Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Shop Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

WRC Shop Audit


  • Parking lot is free from trash and other debris.

  • Exterior lights and signage is functioning properly.

  • Exterior glass windows and door is clean.

  • Outdoor tables and chairs are clean and set up in an organized fashion.

  • Outdoor trash cans are emptied and cleaned.

  • Walk up entrance free from bird excrement, coffee stains, and mats are cleaned.

  • Exterior of signage is approved and hours of operations is located in a visible area.


  • Floors are swept, free of trash and crumbs, and mopped.

  • Baseboards and café walls are clean and free of scuff marks.

  • Tables and chairs are clean in good working order.

  • Windows are cleaned and free of dust on window ceil.

  • Ceilings and A/C Vents are free of dust and in good working order.

  • All lighting fixtures are in good working order, clean, and at appropriate setting.

  • Condiment bar is fully stocked with napkins, straws, plasticware; and clean.

  • Online pick up station is clearly marked and clean.

  • Hand Off station is clean from spills and free of debris.

  • Customer view of the back of house is clean and organized.

  • Restrooms are clean, fully stocked, and in good working order.


  • Retail wall is dusted and organized.

  • Pricing sheet is on display and current.

  • Retail wall is fully stocked with equipment and items are on hand for sale.

  • Coffee beans displayed in an organized fashion and in FIFO order.

  • Retail Case is stocked, labeled, FIFO, void of of crumbs and dust free.

  • Pastry Case is stocked, labeled, void of crumbs, and dust free.

  • POS station is stocked with snacks and free from clutter.

  • Shop signage is company approved marketing.

  • Team demonstrates great customer service; speak clearly; body language, eye contact etc.

  • Team is calling out customers drinks with energy and appropriate volume.

  • Team members understand the LEARN concept and how to handle any customer concerns.


  • Floors, walls, base boards clean; organized and well maintained.

  • Drains, pipes, and plug outlets are clean free of dust build up.

  • Floor drains are clean, free of debris, and odor free; ensure task in on the weekly duty roster.

  • The storage area below counter clean and organized.

  • Counter tops clean, organized, and well maintained.

  • Air vents, fans, the ceiling (tiles) are clean, and free of dust build up.

  • Sinks are cleaned with ajax and “Employees Wash Hands” signage is posted.

  • Trashes are being emptied, trash cans are clean, and boxes broken down for dumpster.

  • Team member designated break area is clean and organized.

BAR SET UP (hot / cold)

  • Espresso Machine is cleaned polished and dust free.

  • Milk Pitcher and Pitcher Rinser clean with no build up.

  • Thermometers being used by Baristas; when applicable.

  • Syrup and Sauce bottles are clean and pumps are being changed out / cleaned.

  • Powder containers are being FIFO’d and scoops being cleaned.

  • Espresso bags are FIFO’d and sealed.

  • Grinder is clean and well maintained.

  • Brewer is clean and filters are stored properly.

  • Tea Urns and the spigot is clean and free of any build up.

  • Blenders are clean and well maintained.

  • Fridges are clean; fifo’d; and gaskets are clear and clean.

  • Ice machine is clean, fresh filter, and latest service date is known and accessible.

  • Ice Scoop is located in a clean bucket near ice bin.

  • Bar towels are in bins; and changed out through the shift.

  • Coffee carafes have been deep cleaned and dated.

  • Coffee Carafes labeled with time, coffee name, and brewed within 90min window.

  • Espresso is Dialed In (Regular / Decaf)


  • Delivery order put away in timely manner.

  • Bakery storage bins labeled, dated, and items are not directly stored on the floor.

  • Utensils are stored in appropriate and safe manner.

  • Storage shelves are organized and clearly labeled.

  • All bakery items are labeled clearly with nutrition facts and the expiration date is visible.

  • The cream is replaced within 3 hours of fill on condiment bar and expo station.

  • Turbo Chef oven is cleaned inside and out; filter is dust free.

  • Baking pans for the Turbo Chef are clean and well-maintained.

  • Rational oven is clean and at appropriate level.

  • Shelves in fridge are FIFO’d; storage bins labeled and dated.

  • Fridge and freezers are clean; with working thermometers.

  • Temp Log is filled out and being kept up to date.

  • The current health inspection is readily available for team access.

  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) is available for all chemicals.

  • Chemicals are properly stored away from any food items or food packaging.

  • Food Handler folder is set up and up to date.

  • Employee hand washing signs are posted and actively happening during the shift.

  • Hand sinks are fully stocked with soap and paper towels; gloves are available.

  • Mop sink is clean and free from debris; mop is clean and being dried out.

  • Sanitizer spray bottles is clearly and filled to proper strength.

  • 3 Part Sink is set up and clear instructions are posted for team members; know how to test it.

  • Items that have been cleaned are air drying.

  • State and Federal posters displayed and within date.


  • Document retention process is being followed.

  • Pest Control Treatment and Grease Trap has been completed; up to date; and report is on hand.

  • The fire extinguisher is visible and fully charged; serviced up to date.

  • Tip Log is completed daily and signed off on.

  • Drawer receipts are available for auditing.

  • Food Handler folder is set up and up to date.

  • Team Members are in appropriate dress code i.e. hair, jewelry, apron, etc.

  • Product promotions are known by the team; they have a top 3 items list.

  • Team members are knowledgeable about current roll-outs and seasonal offerings.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.