
  • Building / Client site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • All lights/bulbs/lamps checked and none needs replacement?

  • All exit lighting are properly installed and functioning?

  • All interior lighting are properly installed and functioning?

  • All exterior lighting are properly installed and functioning?


  • Have you changed batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, flashlights and test instruments?

  • Timers and photocells are functioning correctly?

  • Cover plates have no cracks and have proper tightness?

  • All exhaust fans are clean?


  • Checked inventory and restocked all first aid kits?

  • Checked eyewash bottles and stations?

  • Safety signs and equipment labels are in good condition?


  • Air intake cleaned (as needed)?

  • Blower motors in operation have no excessive noise or vibration?

  • Cleaned motors and ductwork (as needed)?

  • Condensate drain pan has proper drainage?

  • Guards and panels are secured and not loose?

  • All electrical hardware and connections are in good condition?

  • Controls and equipment tested and safe?

  • Interior unit operating properly?

  • Condenser motor bearings have no excessive noise or vibration?

  • All refrigerant piping and insulation in good condition?

  • Guards or access panels secured and not loose?

  • Exterior unit in good operation?

Building Interior

  • Floors, ceilings, and walls show no evidence of deterioration?

  • REFERENCE: Floors, ceilings, and walls show no evidence of deterioration
    [This is an example of how you can use iAuditor to include best practice reference images in your templates to assist with inspections]

  • No visible signs of leaks?

  • Inspected and found no hazards (electrical, mechanical, structural, physical, tripping, etc.)?

  • Faucets, toilets, and showers are operational and in good working condition?

  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors tested and working?

  • Fire alarm system tested and working?

  • Firefighting equipment in good condition?

  • All doors in proper operation; exits are not obstructed?

  • Door locks and closures in good condition?

  • Work areas and walkways are properly marked?

  • No accumulation of trash in storage areas?

  • No evidence of insect infestation?

Building Exterior

  • Paint and walls in good condition?

  • No broken windows or doors?

  • All railings in good condition?

  • No plants growing on the building or its foundation?

  • Sidewalk in good condition?

  • Driveway and parking area in good condition?

  • Area around the dumpsters are clean?


  • Plumbing inspected at least annually? No leaks or unusual noises?


  • Name and signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.