Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Responsible Business Unit Manager
- Damien McMullen
- Barry Rankin
- Judy Densley
- Peter Collyns
Have risks been identified on this inspection
Previous inspection
1. Has the last inspection been reviewed
2. Are there no outstanding actions.
A. Organisation and Administration _ WHS board to Display
1. QF Safety Policy
2. Emergency Procedures
3. Injury Management Policy
4. Evacuation plan displayed
5. Alcohol and drugs policy
6. Emergency personnel
7. Doubtful and suspicious article and Hazardous mail process.
8. QF Group Chemical, Biological, Radiological Procedures
9. WHS Committee Constitution
10.WHS Committee minutes on the Terminal
11.QLD Workers Compensation Intranet/Internet Location
12.Bomb threat Checklist
13.MCT checklist
14.REACT instructions - Staff involved in REACT centre
15.Visitors Register available and used. Reception level 9
B. House Keeping
1. Is the work area clean and orderly.
2. Waste bins are located at suitable points and are cleared.
3. Papers,folders, boxes stacked away from passageways.
4. Are the floors clean.
5. Bomb threat / MCT cards at each workstation.
C. Emergency Exits
1. Fire exit stairwell and landings clear.
2. Adequate directional notice for fire exists.
3. Emergency contacts and numbers displayed near exits.
4. Exit paths checked for clear access.
5. Exit doors checked for ease of opening and closing.
6. Exit lights functioning.
7. Emergency lighting testing.
8. Public address and fire alarm. Test date checked.
9. Duress alarm tested (reception desk level 9)
10. Emergency torches / batteries / bulbs checked
D. Employee Facilities.
1. Toilets are clean and in good condition.
2. Kitchen facilities are clean and in good condition.
3. Washroom, airlock are clean and in good condition.
4. Drinking water taps / zip taps in working order.
E. General Lighting
1. Ceiling lights all functional
2. Light fittings clean and in good condition.
3. Emergency exit lighting operable
4. Windows are in good order and clean.
F. Electrical Safety
1. Safety switches test every 6 months (date)
2. No double adapters in use.
3. All electrical appliances have been inspected and tested with durable tag applied with re-inspection date.
4. Electrical equipment tested and tagged with durable tag applied with re-inspection date.
5. Extension leads if used are in are in good condition and correctly positioned.
6. No broken plugs, sockets or switches.
7. No frayed / damaged leads / strained leads.
8. Small appliances in working order and clean.
9. Electrical register checked and up to date.
G. Chemical Safety
1. Cleaners cupboard locked and secure.( this means that all items of a hazardous substance are kept in a restricted area, that is locked and accessible only by key personnel.)
2. Cleaners cupboard orderly. Mops, cloths ( blue, green, red) separated etc
3. Material Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals.
4. All containers labelled correctly.
5. Chemicals stored correctly.
6. Cleaners cupboard is pest free.
7. Date of last MSDS audit on office and cleaners supplies.
H. First Aid Facilities
1. Are first aid cabinets and contents clean and orderly.
2. Are contents regularly checked. Last audit inventory verified.
3. Cabinets clearly labelled and locked. Emergency keys location checked.
4. Is there easy access to cabinets.
5. Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet. (Spot check with employee)
6. Trained first aid officer list and emergency numbers are available next to F/A kits.
7. Are emergency numbers displayed
8. MSDS folder located next to first aid cabinet.
I. Office Hazards
1. Condition of chairs? (Five star bases.)
2. Desks in good condition? (No damage.)
3. Monitor lift arm / LCD monitor / base unit / keyboard equipment functional and to ergonomic requirements.
4. Doors to cupboards, lockers, open and close fully.
5. Trolleys , fixed cabinets in good repair.
6. Photocopier machines in good order.
7. Headset data base checked and up to date.
8. Are staff aware of headset fault reporting procedure. ( spot check )
9. Air conditioning issues fault reported. Property fault reports sited.
11. Authority to commence work documentation records checked.
J. Fire Prevention
1. Extinguishers in place, wall and cupboard ,clearly marked for type of fire.
2. Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)
3. Extinguishers clear of obstructions.
4. Extinguisher no more than 1200 mm max height & base not lower that 100 mm
5. Evacuation Indicator signs 2.1 m above floor level.
6. Adequate direction notices for fire exits.
7. Exit doors easily opened from inside.
8. Exits clear of obstructions.
9. Fire alarm system tested regularly by building management/ ACAMS
10. Evacuation procedures discussed regularly? (2 to 3 times a year)
11. Transfer and new hire staff receive emergency evacuation training within 5days of site arrival. Site records.
K. Environmental
1. Last environmental survey date.
L. Training records
1. First aid register skills matrix checked.
2. First five minutes online training records. Date check
3. WHS committee member skills matrix checked.<br>
ACTION REGISTER -Please detail the hazard/ issue and recommended action. Please ensure that all open hazards are transferred to the hazard register.
Item 1.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible person / Due Date
Item 2.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible Person / Due date
Item 3.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
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Item 4.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible Person / Due date
Item 5.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible Person / Due date
Item 6.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible Person / Due date
Item 7.
Issue / Problem / Risk Assessment
Responsible Person / Due date
Sign Off
Health Safety Representative
Health Safety Representative
Auditor's signature
Management signature