Buildings / Areas Inspected e.g. Station, BA chamber:
Name of person(s) carrying out inspection:
Name of Site Manager:
Preferred Contact:
Date of Inspection:
Martyn's Law
Martyn's Law
Is Martyn's Law applicable to this site?
Approximate maximum number of occupants?
Floor Surfaces
Are there any slip or trip hazards on the floors (loose carpet tiles, cables across floors etc)?
Are there any internal stairs, corridors or communal areas that are in need of repair or missing handrails?
Are there any external stairs, corridors or communal areas that are in need of repair or missing handrails?
Are any safe exit routes blocked with boxes etc. or are the aisles / corridors to narrow to safely evacuate the building?
Fire Exits and Fire Safety
GEEP (Generic Emergency Evacuation Plan) evidenced?
Are Fire Action Notices in Place?
Are there any fire doors that don’t open easily or shut properly (using automatic closures where necessary)?
Are any fire doors wedged open?
Are they being held open by fire approved stopper units?
Has the fire related equipment such as smoke detectors, emergency lighting, fire alarms been tested in accordance with maintenance schedule?
Is there any obstruction that would impede escape from the building?
Are fire exit signs easily seen and easy to follow?
Is there anything in your area that constitutes a significant fire loading or ignition source?
Have any fire extinguishers been used since the last inspection (check weight/tamper seal)?
Are there any outstanding actions from the fire risk assessment or does the document need to be reviewed?
How often does the FRA need to be renewed for this site?
Hazardous Chemicals / Substances
Are there any paints, white spirits or chemicals (including petrol/diesel) that are stored incorrectly? Refer to COSHH Matrix
Are there any chemicals in use that have not been COSHH assessed?
Machinery / Equipment
Are there any obvious electrical faults (damaged cables, burning smells, very old equipment etc)?
Has anyone in your area brought electrical equipment from home or another building into the premises?
Did any electrical equipment miss the last annual test (check label)?
Working Environment
Is it too hot or too cold?
Are there any obvious lighting problems?
FM Doors Inspection
If any issues are found please note down the asset code for the door (if applicable - this can usually be found in the door frame near the hinges)
Are Interior doors opening and closing fully?
Are Fire Exit doors are opening and closing fully?
Do the Self-Closing fixtures appear to be working as they should?
Are there any damaged Visibility Panels on site?
Are any door steps in poor condition?
Are handles in a working condition?
Building Interior
Does any part of the interior of the building appear to be in need of repair?
Are windows dirty, poorly maintained or draughty? Are blinds, where provided, in a poor state of repair?
Are there any signs of water ingress on site?
To your knowledge has the building layout changed in a way that could affect site evacuation?
Building Exterior
Does the buildings exterior appear to be in need of repair?
Are any Manhole covers exposed?
Does the car park appear to be in poor condition?
Does the Station Forecourt appear to be in poor condition?
Does the Drill Yard appear to be in poor condition?
Is there any obvious drainage issues on site?
Do you have reason to believe that contractors are not signing in and viewing the asbestos register before starting work?
Undertake a visual inspection of all asbestos containing materials on site. Has the condition of the asbestos deteriorated since the last asbestos survey (check photographs)?
Is the legionnaire log missing or are checks not up to date?
Are the grounds are up to an expected standard with no overhanging on to paths etc?
if you need to carry out a tree survey please Fill in Form B which you can find on teams under link
Page 1 of the B2 Form
Page 2 of the B2 Form
Do you need to carry out a tree survey? (Attach screen shots of the survey here)
Are the gulleys and gutters and surrounding pipework in relative good condition?
Are the gulleys and gutters on a inspection and cleaning schedule ?
How often are the gutters being inspected and cleaned?
6 Monthly
Is there a Drill Tower on site?
Are the Drill Tower lights working?
Does the Drill Tower appear secure?
Are there any visible defects to the Drill Tower?
Are there multiple occupants (clients) in this site?
Who are the clients on site?
Are there more than two dwellings in this site?
How Many?
Is the signage clear on site?
Is the NCC TFM Premises Manager being used?
Are the standards of cleaning inadequate?
Are the standards of housekeeping inadequate?
Are plant rooms and other prohibited areas kept unlocked?
Do you recommend a condition survey to this property?
Does the site have a Security Risk Assessment?
CCTV and Censored Lighting is working?
Security signage is in place?
Are there any access vulnerablilties on site?
Health and Safety Hazards
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
Are there any other health and safety hazards or concerns not mentioned above ? (please provide details on note section)
If you have identified any problems, use the below to identify what action needs to be taken by whom
1. What is the Problem:
2. Action Required:
3. Date
4. Person Responsible:
5. By When:
6. Date of Completion:
Other Problems & Actions Required
If you have identified any problems, use the below to identify what action needs to be taken by whom
1. What is the Problem:
2. Action Required:
3. Date
4. Person Responsible:
5. By When:
6. Date of Completion:
Other Problems & Actions Required
If you have identified any problems, use the below to identify what action needs to be taken by whom
1. What is the Problem:
2. Action Required:
3. Date
4. Person Responsible:
5. By When:
6. Date of Completion:
Other Problems & Actions Required
If you have identified any problems, use the below to identify what action needs to be taken by whom
1. What is the Problem:
2. Action Required:
3. Date
4. Person Responsible:
5. By When:
6. Date of Completion:
Other Problems & Actions Required
If you have identified any problems, use the below to identify what action needs to be taken by whom
1. What is the Problem:
2. Action Required:
3. Date
4. Person Responsible:
5. By When:
6. Date of Completion: