)?

  • Do air-conditioning filters/vents appear clean and free from dust and dirt?

  • Are external areas within the confines of the site safe and free from hazards?

  • Are the gates and fences in good repair and free from hazards?

  • Area ramps and/or stairs and handrails in good repair and free of slip/trip/fall hazards?


  • Is the power supply protected by fixed RCD (safety switch)?

  • If no, are portable RCDs used/supplied? If in doubt, ensure you use portable RCDs

  • Is the electrical test and tagging within the testing date ranges? (e.g. look for dates on tags)

  • Is electrical equipment in visibly safe condition? (e.g. no exposed wiring)

  • Are leads/computer cabling properly secured which prevents any tripping hazards?

  • Are power points and switches free from visible damage or fault?

  • Are electrical cords kept clear of water and water outlets?

  • Are power boards used instead of double adaptors or 'piggy back' plugs?

  • Are all identification points on electrical switches (e.g. power points, light switches) legible?


  • Are fire systems in place (extinguishers, blankets, alarms, detectors, hoses)?

  • Is there a written emergency plan covering relevant emergency situations with clear emergency procedures accessible to everyone?

  • Is there an Emergency Evacuation Diagram with emergency contact details current and appropriately displayed?

  • Does the plan illustrate the location of fire protection equipment, emergency exits and assembly points?

  • Are there fire extinguishers with test tags indicating they have been checked in the last 6 months?

  • Do the fire extinguishers show they are fully charged (green in gauge)?

  • Are fire extinguishers and hoses free from obstruction and do they have signs?

  • Are you able to hear alarms when activated?

  • Are emergency drills carried out regularly?

  • Are exit doors identified, open easily from inside and clear from obstructions?


  • Are normal light fittings operational (e.g. not flickering)?

  • Is the lighting provided adequate and appropriate for the tasks performed by every person at work and safe movement around the site (natural and artificial)

  • Are all overhead fittings secure and not at risk of falling?

  • Are Emergency Exit lights (if installed) operating correctly? (i.e. not flickering and fully lit)

  • Are manual handling aids (e.g. sack trucks, trolleys etc) available where there is an identified need and in good condition?

  • Are the manual handling aids suitable for the needs or task performed?

  • Are the manual handling aids maintained in good working condition?


  • Are workers working at this location aware of who is the trained first aider?

  • Is there a first aid kit in an easily accessible and prominent place?

  • Is there signage that shows the specific location of and direction to, the first aid kit(s)?

  • Are the contents of the first aid kit complete, in good order and within expiry dates?

  • Is there any evidence that the first aid kit(s) are regularly maintained and replenished as required?

  • Are all the contents of the kit accounted for?

  • Can you access emergency contact details within the vicinity of the first aid kit?

  • Do all work owned vehicles contain a first aid kit?

  • Where there is a defibrillator available is it, clearly marked and accessible?

  • Have likely infection hazards been identified and risk controlled?

  • If installed, are deluge showers or eye wash facilities regularly maintained?


  • Do workers have access to (D/N) High Visibility Safety Vests?

  • Are safety glasses and ear protection available and in good condition/replaced where required?

  • Where equipment has an expiry date is it within date? (e.g. safety helmets etc)

  • Is issued PPE regularly cleaned and/or replaced, maintained and stored in good condition? (e.g. high visibility garments, specialist air respirators, heavy duty leather gloves etc)

  • Is the PPE provided appropriate for the nature of the particular hazard and work?

  • Is sunscreen 30+UV provided to workers required to work outdoors?

  • Are there signs to identify clearly where PPE is required?


  • Is appropriate safety equipment available to allow workers to work at heights? (e.g. step ladders that meet Australian Standards)

  • Is the appropriate equipment maintained correctly and in good condition?

  • Is the equipment stored in a safe manner?

  • Are step stools of solid construction?


  • Are trolleys and lifting aids available to assist with manual handling and are these in good working condition?

  • Are items of plant to be used in serviceable condition and safe (not damaged, SOPs in place, guards in place, emergency stops in place, etc)?

  • Is there clearly identified and adequate work space around machines?

  • Are hand tools (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic) properly maintained, stored and tested, in serviceable condition?

  • Are cranes/hoists in safe condition (marked with safe loads, controls and isolators clearly marked, sling ropes in good condition, warning devices functioning)?

  • Are forklift trucks and other powered mobile plant in good condition (safe working loads, controls, alarm, warning lights and licensed operators)?

  • Are lock out, tag out procedures used to identify and isolate plant that is unsafe?


  • Is there a chemical register available for all chemicals kept in the area?

  • Are safety data sheets (SDS) available for all chemicals?

  • Are all chemicals stored correctly?

  • Are gas cylinders safe (properly secured, not freestanding, signed, separate from other gases where required, gauges fitted with flashback arrestors etc)?

  • Are chemical containers clearly labelled?

  • Are compressed air outlets marked with warning notices?

  • Are arrangements in place to handle hazardous/chemical waste and general rubbish separately?

  • Is the appropriate signage posted to indicate where flammable/explosive materials are stored?

  • Have steps been taken to identify and manage asbestos? (signage, register) Note: A register is not required where the workplace was constructed after 31/12/2003 or if no asbestos has been identified

  • Have risk assessments been completed on all hazardous substances?

  • Are spill kits available and in close proximity to usage?


  • Does anyone have to raise their voices to be heard because of background noise?

  • Are workers protected from exposure to excessive noise?

  • Are hearing protectors in good condition and used in identified areas?

  • Have all high noise areas been identified and display signage?

Other CoP to Consider and Evaluate

  • Abrasive Blasting - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Confined spaces - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Demolition Work - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Excavation Work - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Psychological wellbeing evaluation and monitoring

  • Stevedoring (ships and wharf) - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Spray paining and powder coating - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Welding Processes - within the business or tasks performed?

  • Work health and safety consultation, co-operation and co-ordination

  • Working remote or Isolated?

  • Workzone Traffic Management - within the business or tasks performed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.