Title Page

  • Serviced Accommodation Check

  • Housekeeper/Inspected by

  • Conducted on

  • Location


  • Before Pictures Taken

  • After Pictures Taken

  • Send WhatsApp video to Leanne once finished

  • Work from Top to Bottom to allow dust to settle

Bathrooms (1st)

  • Clean toilet seat (both sides)

  • Underside of lavatory clean

  • Toilet flushes correctly

  • Bathroom free of odours

  • Shower screen clean

  • Pop up stopper clean

  • Free of water spots on tiles

  • Shower or tub free of grout

  • Fresh supply of towels

  • Floor mopped

  • 2 Toilet Rolls - Folded and stamped with tap

  • Toilet Seat Down

  • Handwash



  • Strip Beds 1st and apply clean bedding to allow dust to settle

  • Window free of cracks

  • Window glass clean

  • Lamps work

  • Wall lights work

  • Lamp shades clean and straight

  • Fluffed/even pillows

  • Bedspreads straight

  • Bedspread free of rips and stains

  • Upholstery clean and in good condition

  • Furniture free from scratches or stains

  • Walls clean and free of cobwebs

  • Walls free from scratches and nicks

  • Pictures and Mirrors straight

  • Furniture draws slide out easily

  • Minimum of 6 hangers (3 suit, 3 dress)

  • Towels on Bed rolled - Check how many guests are next on uplisting

  • Tuck bedding in (Hospital Corners on beds)


  • Check enough crockery, glassware & cutlery for max number of guests

  • Check that all crockery is clean from previous guests (VERY IMPORTANT)

  • Discard all fresh food left by previous guest

  • Clean and disinfect the sink

  • Sweep and mop the floor

  • Wipe down worktops and cabinets

  • Wipe down the stovetop and oven and extractor

  • Dust the surfaces

  • Clean cabinet fronts

  • Dust top of the refrigerator and clean inside and out

  • Clean and disinfect the microwave

  • Empty and clean bin

Must have

  • 1 Tea Towel Provided

  • Iron - in draw

  • ironing board

  • Hairdryer


  • Coffee

  • 1 tea bags

  • 1 iron

  • Sugar

Living Area

  • Dust the blinds

  • Clean window sills

  • Vacuum chairs

  • Sanitize remote controls

  • Dust and clean lamp shades

  • Dust the windows

  • Dust and clean décor

  • Check and clean light switches and plug point if needed


Marketing material

  • Welcome Sheet


  • Fresh Bin liners in each bin throughout


  • 1 bath mat

  • Hairdryer - located in kitchen draw

  • 2 toilet rolls

Room Settings


  • Lights off

  • Windows closed

  • Television off with remotes out

  • Check sofas for debris


  • Sinks off

  • Drain plugs open

  • Shower head pointing towards wall

  • Toilet lid down

  • Bathroom door open

  • Light off

Final Checks

  • Does the room require any maintenance or repairs

  • If repairs are required, please include a photo of the broken items.

  • Has anything in the room been damaged?

  • If anything is damaged, please include a photo of the damages.

  • All keys go back into correct lock box.

  • All dirty laundry is IN the orange laundry bag and taken back to the cupboard

  • Outdoor areas are free from rubbish and cigarette ends.

  • Clean door handles

  • Clean light switches

  • Clean light fixtures

  • Test and replace smoke alarms

  • Replace light bulbs as needed

  • Check and replace batteries

  • Remove cobwebs

  • Check windows throughout if marked clean as needed

  • Vacuum and dust all other areas

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.