
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Access ways clear of obstructions, rubbish and slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Floor coverings (carpet, tiles, etc.) in good repair, no slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Lights in good order, diffuser panels clean and secured

  • Waste and recycling receptacles provided and emptied regularly

  • Shelving is at an appropriate height to minimise manual handling risks

  • Multi-functional devices regularly serviced, fitted with current test tag

  • Leads correctly positioned and secured in such a way to prevent trips

  • Outlets undamaged and not overloaded - double adapters not used


  • Access ways clear of obstructions, rubbish and slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Floor coverings (carpet, tiles, etc.) in good repair, no slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Lights in good order, diffuser panels clean and secured

  • Office equipment in good condition appropriate for task and not damaged

  • Desk spaces / work areas free of clutter, accessible

  • Waste and recycling receptacles provided and emptied regularly

  • Electrical equipment free from damage and fitted with current test tag

  • Outlets undamaged and not overloaded - double adapters not used

  • Leads correctly positioned and secured in such a way to prevent trips


  • Access ways clear of obstructions, rubbish and slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Floor coverings (carpet, tiles, etc.) clean and no slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Lights in good order, diffuser panels clean and secured

  • Amenities (food preparation areas, fridges, microwaves) clean and left in hygienic state

  • Consumables (soap, toilet paper, hand towel, etc.) available & replenished

  • Waste and recycling receptacles provided and emptied regularly

  • Hazardous chemicals appropriately stored & labelled, MSDS available

  • Electrical equipment free from damage, fitted with current test tag


  • Tiled / vinyl floors in amenities in good repair, clean, no slip/trip/fall hazards

  • All loose items removed from outdoor area

  • BBQ clean, free of damage, manufacturer’s instructions/procedure available

  • Furniture / equipment in good condition appropriate for task and not damaged

  • Compressed LPG Cylinder removed / not stored on site when not in use

  • Fire fighting equipment available, not obstructed, fitted with current test tag


  • Pedestrian walkways clearly delineated, clear of obstructions

  • Floor surface (paving, concrete etc.) in good repair, no slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Appropriate lighting available - no faulty light globes / tubes

  • Traffic management/calming devices (speed bumps, signage, directional arrows / line marking etc.) clearly visible and functioning as intended

  • Unobstructed vision at intersections, corners etc.


  • Clear access to/from emergency exits, illuminated exit signs located along paths to and above/adjacent to exit doors

  • Fire stairs clear of obstructions and debris, illuminated, continuous hand rails available, stair nosings highlighted, anti-slip controls in place

  • Emergency signs and diagrams are prominently displayed on each evacuation route and exit

  • Fire fighting equipment positioned as per emergency diagrams, mounted with signage, not obstructed and fitted with current test tag

  • First Aid kit(s) available, well maintained & inspected, contents have not deteriorated / appropriately sealed and within their expiry dates

  • First Aid Officers appropriately identified including contact details

  • Warden Control Point contains appropriate number of hard hats, vests, portable first aid kit, and identification of Floor/ Area Wardens

  • AED - green tick in status indicator window, electrodes pre-connected, sealed & in date, supplies available (razor, scissors, extra batteries)


  • Current HSE&SD Policy displayed in office including on notice board

  • Most recent HSE Improvement Team meeting minutes displayed

  • Out-dated notices and non-safety related notices removed from boards

  • Incident / Observation Booklets available throughout work areas

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.