Workplace Inspection Checklist and Action Plan
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire and Emergency
Are all access and exit points readily accessible (clear paths of egress and no locks restricting them)?
Are emergency exit points clearly marked and in the location shown on the evacuation diagram for the workplace?
Are emergency procedures available for all employees to access?
Where installed, is fire safety equipment e.g. fire extinguisher/blanket accessible and in their designated location?
Are illuminated directional exit lights operational, and positioned to lead occupants to their nearest exit from any area of the building?
Where installed, have fire extinguishers been inspected within the last six months?
Is there a designated ECO Team for the workplace?
Has the ECO received training in the past 6 months (face-to-face or online)?
Has the emergency evacuation plan been tested within the last 12 months?
Where installed, can the alarm be heard in all areas?
Has a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan been completed for all staff with special needs (e.g. pregnancy, mobility, visual or hearing impairments) and is it up to date?
First Aid
Are the names and locations of the First Aid Officers clearly displayed and in date?
Are employees aware of how to report and incident through enableHR?
Is the First Aid Kit accessible in an uncluttered location and a sign installed to display its location?
Is the First Aid Kit stocked as per the items listed in the 'First Aid and Supply List' and are all items in date?
Housekeeping and Layout
Is the work area tidy, organised and free of trip hazards
Are all points of entry, exit and walkways free of obstructions?
Are floor surfaces, including stairs, clean and in good condition?
Are all handrails secure?
Are drawers and filing cabinets closed when not in use?
Is the work area free of unsecured sharp edges or surfaces that could cause injury in the course of routine workplace activity?
Is there adequate systems in place for regular waste disposal?
Are cleaning agents labelled and stored safely?
Are items stored safely and securely, to ensure they are not a risk of falling, creating a trip hazard or manual handling injury?
General Environment
Are the lights installed in the work area all operating?
Can natural light be controlled with blinds or other means?
Are all ventilation systems installed in the work area operational?
Is the area around photocopiers and printers ventilated?
Where installed, are the airconditioning and/or heating systems operational?
Is the working environment free of distracting or loud noise?
Is the workplace free of any leaks, wet spots, dampness, or odours from plumbing or weather events?
Are toilet areas clean and stocked appropriately?
Are water, soap and hand drying facilities available?
Are kitchen areas kept clean?
Are all plugs, sockets, power boards and cords in working order (i.e cords not frayed etc.) and secured to avoid trip hazards?
Have all double adaptors and 'piggy back' plugs been removed?
Is electrical equipment test and tagged current?
If power boards are in use, do they have overloading protection?
Are there any extension leads on the floor?
Manual Handling
Are items stored safely and securely, to ensure they are not at risk of falling?
Are heavy or bulky items stored at waist height or below?
Are frequently used items stored between knee and shoulder height?
Does the workplace have adequate storage facilities?
Have all employees who undertaken tasks involved in manual handling been provided training?
Have all employees and volunteers been inducted into the workplace?
Do all employees have a clear understanding of the duties and expectations of their role?
Have all employees completed the enableHR online bullying and harassment training?
Do all employees know how to report workplace bullying, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour - either within the workplace or by consituents?
Building & Precinct
Are gutters clean, sound and not leaking?
Is there a site traffic plan?
Is there adequate clearance zones around sub-boards?
Are walkways kept clear?
Chemicals (Hazardous/Dangerous Substances)
Are chemical containers clearly labelled?
Are flammable substances stored in small quantities in cabinets?
Is there adequate ventilation of work area?
Have risk assessments been completed for hazardous substances?
Machinery & Tools
Is all plant and equipment adequately guarded?
Is plant and equipment adequately maintained?
Are current maintenance records on file?
Other Observations:
Corrective Actions:
Inspection Completed:
Name of Inspector:
Signature of Inspector: