
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

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  • Personnel

  • Capture.JPG

Working Conditions - The workstation is designed or arranged for doing computer tasks so it allows the employee's...

  • A. Head and neck to be upright (Not bent down or back)

  • B. Head, neck, and trunk to face forward (Not twisted).

  • C. Trunk to be about perpendicular to the floor (No leaning forward/backward).

  • D. Shoulders and upper arms to be about perpendicular to floor (Not stretched forward) and relaxed (Not elevated).

  • E. Upper Arms and Elbows to be close to the body (Not extended outward).

  • F. Forearms, wrists, and hands to be straight and parallel to the floor (Not pointing up/down).

  • G. Wrists and hands to be straight (Not bent up/down or sideways toward little finger).

  • H. Thighs to be about parallel to floor and lower legs to be about perpendicular to the floor.

  • I. Feet to rest flat on the floor or be supported by a stable footrest.

  • J. Computer tasks to be organized in a way that allows the employee to vary computer tasks with other work activities, or to take micro-breaks or recovery pauses while at the computer workstation.

SEATING The Chair's...

  • 1. Backrest provides support for the employee's lower back (Lumbar Area).

  • 2. Seat Width and Depth accommodate employee (Seatpan not too big or small).

  • 3. Seat Front does not press against the back of the employee's knees and lower legs (Seatpan not too long).

  • 4. Seat has cushioning and is rounded (Waterfall) front edge (No sharp edge).

  • 5. Armrests support both forearms while employee performs computer tasks and do not interfere with movement.

Keyboard Input Device The keyboard/input device is designed or arranged for doing computer tasks so that...

  • 6. Keyboard/input device platform(s) is stable and large enough to hold keyboard and input device.

  • 7. Input device (Mouse or trackball) is located right next to the keyboard so it can be operated without reaching.

  • 8. Input device is easy to activate and shape/size fits hand of employee (Not too big/small).

  • 9. Wrists and hands do not rest on sharp or hard edge.

WORK AREA The work area is designed or arranged for doing computer tasks so that...

  • 10. Thighs have clearance space between chair and computer table/keyboard platform (Thighs not trapped).

  • 11. Legs and feet have clearance space under computer table so employee is able to get close enough to keyboard/input device.

MONITOR The monitor is designed or arranged for computer tasks so that...

  • 12. Top line of screen is at or below eye level so employee is able to read it without bending head or neck down/back. (For employees with bifocals/trifocals see next item.)

  • 13. Employee with bifocals/trifocals is able to read the screen without leaning head, neck, or trunk forward/backward.

  • 14. Monitor distance allows employee to read screen without leaning head, neck, or trunk forward/backward.

  • 15. Monitor position is directly in front of employee so employee does not have to twist head or neck.

  • 16. No glare (e.g. from windows, lights) is present on the screen which might cause the employee to assume an awkward posture to read the screen.


  • 17. Document Holder, if provided, is stable and large enough to hold documents that are used.

  • 18. Document Holder, if provided, is placed at about the same height and distance as the monitor screen so there is little head movement when the employee looks from the document to the screen.

  • 19. Wrist rest, if provided, is padded and free of sharp and square edges.

  • 20. Wrist rest, if provided, allows employee to keep forearm, wrists, and hands straight and parallel to the ground when using the keyboard/input device.

  • 21. Telephone can be used with head upright (Not bent) and shoulders relaxed (Not elevated) if employee does computer tasks at the same time.


  • 22. The workstation and equipment have sufficient adjustability so that the employee is able to be in a safe working posture and to make occassional changes in posture while performing computer tasks.

  • 23. Computer Workstation, equipment, and accessories are maintained in serviceable condition and function properly.

PASSING SCORE= "YES" answers on all "Working Postures" items (A-J) and no more than two "NO" answers on remainder of the checklist (1-23).

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