Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
First Impression
Is the store exterior clean to include cart corrals, trash and cigarette receptacles, windows, sidewalks, and is the landscaping free of weeds and debris?
Are shopping carts, baby seats, and handicap carts clean, free of debris, and functional?
Is the store entrance free of clutter and appealing to include functional doors, proper lighting, clean recycling bins, and an organized coupon center?
Is all mandatory signage available to include Gun signage, Food Stamp signage (SNAP) - FNS Poster 110, 132, 136, and 240, and early access for handicapped/disabled patrons?
Is the DeCA Command Board current with photos of the Director, the Senior Enlisted Advisor, Store Operations Director, and the Store Director posted?
Are patron restrooms clean, fully functional, and include sufficient soap, toilet paper, and paper towels? Is the custodial sanitation checklist current?
Any other issues identified?
Produce Department
Is the produce department visually appealing with clean, uncluttered and attractive displays?
Are promotional items displayed at the front of the department attractive utilizing contractor supplied signage?
Is proper signage current, attractive, and displayed for all items including Country of Origin (COOL), YES! Program and Promotions?
Is the department set to display the proper amount of product based on season, demographics, quality, price, weather and availability? (This includes grocery items (juice, dips, etc.) merchandised in produce.)
Is there an attractive selection of organic products?
Are non-slip rugs utilized, clean and in good condition?
Is the customer service bell operational? Is the store advertising special orders, such as fruit/vegetable trays, fruit basket availability?
Is overhead and equipment lighting clean, functional and free of debris?
Are produce bag stands full?
Is cross merchandising being utilized, items fully stocked and priced?
Do all cases in the coolers have a date of delivery and is product properly rotated?
Was the quarterly inventory conducted by SD or SA IAW SO 16-02?
Review monthly inventory to sales ratio IAW SO 16-04. Is the department in tolerance?
Are receivers performing a 100% in-check of product? Review three invoices to ensure annotation for discrepancies.
Is the Produce Manager performing price verification and submitting price corrections to product file maintenance? Review price correction sheet.
Is there a case cleaning schedule? (Check for frequency and personnel cleaning the cases by section)
Are all eyewash stations operational, fully accessible, and tested weekly?
Are employees wearing appropriate attire to include smocks, name tags, and proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Any other issues identified?
Meat Department
Have all meat department personnel completed Annual Meat Cutting and Meat Safety Training?
Are allocation funds being documented and turned in monthly with inventory results?
Is there excessive meat department frozen reduce in the freezer?
Is the customer service bell operational?
Are specialty meat cuts available by request signage prominently displayed?
Is cross merchandising being utilized, items fully stocked and priced?
Are all eyewash stations operational, fully accessible, and tested weekly?
Are employees wearing appropriate attire to include smocks, name tags, and proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Any other issues identified?
Grocery Department
Is the department in compliance with the current display package to include Manager's Specials, Power Buys, and other promotional events?
Does the department have excessive Not-in-Stocks? If so, identify problem areas and cause.
Spot check high risk areas (baby formula, yogurt, etc.) for expired product. Did you find concerns?
Is the store shelving clean and do signs/labels match items?
Are shelf labels clean, in good condition and affixed for all products?
Is the salvage area clean, organized, and processed according to established procedures?
Is the product fronted; labels facing outboard?
Do the seasonal displays reflect upcoming holiday; are the non-current holiday displays taken down in a timely manner?
Are the planograms using the latest update?
Is there a cleaning schedule (Check for frequency and personnel cleaning the cases by section)?
Is the store using the coded DOT system? Using yellow dots on the shelf tag to indicate that there is a short-term vendor cut issue, using red dots to signify an extended supply issue.
Examine the process to fix NIS. Is the CAO scanning every NIS?
Examine the process to fix NIS. Is the BOH accurate?
Are the NIS items researched and corrected daily?
Are overwrites scanned nightly, reviewed, and corrected?
Is cross merchandising being utilized, items fully stocked and priced?
Are employees wearing appropriate attire to include smocks, name tags, and proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Any other issues identified?
- Pass
- Fail
- N/A
Are the back up storage areas, to include dry, chill, and frozen, properly rotated, clean and organized?
Is the rack/warehouse shelving clean and in good condition?
Are the back door(s) secured when not in use?
Has the required 10% spot check been completed on receipts, confirmed on Spot Check Log
Do any of the MHE have keys left in the ignition and are they clean and maintained?
Is the baler operational and does it have appropriate age restriction signage and a list of authorized users?
Are the records being stores in accordance to the NARA standard; secure area, 55-70 farenheight, sprinkler system?
Is the back dock clean and organized?
Are vehicle chocks available and in use?
Are all eyewash stations operational, fully accessible, and tested weekly?
Any other issues identified?
Is all equipment operational and being utilized to its full potential?
Are HACCP plans current and available for review for all respective processes?
Any other issues identified?
Front End
Are all racks fully stocked?
Are registers clean, uncluttered and in good condition?
Are all SCOs open and fully operational?
What registers/SCOs are non-operational and what is the ticket number(s)?
EBS Equipment Readiness Status - Review Downtime ledger for HHT, SCO and In-Lane registers. Does the store have a ledger?
Is the queuing line clean, attractive, uncluttered, and contain proper signage?
Are the front end offices clean and organized?
Are coupons stored in a secured location?
Are there any unauthorized personnel in the cash office? Is the Visitor Log properly maintained?
Does your store have an approved Maximum Funds Limitation Memorandum on file?
Does your store have an approved CHANGE FUND Memorandum on file?
Does your store have an approved roster of individual's authorized safe access?
Is the store director or store administrator conducting daily Front End Fraud checklists?
Is the Operator Listing, by name and operator number, from POS of all employees current and accurate, to include the manager index numbers? Are the listings maintained in a locked cabinet and being maintained for one year?
Women, Infants, Children (WIC), is the program up-to-date to include software?
Are cashiers pointing out the customer satisfaction survey on the bottom of the receipt?
Is the Store Director's name and phone number on the sales receipt?
Are employees wearing appropriate attire to include smocks, name tags, and proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Any other issues identified?
Are the MSC area and management offices clean, uncluttered and organized?
Is the existence of physical security controls in place for the computer room, data center, or any area with systems in the cardholder data environment?
Is the inventory to sales ratio, on the last month's record of operation for meat and produce, in an acceptable range?
What is the grocery VRGC total on the last month's record of operation and how does it compare to the same month, previous year?
Are there at least two current Government Purchase Card (GPC) holders?
Have you reviewed the annual key and lock inventory (which includes the SCO cards; CARTS locations ONLY)?
Any other issues identified?
Are employees interacting with customers, using the 5-10 Rule, to ensure the highest levels of customer service and routinely using the three core phrases? 1) Good morning/afternoon/evening, did you find everything you were looking for? 2) Is there anything I can help you with? 3) My pleasure.
Is the Customer Service Ambassador program implemented and visible in employee actions and/or interactions? Are red lapel ribbons visible?
Are employees aware of and utilizing Job Aids?
Has all mandatory annual training been completed (check 10% of personnel folders)?
Do employees know and understand the Agency Mission and Vision Statement? (Check random employees and Managers)
Did you make contact with Garrison/Base/Station leadership?
If displayed, are Military flag displayed using proper protocol with regards to proper handling and presentation?
Overall cleanliness - is it clean from the front of the property to the back of the property?
Check bulletin board required items and organization. Inquire if customer service, safety and security measure, training, etc. are being accomplished.
Any other issues identified?