Date/Time of Assessment
Prepared by
- Safety Committee
- Neal Seyfert
- Clint Brocato
- Sidney Nigro
- Tyler Mantler
- Brady Baldwin
- Jeremy Gremminger
- Harrison Miller
- Chris Parks
- Chris Davis
General Facilities
Is there "No Smoking" signage posted at all building entrances?
Is there "No Firearms" signage posted at all building entrances?
Do all break rooms, locker rooms, restrooms, and drivers' lounges meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Do all other general areas of the facility meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Is the correct "Right to Work/Know Your Rights" OSHA paperwork posted?
Are storm shelters clearly marked with proper signage?
Are you conducting the self-audit in GA, CO, or TX?
This state requires a Medical Provider Panel/Approved Provider List, is it posted?
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards - Walkways to exits must be clean.
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside.
- Exit doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours. -
Do all exits and egress paths meet standard?
Which part does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Are all electrical outlets in common areas equipped with the proper covers and faceplates?
Are outlets near sinks and water sources protected by GFCIs?
Do all outdoor outlets have the proper weather cover?<br>
Is the exterior of the building free of damage?
Is the trash bin area free of trash laying around the bins?
Is the fencing, landscaping, and shrubbery maintained and meeting MHC standards?
Is the curbing in good condition and free from damage?
Are the bollards painted yellow or red, free from damage, and is the paint in good condition?
Are sidewalks and parking lots maintained relative to the weather conditions?
Are all walkways free of slip, trip and fall hazards?
Are grounds free from trash and debris?
Does the branch have adequate lighting inside?
Does the branch have adequate lighting outside?
Are lights in good working condition and not burnt out?
Decking Hosit
Does the branch have a decking hoist?
MHC Decking Hoist Standard
- Must have a weight rating on the structure, hoist, and hook.
- Must have an inspection within the last year and a tag on the structure with the inspection date.
- The apparatus must be free from damage or defects. - The area must meet MHC housekeeping standards.
- The hook should have a safety latch. -
Does the decking hoist meet all applicable standards? <br>
Which part of the decking hoist does not meet standard?
- Missing Weight Rating
- Missing Inspection/Inspection Not Current
- Damaged
- Housekeeping
- Safety Latch
Sprinkler/Backflow System
Does the branch have a sprinkler system?
Does the branch have an annual inspection readily available?
MHC Sprinkler System Standards
- The sprinkler system must be inspected annually.
- The butterfly valve must be in the open position.
- The backflow system must be tested annually.
- The sprinkler system should be kept clear of debris and storage by 3 feet for ease of access. -
Does the sprinkler system meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the sprinkler system does not meet standard?
- No inspection/Inspection Out of Date
- Butterfly Valve Not Open
- Backflow Not Tested
- Access to Sprinkler Blocked
IT Room
Can the IT room be properly secured?
Is it secured?
Are there any issues with the IT servers?
Does the branch have a Service Department?
General Housekeeping
Does the department meet all MHC housekeeping standards?
Is there perimeter/floor striping?
Is it good condition?
Take a picture of the perimeter/floor striping.
Is the department free from slips, trips, and fall hazards?
Take pictures of each slip, trip, or fall hazard.
Is there “Employees/Authorized Personnel Only" signage?
Are all oil lines free from leaking, so they do not cause a trip or fall?
Take a picture of the leaking oil line(s).
When asked can an employee name the FOS 4 States of Mind?
Educate the employee on FOS and the importance behind it.
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Air Compressor
Does the department have an air compressor?
What state is the audit being conducted?
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wyoming
You state does not require air compressor inspections. Continue to the next question.
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the last year?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 24 months?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 36 months?
Air Compressor Standards
-Must have a "Machine Starts Automatically" sign
-All drive belts must be guarded
-Must be equipped with pressure relief valves & accurate pressure gauges -
Does the air compressor meet all standards?
Which part of the air compressor does not meet standard?
- Missing "Machine Starts Automatically" Sign
- Unguarded Belts
- Pressure Relief Valve Missing/Broken
- Pressure Gauge Missing/Broken
Air Hoses
Air Hose Standards
- Hoses must never be left on the floor when not in use
- Hoses must be free from physical damage and non-approved repairs (hose clamp and tape)
- Air guns must be OSHA approved with the safety relief tip when used for cleaning purposes -
Does the department meet all air hose standards?
What part of the air hoses do not meet standard?
- Hoses on Floor
- Damaged/Non-Approved Repairs
- Blow Guns Not OSHA Approved
- Other
Alignment Pit
Does the department have an alignment pit?
Alignment Pit Standards
- Housekeeping meets MHC standard
- Must have barriers around pit
- All ramps and columns must be free from damage -
Does the alignment pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the alignment pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Damage to Ramps or Columns
- Other
Behavioral Observations
Discuss with the Service Manager and Technicians on how often the Foreman is seen walking the shop.
*Foreman Tower: How often does the foreman walk the shop?
Observe a technician and ask the following questions:
Which job is the technician working on?
- DriveLines
- Transmissions
- Overhauls - Out of Frame Engine Work
- Preventative Maintenance
- Other
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Are creepers up when not in use, so they do not cause a trip hazard?
If the steer axle is lifted, has the air system been bled and the parking brake been set?
Are employees maintaining 3 points of contact at all times?
Are proper lifting techniques being observed?
Are employees using proper lifting equipment when lifting heavy items?
Are employees using assisted lifting devices/team lifting for items over 50 lbs?
Are employees using goggles when under a truck?
Are employees using retractable knives when cutting and demonstrating proper cutting techniques?
How often is the department holding Safety Huddles?
How often is the department holding Crew Meetings?
Is the department storing batteries?
Battery Storage Standards
- Battery cores must be stored on a containment pallet
- Batteries that do not have a handle must be transported by battery carrier - Eye wash station must be within 75 feet of batteries
- Batteries must be stacked in an orderly fashion and ready for collection (not in a pile or out of order) -
Does the department meeting all battery storage standards?
Which part of storing batteries does not meet standard?
- Batteries not stored on containment pallet
- Batteries not being moved by a handle or carrying device
- Eye wash station not within 75 feet
- Not being stacked correctly
- Other
Take a picture of the battery storage area.
Bay Doors
Bay Door Standard
- Must be all the way open or closed, not partially open
- Must be free of damage -
Is the branch meeting all bay door standards?
Which part of the bay doors do not meet standard?
- Doors Not Fully Open/Closed
- Damaged Doors
- Other
Bench Grinder
Does the department have a bench grinder?
Bench Grinder Standards
- Sideguards must cover nut and flange
- Work rest must be within1/8-inch of the wheel
- Tongue guard must be within 1/4-inch of the wheel
- Grinding edge of wheel must flat and free of metal impingements or chips
- Face shield must be available at station and worn when in use -
Does the bench grinder meet all standards?
Which part of the bench grinder does not meet standard?
- Side Guards
- Tongue Guard
- Grinder Wheel
- Face Shield
- PPE Not Available or Being Used
- Work Rest
Chock Blocks
Are chock blocks located in a designated area, so they do not cause a trip hazard when not in use?
Are chock blocks used for all vehicles that are being serviced inside and outside the bays?
Are chock blocks in good condition?
Chop Saw
Does the department have a chop saw?
Chop Saw Standards
- Must be in good working condition
- Work area must be clean and orderly with no used parts or waste
- Face shield & leather gloves must be at the station and worn when in use
- Power cord must be free from defects and have a ground prong
- Must be secured/anchored to work area -
Does the chop saw meet all standards?
Which part of the chop saw does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Work Station Housekeeping
- PPE Missing
- PPE Not Being Used
- Power Cord
- Unit Not Anchored/Secured
- Other
Is the department performing work on CNG/LNG vehicles?
Is the facility equipped with a gas detection sensors?
Is the CNG service being performed inside or outside the building?
If the facility doesn't contain a detection system, CNG powered vehicles are only allowed in a facility if the vehicle is completely purged with a wash out ticket. If the vehicle is not completely purged with a wash out ticket, it must be removed from inside the facility immediately.
Working on CNG vehicles outside is permitted. Please continue the audit.
Facilities with gas detection systems are permitted to work on CNG/LNG vehicles inside. Please continue the audit.
Diesel Particulate Filter
Does the department have a DPF cleaner?
DPF Cleaner Standards
- Must have and use a DPF handler (cart) to transport DPFs
- N95 dust mask and splash proof safety googles must worn when handling the soot collection bucket -
Is the department meeting all DPF cleaner standards?
Which part of the DPF cleaning practices does not meet standard?
- DPF Handler
Drill Press
Does the department have a drill press?
Drill Press Standard
- Drill bit must have a guard
- Power cord must be free from defect and include a ground prong
- Face shield must be present and used during operation
- Drive belts must be guarded
- Drill press must be secured/anchored -
Does the drill press meet all standards?<br>
What part of the drill press does not meet standard?
- Drill Bit Guard
- Power Cord/Ground Prong
- Face Shield
- Belts Not Guarded
- Unit Not Secured/Anchored
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways must be clean
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside
- Doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standard?
Which part of the exit or egress does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Electrical Outlet Standards
- Outlets must be covered and free from holes or openings
- Outlets exposed to weather (outside or moisture) must have weather covers
- Junction boxes must be covered and free from holes or openings -
Is the department meeting all electrical outlet standards?
Which part of the electrical outlets do not meet standard?
- Uncovered/Holes
- Weather Covers
- Junction Boxes
- Other
Extension Cord Standards
- Must be free from damage, including missing ground prong & repair with electrical tape
- Must be hung up out of the way when not in use
- Must not be used as permanent wiring (zip tied to conduit or run through walls or doors) -
Is the department meeting all extension cord standards?<br>
Which part of the extension cords do not meet standard?
- Damaged Cord
- Missing Prong
- Cord zip tied to conduit
- Runs Through Wall or Door
- Other
Electrical Panel Standards
- Panels must be labeled with Danger, High Voltage and Keep Out signage
- All breakers must be properly labeled
- All breaker boxes must be free of open void or holes greater than 1/8th inch
- All breakers must be in proper working condition without tape
- All electrical panels must have clear access and cannot be obstructed -
Is the department meeting all electrical panel standards?
Which part of the electrical panel does not meet standard?
- High Voltage Warning Signs
- Breaker Labels
- Open Voids or Holes
- Other
- Panels Obstructed
Have any employees completed Level 0 and Level 1 electric vehicle safety training through Kenworth?
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
Flammable Storage
Are shop rags disposed of properly in an OSHA-approved container with a self-closing lid?
Does the branch have a flammable cabinet?
Does the branch have any gas or fuel cans?
Fuel Can Standard
All gas or fuel cans must be:
- Metal
- Have a self-closing lid
- Have a flash arrestor -
Are the fuel cans meeting standard?<br><br>
Which part of the fuel cans does not meet standard?
- OSHA Approved
- Not Metal
- No Self-Closing Lid
- No Flash Arrestor
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appreance
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
Flywheel Machine
Does the department have a flywheel machine?
Flywheel Machine Standards
-Controls must function properly & be free of damage, missing knobs/buttons
-Power cord must free of damage
-Grinding wheel must be free of chips, cracks, or any other damage
-Front guard must be installed while the flywheel machine is operating -
Does the flywheel machine meet all standards?
Which part of the flywheel machine does not meet standard?
- Controls
- Power Cord
- Grinder Wheel
- Front Guard Missing/Not in Use
- Other
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained on ShareKnowledge?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Do all employees who may operate a forklift in this department have a Hands On Evaluation on file on paper or in the SafetyCulture app?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the branch have proper inspections and maintenance records?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Hazard Communication (HazCom)
Is the HazCom signage posted in the department?
Are all secondary containers/spray bottles properly labeled with their contents?
When asked, do employees know how to access Safety Data Sheets?
Hot Works
Is the department storing extra oxygen or acetylene?
Oxygen/Acetylene Storage Standards
- All oxygen cylinders must be stored 20 feet from flammables
- All compressed gas cylinders must be secured upright
- All compressed gas cylinders must be capped when not in use -
Is the department meeting all oxygen and acetylene storage standards?<br>
Which part of the oxygen and acetylene storage does not meet standard?
- Oxygen Stored Near Flammables
- Cylinders Not Secured
- Cylinders Not Capped
- Other
Does the department have a torch cart?
Torch Cart Standards
- Cart must have a 5ft high fire wall
- All gauges must be working with no broken or missing glass or plastic
- Flash arrestors must be present on the torch
- Appropriate gloves and goggles must be available on the cart -
Does the torch cart meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the torch cart does not meet standard?
- Missing Firewall
- Broken Gauges
- Flash Arrestors
- Other
Does the department have a welder?
Welder Standards
- Welder must wear welding gloves
- Welder must have appropriate welding helmet
- Welder power cord must be free from all defects, including exposed or taped wiring -
Does the welder meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the welder does not meet standard?
- Gloves
- Mask
- Power cord
- Other
Hydraulic Press
Does the department have a hydraulic press?
Hydraulic Press Standards
- Must have guarding covering work area
- Area around press must meet MHC housekeeping standards
- Must be anchored/secured to prevent walking or tipping -
Does the hydraulic press meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the press does not meet standard?
- Gaurding
- Housekeeping
- Anchored/Secured
- Other
Ladders/Work Platforms
Is the department free from all homemade or non-approved work platforms? (A frame ladders, homemade boxes, etc)
Does the department have a staircase ladder?
Is it in good condition with required rubber feet that are free from damage?
Do all podium ladders, step ladders, and other work platforms meet the minimum 375lbs rate rating?
Are all podium ladders properly secured by hook or chain in a designated area when not in use?
Lifting/Load Bearing Equipment
When asked, do employees know when they are required to use assisted lifting?
Jacks/Jack Stands
Are jack stands being utilized under all vehicles when the load is supported by a jack?
Are all jacks and jack stands free of defects and damage, labeled with the capacity, and equipped with the proper pin?
Which part of the jacks and jack stands does not meet standard?
- Defective/Damaged
- Labeled with Capacity
- Proper Pin
Drive Line Tooling
All branches should have at least one DriveLine PRO.
Is the Drive Line Pro being utilized under all vehicles when doing any driveline work?
Are all Drive Line Pro's free of defects and damages?
Disc Brake Hub Handler
Does this branch have a Disc Hub Handler?
Is the Disc Hub Handler being utilized appropriately and in safe working conditions?
Engine Work
Does the facility perform out of frame engine work?
How many engine stands does the branch have?
Engine Work Standards
All out of frame engine work must be done on an MHC approved engine stand or must have 4 points of contact AND an overhead support, meaning it must be on an engine stand or 4 jacks and hoist (or another form of overhead support) -
Does the out of frame engine work meet MHC standards?
Which part of the engine work did not meet standard?
Does the facility do midsize engine work?
Hoists, Cranes, Chain, Etc.
Does the department have a hoist/crane?
Hoist/Crane Standards
- Load rating must be displayed on the structure, assembly, and hook
- Crane/hoist must be inspected on an annual basis and inspection date must be clearly labeled on the crane/hoist
- Crane controls must be clearly labeled
- Hook has safety latch if it was designed with one -
Does the crane/hoist meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the crane/hoist does not meet standard?
- Weight Rating
- Pendant Controls
- Inspection Out of Date
- Inspection Not Visible on Crane
- Missing/Broken Safety Latch
Does the department have a cherry picker?
Cherry Picker Standards
- Must be in proper working order/manufacturer’s intended condition
- Must be labeled with weight capacity at each arm setting
- If hook is designed to have safety latch, it must have one
- Must have annual inspection and date of inspection must be labeled on cherry picker -
Does the cherry picker meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the cherry picker does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Weight Rating
- Hook Safety Latch
- Annual Inspection
- Annual Inspection Label
- Other
Chain Standards
- All lifting chains must be at least grade 8,80,800 or higher
- All chains must be tagged with correct load rating
- All chains must have annual inspection -
Does all chain meet the applicable standards?
Which part of the chain does not meet standard?
- Grade
- Not Tagged with Weight Rating
- Inspection Out of Date
- Other
Are all vehicles being serviced with lifted dump beds using a secondary locking device? Wood blocks are not approved as a secondary locking device.
Does the department have adequate lighting?
Does the branch have fluorescent bulbs?
Is the branch disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Do they have an approved Waste Management recycling box?
Is it properly labeled with an accumulation start date that is less than 1 year from today?
Are there records showing that a vendor is properly disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Are all light bulbs working (no lights out)?
Is the department free of all metal, caged drop lights?
Lock Out/Tag Out
Lock Out/Tag Out Standard
All vehicles in the shop will have:
- Key on floorboard
- Tag hung from turn signal -
Is the LOTO program in effect and properly administered per the work instruction?
Which part(s) of the LOTO Program does not meet standard?
- Key Not on Floorboard
- Tag not Hung from Turn Signal
- Other
Parts Cleaner (Solvent-Based Basin)
Is the parts cleaner free of all flammable products?
Are parts cleaners being used for their intended purpose and not as a work station?
Parts Washer (Automatic Steamer Cabinet)
Does the department have an automatic parts steamer cabinet?
Steamer Cabinet Standards
- Must have signage stating "Caution/Hot"
- Power cord must be free from all defects -
Does the parts steamer cabinet meet all applicable standards?
Which part of parts steamer cabinet does not meet standard?
- Signage
- Power Cord
Personal Protective Equipment
Are safety glasses being worn by employees in the shop at all times?
Is the visitor safety glasses bin stocked and safety glasses readily available?
Are all visitors, vendors, and other MHC employees wearing safety glasses in the shop?
Are steel-toed or composite-toed boots being worn by all employees in the shop at all times?
Are all employees handling any tools, parts, or materials wearing cut resistant gloves?
Does this department have bump caps?
Is hearing protection (ear plugs) available for all employees?
Rotary/Die Grinders
MHC Grinding and Cutting Standards
- All rotary/die grinders including personal grinders must be equipped with the proper guards
- The max revolutions per minute (rpm) rating of each abrasive wheel must be compatible with the rpm rating of the grinder motor
- The power cord must free of damage including missing ground prong -
Does the department meet all the grinding and cutting standards?
Which part of the cutting and grinding standards are not being followed?
- Missing Guard
- Wheel not Rated for Grinder
- Power Cord
- Other
Are all employees using cutting wheels or grinders wearing safety glasses AND face shields?
Service Pit
Does the department have a service pit?
Service Pit Standards
- Must be clean without trash, rags, or spills
- Must have a barrier around or over the the open pit
- Must be well lit with all lights working -
Does the service pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the service pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Lighting
- Other
Spill Control
Does the branch have a Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan developed and available?
Is spill containment (Green Stuff, oil dry) material present and readily available?
What is the branch using for spill containment?
Does the department have a spill kit for larger spills?
Tool Room
Is the tool room organized and free of slips, trips, and falls?
Does it meet the MHC housekeeping standard?
Is it free of homemade tools?
Are all tools and equipment free of broken or fractured handles and in good working condition?
Are the striking ends of all seal drivers in good condition?
Are the power cords of all tools and equipment free from damage, including missing ground prongs?
Tooling and Equipment
Does this facility have a tool list?
Check the tools that are missing from the list.
- DPF Cleaning
- Rotating Engine Stand
- Overhead Crane
- Undocking A-frame
- Heavy Duty Cherry Picker
- Dump Bed - Hinge Locks/Alternative Safety Device
- Wheel Dolly
- Drive Line Support/Removal Tool
- Brake Drum Dolly
- EGR Flush Kit
- Jump Start Box/Cart
- A/C Machine 134A Only
- Disc Hub Brake Remover
- Column Lifts
- Stationary Engine Stands
- MX Counterbore Cutting Tool Monaco/Mira
- Pico Scope
- Transmission High Lift Jack
- Transmission Jack
- Clutch Jack
- DPF Aftertreatment Jack
- Tiger Tool - Steering/Suppression Press
- Alignment Machine
- Flywheel Cutting Machine
- Press
- Welder
Wash Bay
Does the department have a wash bay?
Is the wash bay organized and does it meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Do all electrical outlets have the proper weather covers?
Is the wash bay free from storage of excess barrels?
Is the wash bay free from any barrels containing flammables?
Waste Lubricants
Are all oils and lubricants cleaned up and disposed of in the designated area?
Are all the spent oil materials (including mats, absorbent, socks) being disposed of properly?
Are all used oil, antifreeze, and fuel tanks labeled properly?
Per state regulations, is the department disposing of oil filters properly?
Oil Water Separator
Does the department have an oil water separator?
Is there paperwork showing the separator has been cleaned in the last year?
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Are all drain grates in place, free from damage, and serving their original purpose?
Ask multiple employees their opinion on why we have Vehicle Safety Standards and DriveCam.
Was the employee able to discuss the Vehicle Safety Standards?
Educate the employee on MHC's Vehicle Safety Standards program and the importance of it.
Does this department have a vehicle?
Vehicle Inspection
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Medium Duty Service
Does the branch have a Medium Duty Service Department?
Medium Duty Service
General Housekeeping
Does the department meet all MHC housekeeping standards?
Is there perimeter/floor striping?
Is it good condition?
Take a picture of the perimeter/floor striping.
Is the department free from slips, trips, and fall hazards?
Take pictures of each slip, trip, or fall hazard.
Is there “Employees/Authorized Personnel Only" signage?
Are all oil lines free from leaking, so they do not cause a trip or fall?
Take a picture of the leaking oil line(s).
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Air Compressor
Does the department have an air compressor?
What state is the audit being conducted?
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wyoming
You state does not require air compressor inspections. Continue to the next question.
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the last year?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 24 months?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 36 months?
Air Compressor Standards
-Must have a "Machine Starts Automatically" sign
-All drive belts must be guarded
-Must be equipped with pressure relief valves & accurate pressure gauges -
Does the air compressor meet all standards?
Which part of the air compressor does not meet standard?
- Missing "Machine Starts Automatically" Sign
- Unguarded Belts
- Pressure Relief Valve Missing/Broken
- Pressure Gauge Missing/Broken
Air Hoses
Air Hose Standards
- Hoses must never be left on the floor when not in use
- Hoses must be free from physical damage and non-approved repairs (hose clamp and tape)
- Air guns must be OSHA approved with the safety relief tip when used for cleaning purposes -
Does the department meet all air hose standards?
What part of the air hoses do not meet standard?
- Hoses on Floor
- Damaged/Non-Approved Repairs
- Blow Guns Not OSHA Approved
- Other
Alignment Pit
Does the department have an alignment pit?
Alignment Pit Standards
- Housekeeping meets MHC standard
- Must have barriers around pit
- All ramps and columns must be free from damage -
Does the alignment pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the alignment pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Damage to Ramps or Columns
- Other
Behavioral Observations
Are creepers up when not in use, so they do not cause a trip hazard?
If the steer axle is lifted, has the air system been bled and the parking brake been set?
Are employees maintaining 3 points of contact at all times?
Are proper lifting techniques being observed?
Are employees using proper lifting equipment when lifting heavy items?
Are employees using assisted lifting devices/team lifting for items over 50 lbs?
How often is the department holding Safety Huddles?
How often is the department holding Crew Meetings?
Is the department storing batteries?
Battery Storage Standards
- Battery cores must be stored on a containment pallet
- Batteries that do not have a handle must be transported by battery carrier - Eye wash station must be within 75 feet of batteries
- Batteries must be stacked in an orderly fashion and ready for collection (not in a pile or out of order) -
Does the department meeting all battery storage standards?
Which part of storing batteries does not meet standard?
- Batteries not stored on containment pallet
- Batteries not being moved by a handle or carrying device
- Eye wash station not within 75 feet
- Not being stacked correctly
- Other
Bay Doors
Bay Door Standard
- Must be all the way open or closed, not partially open
- Must be free of damage -
Is the branch meeting all bay door standards?
Which part of the bay doors do not meet standard?
- Doors Not Fully Open/Closed
- Damaged Doors
- Other
Bench Grinder
Does the department have a bench grinder?
Bench Grinder Standards
- Sideguards must cover nut and flange
- Work rest must be within1/8-inch of the wheel
- Tongue guard must be within 1/4-inch of the wheel
- Grinding edge of wheel must flat and free of metal impingements or chips
- Face shield must be available at station and worn when in use -
Does the bench grinder meet all standards?
Which part of the bench grinder does not meet standard?
- Side Guards
- Tongue Guard
- Grinder Wheel
- Face Shield
- PPE Not Available or Being Used
- Work Rest
Chock Blocks
Are chock blocks located in a designated area, so they do not cause a trip hazard when not in use?
Take pictures of all chock blocks not in a designated area.
Are chock blocks used for all vehicles that are being serviced inside and outside the bays?
Are chock blocks in good condition?
Chop Saw
Does the department have a chop saw?
Chop Saw Standards
- Must be in good working condition
- Work area must be clean and orderly with no used parts or waste
- Face shield & leather gloves must be at the station and worn when in use
- Power cord must be free from defects and have a ground prong
- Must be secured/anchored to work area -
Does the chop saw meet all standards?
Which part of the chop saw does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Work Station Housekeeping
- PPE Missing
- PPE Not Being Used
- Power Cord
- Unit Not Anchored/Secured
- Other
Is the department performing work on CNG/LNG vehicles?
Is the facility equipped with a gas detection sensors?
Is the CNG service being performed inside or outside the building?
If the facility doesn't contain a detection system, CNG powered vehicles are only allowed in a facility if the vehicle is completely purged with a wash out ticket. If the vehicle is not completely purged with a wash out ticket, it must be removed from inside the facility immediately.
Working on CNG vehicles outside is permitted. Please continue the audit.
Facilities with gas detection systems are permitted to work on CNG/LNG vehicles inside. Please continue the audit.
Diesel Particulate Filter
Does the department have a DPF cleaner?
DPF Cleaner Standards
- Must have and use a DPF handler (cart) to transport DPFs
- N95 dust mask and splash proof safety googles must worn when handling the soot collection bucket -
Is the department meeting all DPF cleaner standards?
Which part of the DPF cleaning practices does not meet standard?
- DPF Handler
Drill Press
Does the department have a drill press?
Drill Press Standard
- Drill bit must have a guard
- Power cord must be free from defect and include a ground prong
- Face shield must be present and used during operation
- Drive belts must be guarded
- Drill press must be secured/anchored -
Does the drill press meet all standards?<br>
What part of the drill press does not meet standard?
- Drill Bit Guard
- Power Cord/Ground Prong
- Face Shield
- Belts Not Guarded
- Unit Not Secured/Anchored
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways must be clean
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside
- Doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standard?
Which part of the exit or egress does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Electrical Outlet Standards
- Outlets must be covered and free from holes or openings
- Outlets exposed to weather (outside or moisture) must have weather covers
- Junction boxes must be covered and free from holes or openings -
Is the department meeting all electrical outlet standards?
Which part of the electrical outlets do not meet standard?
- Uncovered/Holes
- Weather Covers
- Junction Boxes
- Other
Extension Cord Standards
- Must be free from damage, including missing ground prong & repair with electrical tape
- Must be hung up out of the way when not in use
- Must not be used as permanent wiring (zip tied to conduit or run through walls or doors) -
Is the department meeting all extension cord standards?<br>
Which part of the extension cords do not meet standard?
- Damaged Cord
- Missing Prong
- Cord zip tied to conduit
- Runs Through Wall or Door
- Other
Electrical Panel Standards
- Panels must be labeled with Danger, High Voltage and Keep Out signage
- All breakers must be properly labeled
- All breaker boxes must be free of open void or holes greater than 1/8th inch
- All breakers must be in proper working condition without tape
- All electrical panels must have clear access and cannot be obstructed -
Is the department meeting all electrical panel standards?
Which part of the electrical panel does not meet standard?
- High Voltage Warning Signs
- Breaker Labels
- Open Voids or Holes
- Other
- Panels Obstructed
Have any employees completed Level 0 and Level 1 electric vehicle safety training through Kenworth?
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
Flammable Storage
Are shop rags disposed of properly in an OSHA-approved container with a self-closing lid?
Does the branch have any gas or fuel cans?
Fuel Can Standard
All gas or fuel cans must be:
- Metal
- Have a self-closing lid
- Have a flash arrestor -
Are the fuel cans meeting standard?<br><br>
Which part of the fuel cans does not meet standard?
- OSHA Approved
- Not Metal
- No Self-Closing Lid
- No Flash Arrestor
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appreance
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
Flywheel Machine
Does the department have a flywheel machine?
Flywheel Machine Standards
-Controls must function properly & be free of damage, missing knobs/buttons
-Power cord must free of damage
-Grinding wheel must be free of chips, cracks, or any other damage
-Front guard must be installed while the flywheel machine is operating -
Does the flywheel machine meet all standards?
Which part of the flywheel machine does not meet standard?
- Controls
- Power Cord
- Grinder Wheel
- Front Guard Missing/Not in Use
- Other
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained on ShareKnowledge?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Do all employees who may operate a forklift in this department have a Hands On Evaluation on file on paper or in the SafetyCulture app?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the branch have proper inspections and maintenance records?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Hazard Communication (HazCom)
Is the HazCom signage posted in the department?
Are all secondary containers/spray bottles properly labeled with their contents?
When asked, do employees know how to access Safety Data Sheets?
Hot Works
Is the department storing extra oxygen or acetylene?
Oxygen/Acetylene Storage Standards
- All oxygen cylinders must be stored 20 feet from flammables
- All compressed gas cylinders must be secured upright
- All compressed gas cylinders must be capped when not in use -
Is the department meeting all oxygen and acetylene storage standards?<br>
Which part of the oxygen and acetylene storage does not meet standard?
- Oxygen Stored Near Flammables
- Cylinders Not Secured
- Cylinders Not Capped
- Other
Does the department have a torch cart?
Torch Cart Standards
- Cart must have a 5ft high fire wall
- All gauges must be working with no broken or missing glass or plastic
- Flash arrestors must be present on the torch
- Appropriate gloves and goggles must be available on the cart -
Does the torch cart meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the torch cart does not meet standard?
- Missing Firewall
- Broken Gauges
- Flash Arrestors
- Other
Does the department have a welder?
Welder Standards
- Welder must wear welding gloves
- Welder must have appropriate welding helmet
- Welder power cord must be free from all defects, including exposed or taped wiring -
Does the welder meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the welder does not meet standard?
- Gloves
- Mask
- Power cord
- Other
Hydraulic Press
Does the department have a hydraulic press?
Hydraulic Press Standards
- Must have guarding covering work area
- Area around press must meet MHC housekeeping standards
- Must be anchored/secured to prevent walking or tipping -
Does the hydraulic press meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the press does not meet standard?
- Gaurding
- Housekeeping
- Anchored/Secured
- Other
Ladders/Work Platforms
Is the department free from all homemade or non-approved work platforms? (A frame ladders, homemade boxes, etc)
Does the department have a staircase ladder?
Is it in good condition with required rubber feet that are free from damage?
Do all podium ladders, step ladders, and other work platforms meet the minimum 375lbs rate rating?
Are all podium ladders properly secured by hook or chain in a designated area when not in use?
Lifting/Load Bearing Equipment
Jacks/Jack Stands
Are jack stands being utilized under all vehicles when the load is supported by a jack?
Are all jacks and jack stands free of defects and damage, labeled with the capacity, and equipped with the proper pin?
Which part of the jacks and jack stands does not meet standard?
- Defective/Damaged
- Labeled with Capacity
- Proper Pin
Engine Work
Does the facility perform out of frame engine work?
How many engine stands does the branch have?
Engine Work Standards
All out of frame engine work must be done on an MHC approved engine stand or must have 4 points of contact AND an overhead support, meaning it must be on an engine stand or 4 jacks and hoist (or another form of overhead support) -
Does the out of frame engine work meet MHC standards?
Does the facility do midsize engine work?
Hoists, Cranes, Chain, Etc.
Does the department have a hoist/crane?
Hoist/Crane Standards
- Load rating must be displayed on the structure, assembly, and hook
- Crane/hoist must be inspected on an annual basis and inspection date must be clearly labeled on the crane/hoist
- Crane controls must be clearly labeled
- Hook has safety latch if it was designed with one -
Does the crane/hoist meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the crane/hoist does not meet standard?
- Weight Rating
- Pendant Controls
- Inspection Out of Date
- Inspection Not Visible on Crane
- Missing/Broken Safety Latch
Does the department have a cherry picker?
Cherry Picker Standards
- Must be in proper working order/manufacturer’s intended condition
- Must be labeled with weight capacity at each arm setting
- If hook is designed to have safety latch, it must have one
- Must have annual inspection and date of inspection must be labeled on cherry picker -
Does the cherry picker meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the cherry picker does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Weight Rating
- Hook Safety Latch
- Annual Inspection
- Annual Inspection Label
- Other
Chain Standards
- All lifting chains must be at least grade 8,80,800 or higher
- All chains must be tagged with correct load rating
- All chains must have annual inspection -
Does all chain meet the applicable standards?
Which part of the chain does not meet standard?
- Grade
- Not Tagged with Weight Rating
- Inspection Out of Date
- Other
Are all vehicles being serviced with lifted dump beds using a secondary locking device? Wood blocks are not approved as a secondary locking device.
Does the department have adequate lighting?
Does the branch have fluorescent bulbs?
Is the branch disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Do they have an approved Waste Management recycling box?
Is it properly labeled with an accumulation start date that is less than 1 year from today?
Are there records showing that a vendor is properly disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Are all light bulbs working (no lights out)?
Is the department free of all metal, caged drop lights?
Lock Out/Tag Out
Lock Out/Tag Out Standard
All vehicles in the shop will have:
- Key on floorboard
- Tag hung from turn signal -
Is the LOTO program in effect and properly administered per the work instruction?
Which part(s) of the LOTO Program does not meet standard?
- Key Not on Floorboard
- Tag not Hung from Turn Signal
- Other
Parts Cleaner (Solvent-Based Basin)
Is the parts cleaner free of all flammable products?
Are parts cleaners being used for their intended purpose and not as a work station?
Parts Washer (Automatic Steamer Cabinet)
Does the department have an automatic parts steamer cabinet?
Steamer Cabinet Standards
- Must have signage stating "Caution/Hot"
- Power cord must be free from all defects -
Does the parts steamer cabinet meet all applicable standards?
Which part of parts steamer cabinet does not meet standard?
- Signage
- Power Cord
Personal Protective Equipment
Are safety glasses being worn by employees in the shop at all times?
Is the visitor safety glasses bin stocked and safety glasses readily available?
Are all visitors, vendors, and other MHC employees wearing safety glasses in the shop?
Are steel-toed or composite-toed boots being worn by all employees in the shop at all times?
Are all employees handling any tools, parts, or materials wearing cut resistant gloves?
Does this department have bump caps?
Is hearing protection (ear plugs) available for all employees?
Rotary/Die Grinders
MHC Grinding and Cutting Standards
- All rotary/die grinders including personal grinders must be equipped with the proper guards
- The maximum revolutions per minute (rpm) rating of each abrasive wheel must be compatible with the rpm rating of the grinder motor
- The power cord must free of damage including missing ground prong -
Does the department meet all the grinding and cutting standards?
Which part of the cutting and grinding standards are not being followed?
- Missing Guard
- Wheel not Rated for Grinder
- Power Cord
- Other
Are all employees using cutting wheels or grinders wearing safety glasses AND face shields?
Service Pit
Does the department have a service pit?
Service Pit Standards
- Must be clean without trash, rags, or spills
- Must have a barrier around or over the the open pit
- Must be well lit with all lights working -
Does the service pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the service pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Lighting
- Other
Spill Control
Does the branch have a Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan developed and available?
Is spill containment (Green Stuff, oil dry) material present and readily available?
What is the branch using for spill containment?
Does the department have a spill kit for larger spills?
Tool Room
Is the tool room organized and free of slips, trips, and falls?
Does it meet the MHC housekeeping standard?
Is it free of homemade tools?
Are all tools and equipment free of broken or fractured handles and in good working condition?
Are the striking ends of all seal drivers in good condition?
Are the power cords of all tools and equipment free from damage, including missing ground prongs?
Wash Bay
Does the department have a wash bay?
Is the wash bay organized and does it meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Do all electrical outlets have the proper weather covers?
Is the wash bay free from storage of excess barrels?
Is the wash bay free from any barrels containing flammables?
Waste Lubricants
Are all oils and lubricants cleaned up and disposed of in the designated area?
Are all the spent oil materials (including mats, absorbent, socks) being disposed of properly?
Are all used oil, antifreeze, and fuel tanks labeled properly?
Per state regulations, is the department disposing of oil filters properly?
Oil Water Separator
Does the department have an oil water separator?
Is there paperwork showing the separator has been cleaned in the last year?
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Are all drain grates in place, free from damage, and serving their original purpose?
Does this department have a vehicle?
Vehicle Inspection
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the branch have a Parts Department?
Is the department free from any plastic or non-OSHA approved fuel cans? <br>
Are there empty barrels outside?
Are they labeled and capped?
Are they in an excessive amount?
When asked can an employee name the FOS 4 States of Mind?
Educate the employee on FOS and the importance behind it.
How often is the department holding Safety Huddles?
How often is the department holding Crew Meetings?
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Battery Storage Standards
- No MHC vehicle should transport more than 1000lbs of batteries
- Battery cores must be stored on a containment pallet
- Batteries that do not have a handle must be transported by battery carrier - Eye wash station must be within 75 feet of batteries
- Batteries must be stacked in an orderly fashion and ready for collection (not in a pile or out of order) -
Is the department meeting all battery storage standards?
Which part of storing batteries does not meet standard?
- Batteries not stored on containment pallet
- Batteries not being moved by a handle or carrying device
- Eye wash station not within 75 feet
- Not being stacked correctly
- Other
Does the department have an outdoor bullpen?
Bullpen Standards
- Must be clean, organized, and free from all trash and debris
- Must be properly secured to prevent theft
- Fencing must be free from all damage -
Does bullpen meet all standards?
Which part of the bullpen does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- Securement
- Fencing
- Other
Chop Saw
Does the department have a chop saw?
Chop Saw Standards
- Must be in good working condition
- Work area must be clean and orderly with no used parts or waste
- Face shield & leather gloves must be at the station and worn when in use
- Power cord must be free from defects and have a ground prong
- Must be secured/anchored to work area -
Does the chop saw meet all standards?
Which part of the chop saw does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Work Station Housekeeping
- PPE Missing
- PPE Not Being Used
- Power Cord
- Unit Not Anchored/Secured
- Other
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways must be clean
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside
- Doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standard?
Which part of the exit or egress does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Electrical Outlet Standards
- Outlets must be covered and free from holes or openings
- Outlets exposed to weather (outside or moisture) must have weather covers
- Junction boxes must be covered and free from holes or openings -
Is the department meeting all electrical outlet standards?
Which part of the electrical outlets do not meet standard?
- Uncovered/Holes
- Weather Covers
- Junction Boxes
- Other
Extension Cord Standards
- Must be free from damage, including missing ground prong & repair with electrical tape
- Must be hung up out of the way when not in use
- Must not be used as permanent wiring (zip tied to conduit or run through walls or doors) -
Is the department meeting all extension cord standards?<br>
Which part of the extension cords do not meet standard?
- Damaged Cord
- Missing Prong
- Cord zip tied to conduit
- Runs Through Wall or Door
- Other
Electrical Panel Standards
- Panels must be labeled with Danger, High Voltage and Keep Out signage
- All breakers must be properly labeled
- All breaker boxes must be free of open void or holes greater than 1/8th inch
- All breakers must be in proper working condition without tape
- All electrical panels must have clear access and cannot be obstructed -
Is the department meeting all electrical panel standards?
Which part of the electrical panel does not meet standard?
- High Voltage Warning Signs
- Breaker Labels
- Open Voids or Holes
- Other
- Panels Obstructed
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appreance
- Other
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained on ShareKnowledge?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Do all employees who may operate a forklift in this department have a Hands On Evaluation on file on paper or in the SafetyCulture app?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the branch have proper inspections and maintenance records?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Hazard Communication (HazCom)
Is the HazCom signage posted in the department?
Are all secondary containers/spray bottles properly labeled with their contents?
When asked, do employees know how to access Safety Data Sheets?
Are all aisles free of obstructions and maintain a clear means of egress?
Are items on shelves not protruding into walkways causing trip hazards?
Ladders/Work Platforms/Tooling
Is the department free from all homemade or non-approved work platforms? (A frame ladders, homemade boxes, etc)
Does the department have a staircase ladder?
Is it in good condition with required rubber feet that are free from damage?
Do all podium ladders, step ladders, and other work platforms meet the minimum 375lbs rate rating?
Are all podium ladders properly secured by hook or chain in a designated area when not in use?
Does this department have self retracting knives?
What does the department use for cutting?
MHC does not allow the use of Pocket Knives and Loose Razor Blades as cutting devices.
MHC does not allow the use of Pocket Knives and Loose Razor Blades as cutting devices.
Does the department have adequate lighting?
Does the branch have fluorescent bulbs?
Is the branch disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Do they have an approved Waste Management recycling box?
Is it properly labeled with an accumulation start date that is less than 1 year from today?
Are there records showing that a vendor is properly disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Are all light bulbs working (no lights out)?
Is the department free of all metal, caged drop lights?
Does the department have a mezzanine?
MHC Mezzanine Condition Standards
- Load rating must be posted and clearly visible
- Gate must withstand 200lbs & have a sufficient locking mechanism
- Toe boards for upper levels must be at least 4in high and on all railings
- The railing must be able to support 200lbs
- Overhead projections must be clearly marked & protected -
Does the mezzanine meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the mezzanine does not meet standard?
- No Clearly Posted Load Rating
- No Locking Mechanism for Gate
- Toeboards
- Gate Supports 200 lbs.
- Unsafe Overhead Projections
- Other
Was the mezzanine gate observed to be closed when not in use?
Are products stored next to the railing placed below the railing and in a way to prevent items from falling over or through the railings?
Is the grade/flooring/steps of mezzanine free from slip, trip, and fall hazards?
Are products being stored at least 18in between sprinkler heads and 36in from any heaters?
Are the mezzanine aisles clear and free from trash and debris?
Personal Protective Equipment
Are steel-toed or composite-toed shoes being worn by all employees who perform any work in the warehouse?
Are all employees handling any tools, parts, or materials wearing cut resistant gloves?
Shelving/Racking Standard
- Must be metal. Cannot be wood, so water can pass in the event of a fire
- Must be secured or anchored to prevent tipping
- Heavier items must be stored at or below waist level to prevent injuries
- Racking and support legs must be free from damage
- Pallet racking guards must be in place to protect the legs from forklift traffic -
Does the shelving and racking meet all applicable standards?
What part of the shelving and racking does not meet standard?
- Made of Wood
- Anchored/Secured
- Storage of Heavy Items
- Racking Legs Damaged
- Pallet Racking Guards
Showroom Standards
- Product must be displayed in a manner that will not tip over
- All pallets should be covered with product and not present a trip hazard (corners of pallets should not be empty)
- Ceiling tiles must be in good condition
- Nothing should protrude into aisles or walkways -
Does the showroom meet all applicable standards?
What part of the showroom does not meet standard?
- Tripping Hazard
- Ceiling Tiles
- Parts in Aisles
Ask multiple employees if they can recite the Vehicle Safety Standards.
Was the employee able to recite the Vehicle Safety Standards?
Educate the employee on MHC's Vehicle Safety Standards program and the importance of it.
Does this department have a vehicle?
Vehicle Inspection
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Does this vehicle have a Samsung XD Tablet Mount?
Is the mount obscuring the DriveCam lens?
Ensure the Management and Drivers understand that this is the only electronic device to be utilized.
Ensure the Management and Drivers understand that this is the only electronic device to be utilized.
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Body Shop
Does the branch have a Body Shop?
Body Shop
General Housekeeping
Does the department meet all MHC housekeeping standards?
Is there perimeter/floor striping?
Is it good condition?
Take a picture of the perimeter/floor striping.
Is the department free from slips, trips, and fall hazards?
Take pictures of each slip, trip, or fall hazard.
Is there “Employees/Authorized Personnel Only" signage?
Are all oil lines free from leaking, so they do not cause a trip or fall?
Take a picture of the leaking oil line(s).
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Air Compressor
Does the department have an air compressor?
What state is the audit being conducted?
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wyoming
You state does not require air compressor inspections. Continue to the next question.
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the last year?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 24 months?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 36 months?
Air Compressor Standards
-Must have a "Machine Starts Automatically" sign
-All drive belts must be guarded
-Must be equipped with pressure relief valves & accurate pressure gauges -
Does the air compressor meet all standards?
Which part of the air compressor does not meet standard?
- Missing "Machine Starts Automatically" Sign
- Unguarded Belts
- Pressure Relief Valve Missing/Broken
- Pressure Gauge Missing/Broken
Air Hoses
Air Hose Standards
- Hoses must never be left on the floor when not in use
- Hoses must be free from physical damage and non-approved repairs (hose clamp and tape)
- Air guns must be OSHA approved with the safety relief tip when used for cleaning purposes -
Does the department meet all air hose standards?
What part of the air hoses do not meet standard?
- Hoses on Floor
- Damaged/Non-Approved Repairs
- Blow Guns Not OSHA Approved
- Other
Alignment Pit
Does the department have an alignment pit?
Alignment Pit Standards
- Housekeeping meets MHC standard
- Must have barriers around pit
- All ramps and columns must be free from damage -
Does the alignment pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the alignment pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Damage to Ramps or Columns
- Other
Behavioral Observations
Discuss with the Service Manager and Technicians on how often the Foreman is seen walking the shop.
*Foreman Tower: How often does the foreman walk the shop?
Observe a technician and ask the following questions:
Are creepers up when not in use, so they do not cause a trip hazard?
If the steer axel is lifted, has the air system been bled and the parking brake been set?
Are employees maintaining 3 points of contact at all times?
Are proper lifting techniques being observed?
Are employees using proper lifting equipment when lifting heavy items?
Are employees using assisted lifting devices/team lifting for items over 50 lbs?
Are retractable knives being utilized?
What is being used for cutting?
MHC does not allow the use of Razor Blades or Pocket Knives.
How often is the department holding Safety Huddles a week?
How often is the department holding Crew Meetings a week?
Is the department storing batteries?
Battery Storage Standards
- Battery cores must be stored on a containment pallet
- Batteries that do not have a handle must be transported by battery carrier - Eye wash station must be within 75 feet of batteries
- Batteries must be stacked in an orderly fashion and ready for collection (not in a pile or out of order) -
Does the department meeting all battery storage standards?
Which part of storing batteries does not meet standard?
- Batteries not stored on containment pallet
- Batteries not being moved by a handle or carrying device
- Eye wash station not within 75 feet
- Not being stacked correctly
- Other
Take a picture of the battery storage area.
Bay Doors
Bay Door Standard
- Must be all the way open or closed, not partially open
- Must be free of damage -
Is the branch meeting all bay door standards?
Which part of the bay doors do not meet standard?
- Doors Not Fully Open/Closed
- Damaged Doors
- Other
Bench Grinder
Does the department have a bench grinder?
Bench Grinder Standards
- Sideguards must cover nut and flange
- Work rest must be within1/8-inch of the wheel
- Tongue guard must be within 1/4-inch of the wheel
- Grinding edge of wheel must flat and free of metal impingements or chips
- Face shield must be available at station and worn when in use -
Does the bench grinder meet all standards?
Which part of the bench grinder does not meet standard?
- Side Guards
- Tongue Guard
- Grinder Wheel
- Face Shield
- PPE Not Available or Being Used
- Work Rest
Chock Blocks
Are chock blocks located in a designated area, so they do not cause a trip hazard when not in use?
Take pictures of all chock blocks not in a designated area.
Are chock blocks used for all vehicles that are being serviced inside and outside the bays?
Are chock blocks in good condition?
Chop Saw
Does the department have a chop saw?
Chop Saw Standards
- Must be in good working condition
- Work area must be clean and orderly with no used parts or waste
- Face shield & leather gloves must be at the station and worn when in use
- Power cord must be free from defects and have a ground prong
- Must be secured/anchored to work area -
Does the chop saw meet all standards?
Which part of the chop saw does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Work Station Housekeeping
- PPE Missing
- PPE Not Being Used
- Power Cord
- Unit Not Anchored/Secured
- Other
Is the department performing work on CNG/LNG vehicles?
Is the facility equipped with a gas detection sensors?
Is the CNG service being performed inside or outside the building?
If the facility doesn't contain a detection system, CNG powered vehicles are only allowed in a facility if the vehicle is completely purged with a wash out ticket. If the vehicle is not completely purged with a wash out ticket, it must be removed from inside the facility immediately.
Working on CNG vehicles outside is permitted. Please continue the audit.
Facilities with gas detection systems are permitted to work on CNG/LNG vehicles inside. Please continue the audit.
Diesel Particulate Filter
Does the department have a DPF cleaner?
DPF Cleaner Standards
- Must have and use a DPF handler (cart) to transport DPFs
- N95 dust mask and splash proof safety googles must worn when handling the soot collection bucket -
Is the department meeting all DPF cleaner standards?
Which part of the DPF cleaning practices does not meet standard?
- DPF Handler
Does the branch haul off their DFF particulates?
Educate the branch on the financial opportunity by getting these disposed of.
Drill Press
Does the department have a drill press?
Drill Press Standard
- Drill bit must have a guard
- Power cord must be free from defect and include a ground prong
- Face shield must be present and used during operation
- Drive belts must be guarded
- Drill press must be secured/anchored -
Does the drill press meet all standards?<br>
What part of the drill press does not meet standard?
- Drill Bit Guard
- Power Cord/Ground Prong
- Face Shield
- Belts Not Guarded
- Unit Not Secured/Anchored
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways must be clean
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside
- Doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standard?
Which part of the exit or egress does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Electrical Outlet Standards
- Outlets must be covered and free from holes or openings
- Outlets exposed to weather (outside or moisture) must have weather covers
- Junction boxes must be covered and free from holes or openings -
Is the department meeting all electrical outlet standards?
Which part of the electrical outlets do not meet standard?
- Uncovered/Holes
- Weather Covers
- Junction Boxes
- Other
Extension Cord Standards
- Must be free from damage, including missing ground prong & repair with electrical tape
- Must be hung up out of the way when not in use
- Must not be used as permanent wiring (zip tied to conduit or run through walls or doors) -
Is the department meeting all extension cord standards?<br>
Which part of the extension cords do not meet standard?
- Damaged Cord
- Missing Prong
- Cord zip tied to conduit
- Runs Through Wall or Door
- Other
Electrical Panel Standards
- Panels must be labeled with Danger, High Voltage and Keep Out signage
- All breakers must be properly labeled
- All breaker boxes must be free of open void or holes greater than 1/8th inch
- All breakers must be in proper working condition without tape
- All electrical panels must have clear access and cannot be obstructed -
Is the department meeting all electrical panel standards?
Which part of the electrical panel does not meet standard?
- High Voltage Warning Signs
- Breaker Labels
- Open Voids or Holes
- Other
- Panels Obstructed
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
Flammable Storage
Flammable Cabinet
Are all flammables being stored properly in a flammable cabinet?
Does the flammable cabinet have “Flammable” signage?
Do the doors close properly on the flammable cabinet?
Other Flammable Storage
Are shop rags disposed of properly in an OSHA-approved container with a self-closing lid?
Does the branch have any gas or fuel cans?
Fuel Can Standard
All gas or fuel cans must be:
- Metal
- Have a self-closing lid
- Have a flash arrestor -
Are the fuel cans meeting standard?
Which part of the fuel cans does not meet standard?
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appreance
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained on ShareKnowledge?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Do all employees who may operate a forklift in this department have a Hands On Evaluation on file on paper or in the SafetyCulture app?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the branch have proper inspections and maintenance records?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Hazard Communication (HazCom)
Is the HazCom signage posted in the department?
Are all secondary containers/spray bottles properly labeled with their contents?
When asked, do employees know how to access Safety Data Sheets?
Hot Works
Is the department storing extra oxygen or acetylene?
Oxygen/Acetylene Storage Standards
- All oxygen cylinders must be stored 20 feet from flammables
- All compressed gas cylinders must be secured upright
- All compressed gas cylinders must be capped when not in use -
Is the department meeting all oxygen and acetylene storage standards?<br>
Which part of the oxygen and acetylene storage does not meet standard?
- Oxygen Stored Near Flammables
- Cylinders Not Secured
- Cylinders Not Capped
- Other
Does the department have a torch cart?
Torch Cart Standards
- Cart must have a 5ft high fire wall
- All gauges must be working with no broken or missing glass or plastic
- Flash arrestors must be present on the torch
- Appropriate gloves and goggles must be available on the cart -
Does the torch cart meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the torch cart does not meet standard?
- Missing Firewall
- Broken Gauges
- Flash Arrestors
- Other
Does the department have a welder?
Welder Standards
- Welder must wear welding gloves
- Welder must have appropriate welding helmet
- Welder power cord must be free from all defects, including exposed or taped wiring -
Does the welder meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the welder does not meet standard?
- Gloves
- Mask
- Power cord
- Other
Hydraulic Press
Does the department have a hydraulic press?
Hydraulic Press Standards
- Must have guarding covering work area
- Area around press must meet MHC housekeeping standards
- Must be anchored/secured to prevent walking or tipping -
Does the hydraulic press meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the press does not meet standard?
- Gaurding
- Housekeeping
- Anchored/Secured
- Other
Ladders/Work Platforms
Is the department free from all homemade or non-approved work platforms? (A frame ladders, homemade boxes, etc)
Does the department have a staircase ladder?
Is it in good condition with required rubber feet that are free from damage?
Do all podium ladders, step ladders, and other work platforms meet the minimum 375lbs rate rating?
Are all podium ladders properly secured by hook or chain in a designated area when not in use?
Lifting/Load Bearing Equipment
Jacks/Jack Stands
Are jack stands being utilized under all vehicles when the load is supported by a jack?
Are all jacks and jack stands free of defects and damage, labeled with the capacity, and equipped with the proper pin?
Which part of the jacks and jack stands does not meet standard?
- Defective/Damaged
- Labeled with Capacity
- Proper Pin
Hoists, Cranes, Chain, Etc.
Does the department have a hoist/crane?
Hoist/Crane Standards
- Load rating must be displayed on the structure, assembly, and hook
- Crane/hoist must be inspected on an annual basis and inspection date must be clearly labeled on the crane/hoist
- Crane controls must be clearly labeled
- Hook has safety latch if it was designed with one -
Does the crane/hoist meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the crane/hoist does not meet standard?
- Weight Rating
- Pendant Controls
- Inspection Out of Date
- Inspection Not Visible on Crane
- Missing/Broken Safety Latch
Does the department have a cherry picker?
Cherry Picker Standards
- Must be in proper working order/manufacturer’s intended condition
- Must be labeled with weight capacity at each arm setting
- If hook is designed to have safety latch, it must have one
- Must have annual inspection and date of inspection must be labeled on cherry picker -
Does the cherry picker meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the cherry picker does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Weight Rating
- Hook Safety Latch
- Annual Inspection
- Annual Inspection Label
- Other
Chain Standards
- All lifting chains must be at least grade 8,80,800 or higher
- All chains must be tagged with correct load rating
- All chains must have annual inspection -
Does all chain meet the applicable standards?
Which part of the chain does not meet standard?
- Grade
- Not Tagged with Weight Rating
- Inspection Out of Date
- Other
Are all vehicles being serviced with lifted dump beds using a secondary locking device? Wood blocks are not approved as a secondary locking device.
Does the department have adequate lighting?
Does the branch have fluorescent bulbs?
Is the branch disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Do they have an approved Waste Management recycling box?
Is it properly labeled with an accumulation start date that is less than 1 year from today?
Are there records showing that a vendor is properly disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Are all light bulbs working (no lights out)?
Is the department free of all metal, caged drop lights?
Lock Out/Tag Out
Lock Out/Tag Out Standard
All vehicles in the shop will have:
- Key on floorboard
- Tag hung from turn signal -
Is the LOTO program in effect and properly administered per the work instruction?
Which part(s) of the LOTO Program does not meet standard?
- Key Not on Floorboard
- Tag not Hung from Turn Signal
- Other
Paint Booth
Does this Body Shop have a paint booth?
Are there light brown paper bags covering the sprinkler heads in paint booth?
Does the paint booth have a self-closing door?
Is there “Door Closes Automatically” signage on the paint booth doors?
Is there a fire extinguisher near the paint booth?
Is all shelving in the paint booth approved and made of metal?
How is the department disposing of paint booth filters?
Paint Waste
Paint waste drum Bonding and Grounding Standard
- Bonding prevents sparks
- Grounding provides a path for electricity to safely dissipate -
Is the paint waste drum bonded and grounded?
What products are the branch using for prep products for painting?
How is the branch disposing of solvent-contaminated wipes? (Note: typically wipes with thinner on them used to prep for painting.)
- Hauled Off (Ex. Solvent, Thinner)
- Trash
Parts Cleaner (Solvent-Based Basin)
Is the parts cleaner free of all flammable products?
Are parts cleaners being used for their intended purpose and not as a work station?
Parts Washer (Automatic Steamer Cabinet)
Does the department have an automatic parts steamer cabinet?
Steamer Cabinet Standards
- Must have signage stating "Caution/Hot"
- Power cord must be free from all defects -
Does the parts steamer cabinet meet all applicable standards?
Which part of parts steamer cabinet does not meet standard?
- Signage
- Power Cord
Personal Protective Equipment
Are safety glasses being worn by employees in the shop at all times?
Is the visitor safety glasses bin stocked and safety glasses readily available?
Are all visitors, vendors, and other MHC employees wearing safety glasses in the shop?
Are steel-toed or composite-toed boots being worn by all employees in the shop at all times?
Are all employees handling any tools, parts, or materials wearing cut resistant gloves?
Does this department have bump caps?
Is hearing protection (ear plugs) available for all employees?
Respirator Training
Has respirator training, medical evaluations, and fit testing been completed for all employees upon hire or at least in the last year?
Are these documents available for review?
Are employees who are wearing respirators free of any facial hair that would prevent the respirator from getting the proper seal?
Are respirators being stored properly when not in use? They must be stored in a closed bag outside the mixing room when not in use.
Take a picture of respirator storage.
Rotary/Die Grinders
MHC Grinding and Cutting Standards
- All rotary/die grinders including personal grinders must be equipped with the proper guards
- The maximum revolutions per minute (rpm) rating of each abrasive wheel must be compatible with the rpm rating of the grinder motor
- The power cord must free of damage including missing ground prong -
Does the department meet all the grinding and cutting standards?
Which part of the cutting and grinding standards are not being followed?
- Missing Guard
- Wheel not Rated for Grinder
- Power Cord
- Other
Are all employees using cutting wheels or grinders wearing safety glasses AND face shields?
Service Pit
Does the department have a service pit?
Service Pit Standards
- Must be clean without trash, rags, or spills
- Must have a barrier around or over the the open pit
- Must be well lit with all lights working -
Does the service pit meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the service pit does not meet standard?
- Housekeeping
- No Barrier
- Lighting
- Other
Spill Control
Does the branch have a Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan developed and available?
Is there record showing the branch has contacted local fire, police, hospital, and state with layout and hazardous material at the facility in case of emergency?
Is the branch registered as a disposal of hazardous waste with their state and/or local municipality?
Is spill containment (Green Stuff, oil dry) material present and readily available?
What is the branch using for spill containment?
Does the department have a spill kit for larger spills?
Tool Room
Is the tool room organized and free of slips, trips, and falls?
Does it meet the MHC housekeeping standard?
Is it free of homemade tools?
Are all tools and equipment free of broken or fractured handles and in good working condition?
Are the striking ends of all seal drivers in good condition?
Are the power cords of all tools and equipment free from damage, including missing ground prongs?
Wash Bay
Does the department have a wash bay?
Is the wash bay organized and does it meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Do all electrical outlets have the proper weather covers?
Is the wash bay free from storage of excess barrels?
Is the wash bay free from any barrels containing flammables?
Oil Water Separator
Does the department have an oil water separator?
Is there paperwork showing the separator has been cleaned in the last year?
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Are all drain grates in place, free from damage, and serving their original purpose?
Ask multiple employees if they can recite the Vehicle Safety Standards.
Was the employee able to recite the Vehicle Safety Standards?
Educate the employee on MHC's Vehicle Safety Standards program and the importance of it.
Does this department have a vehicle?
Vehicle Inspection
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Take pictures of each sticker.
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Is this a Carrier branch?
General Housekeeping
Does the department meet all MHC housekeeping standards?
Is there perimeter/floor striping?
Is it good condition?
Take a picture of the perimeter/floor striping.
Is the department free from slips, trips, and fall hazards?
Take pictures of each slip, trip, or fall hazard.
Is there “Employees/Authorized Personnel Only" signage?
Are all oil lines free from leaking, so they do not cause a trip or fall?
Take a picture of the leaking oil line(s).
When asked can an employee name the FOS 4 States of Mind?
Educate the employee on FOS and the importance behind it.
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Air Compressor
Does the department have an air compressor?
What state is the audit being conducted?
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wyoming
You state does not require air compressor inspections. Continue to the next question.
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the last year?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 24 months?
Has the air compressor been inspected by the state within the past 36 months?
Air Compressor Standards
-Must have a "Machine Starts Automatically" sign
-All drive belts must be guarded
-Must be equipped with pressure relief valves & accurate pressure gauges -
Does the air compressor meet all standards?
Which part of the air compressor does not meet standard?
- Missing "Machine Starts Automatically" Sign
- Unguarded Belts
- Pressure Relief Valve Missing/Broken
- Pressure Gauge Missing/Broken
Air Hoses
Air Hose Standards
- Hoses must never be left on the floor when not in use
- Hoses must be free from physical damage and non-approved repairs (hose clamp and tape)
- Air guns must be OSHA approved with the safety relief tip when used for cleaning purposes -
Does the department meet all air hose standards?
What part of the air hoses do not meet standard?
- Hoses on Floor
- Damaged/Non-Approved Repairs
- Blow Guns Not OSHA Approved
- Other
Behavioral Observations
Discuss with the Service Manager and Technicians on how often the Foreman is seen walking the shop.
*Foreman Tower: How often does the foreman walk the shop?
Observe a technician and ask the following questions:
Which job is the technician working on?
- DriveLines
- Transmissions
- Overhauls - Out of Frame Engine Work
- Preventative Maintenance
- Other
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Can the technician effectively discuss what they are working on?
Can the technician determine hazards and risk present in each task?
Can the technician explain what preventative controls they have taken in order to conduct the work safely?
Are creepers up when not in use, so they do not cause a trip hazard?
If the steer axel is lifted, has the air system been bled and the parking brake been set?
Are employees maintaining 3 points of contact at all times?
Are proper lifting techniques being observed?
Are employees using proper lifting equipment when lifting heavy items?
Are employees using assisted lifting devices/team lifting for items over 50 lbs?
Are employees using goggles when under a truck?
Are employees using retractable knives when cutting and demonstrating proper cutting techniques?
MHC does not allow the use of Pocket Knives and Loose Razor Blades as cutting devices.
How often is the department holding Safety Huddles a week?
How often is the department holding Crew Meetings a week?
Is the department storing batteries?
Battery Storage Standards
- Battery cores must be stored on a containment pallet
- Batteries that do not have a handle must be transported by battery carrier - Eye wash station must be within 75 feet of batteries
- Batteries must be stacked in an orderly fashion and ready for collection (not in a pile or out of order) -
Does the department meeting all battery storage standards?
Which part of storing batteries does not meet standard?
- Batteries not stored on containment pallet
- Batteries not being moved by a handle or carrying device
- Eye wash station not within 75 feet
- Not being stacked correctly
- Other
Bay Doors
Bay Door Standard
- Must be all the way open or closed, not partially open
- Must be free of damage -
Is the branch meeting all bay door standards?
Which part of the bay doors do not meet standard?
- Doors Not Fully Open/Closed
- Damaged Doors
- Other
Bench Grinder
Does the department have a bench grinder?
Bench Grinder Standards
- Sideguards must cover nut and flange
- Work rest must be within1/8-inch of the wheel
- Tongue guard must be within 1/4-inch of the wheel
- Grinding edge of wheel must flat and free of metal impingements or chips
- Face shield must be available at station and worn when in use -
Does the bench grinder meet all standards?
Which part of the bench grinder does not meet standard?
- Side Guards
- Tongue Guard
- Grinder Wheel
- Face Shield
- PPE Not Available or Being Used
- Work Rest
Chock Blocks
Are chock blocks located in a designated area, so they do not cause a trip hazard when not in use?
Are chock blocks used for all vehicles that are being serviced inside and outside the bays?
Are chock blocks in good condition?
Chop Saw
Does the department have a chop saw?
Chop Saw Standards
- Must be in good working condition
- Work area must be clean and orderly with no used parts or waste
- Face shield & leather gloves must be at the station and worn when in use
- Power cord must be free from defects and have a ground prong
- Must be secured/anchored to work area -
Does the chop saw meet all standards?
Which part of the chop saw does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Work Station Housekeeping
- PPE Missing
- PPE Not Being Used
- Power Cord
- Unit Not Anchored/Secured
- Other
Drill Press
Does the department have a drill press?
Drill Press Standard
- Drill bit must have a guard
- Power cord must be free from defect and include a ground prong
- Face shield must be present and used during operation
- Drive belts must be guarded
- Drill press must be secured/anchored -
Does the drill press meet all standards?<br>
What part of the drill press does not meet standard?
- Drill Bit Guard
- Power Cord/Ground Prong
- Face Shield
- Belts Not Guarded
- Unit Not Secured/Anchored
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways must be clean
- Exits must not be obstructed from inside or outside
- Doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standard?
Which part of the exit or egress does not meet standard?
- Walkways Not Clean
- Exits Obstructed
- Exit Doors Locked
- Other
Electrical Outlet Standards
- Outlets must be covered and free from holes or openings
- Outlets exposed to weather (outside or moisture) must have weather covers
- Junction boxes must be covered and free from holes or openings -
Is the department meeting all electrical outlet standards?
Which part of the electrical outlets do not meet standard?
- Uncovered/Holes
- Weather Covers
- Junction Boxes
- Other
Extension Cord Standards
- Must be free from damage, including missing ground prong & repair with electrical tape
- Must be hung up out of the way when not in use
- Must not be used as permanent wiring (zip tied to conduit or run through walls or doors) -
Is the department meeting all extension cord standards?<br>
Which part of the extension cords do not meet standard?
- Damaged Cord
- Missing Prong
- Cord zip tied to conduit
- Runs Through Wall or Door
- Other
Electrical Panel Standards
- Panels must be labeled with Danger, High Voltage and Keep Out signage
- All breakers must be properly labeled
- All breaker boxes must be free of open void or holes greater than 1/8th inch
- All breakers must be in proper working condition without tape
- All electrical panels must have clear access and cannot be obstructed -
Is the department meeting all electrical panel standards?
Which part of the electrical panel does not meet standard?
- High Voltage Warning Signs
- Breaker Labels
- Open Voids or Holes
- Other
- Panels Obstructed
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
Flammable Storage
Are shop rags disposed of properly in an OSHA-approved container with a self-closing lid?
Does the branch have a flammable cabinet?
Does the branch have any gas or fuel cans?
Fuel Can Standard
All gas or fuel cans must be:
- Metal
- Have a self-closing lid
- Have a flash arrestor -
Are the fuel cans meeting standard?<br><br>
Which part of the fuel cans does not meet standard?
- OSHA Approved
- Not Metal
- No Self-Closing Lid
- No Flash Arrestor
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appreance
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained on ShareKnowledge?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Do all employees who may operate a forklift in this department have a Hands On Evaluation on file on paper or in the SafetyCulture app?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the branch have proper inspections and maintenance records?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Hazard Communication (HazCom)
Is the HazCom signage posted in the department?
Are all secondary containers/spray bottles properly labeled with their contents?
Take pictures of how the branch is storing refrigerant.
When asked, do employees know how to access Safety Data Sheets?
Hot Works
Is the department storing extra oxygen or acetylene?
Oxygen/Acetylene Storage Standards
- All oxygen cylinders must be stored 20 feet from flammables
- All compressed gas cylinders must be secured upright
- All compressed gas cylinders must be capped when not in use -
Is the department meeting all oxygen and acetylene storage standards?<br>
Which part of the oxygen and acetylene storage does not meet standard?
- Oxygen Stored Near Flammables
- Cylinders Not Secured
- Cylinders Not Capped
- Other
Does the department have a torch cart?
Torch Cart Standards
- Cart must have a 5ft high fire wall
- All gauges must be working with no broken or missing glass or plastic
- Flash arrestors must be present on the torch
- Appropriate gloves and goggles must be available on the cart -
Does the torch cart meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the torch cart does not meet standard?
- Missing Firewall
- Broken Gauges
- Flash Arrestors
- Other
Does the department have a welder?
Welder Standards
- Welder must wear welding gloves
- Welder must have appropriate welding helmet
- Welder power cord must be free from all defects, including exposed or taped wiring -
Does the welder meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the welder does not meet standard?
- Gloves
- Mask
- Power cord
- Other
Hydraulic Press
Does the department have a hydraulic press?
Hydraulic Press Standards
- Must have guarding covering work area
- Area around press must meet MHC housekeeping standards
- Must be anchored/secured to prevent walking or tipping -
Does the hydraulic press meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the press does not meet standard?
- Gaurding
- Housekeeping
- Anchored/Secured
- Other
Ladders/Work Platforms
Is the department free from all homemade or non-approved work platforms? (A frame ladders, homemade boxes, etc)
Does the department have a staircase ladder?
Is it in good condition with required rubber feet that are free from damage?
Do all podium ladders, step ladders, and other work platforms meet the minimum 375lbs rate rating?
Are all podium ladders properly secured by hook or chain in a designated area when not in use?
Lifting/Load Bearing Equipment
When asked, do employees know when they are required to use assisted lifting?
Hoists, Cranes, Chain, Etc.
Does the department have a hoist/crane?
Hoist/Crane Standards
- Load rating must be displayed on the structure, assembly, and hook
- Crane/hoist must be inspected on an annual basis and inspection date must be clearly labeled on the crane/hoist
- Crane controls must be clearly labeled
- Hook has safety latch if it was designed with one -
Does the crane/hoist meet all applicable standards?<br>
Which part of the crane/hoist does not meet standard?
- Weight Rating
- Pendant Controls
- Inspection Out of Date
- Inspection Not Visible on Crane
- Missing/Broken Safety Latch
Does the department have a cherry picker?
Cherry Picker Standards
- Must be in proper working order/manufacturer’s intended condition
- Must be labeled with weight capacity at each arm setting
- If hook is designed to have safety latch, it must have one
- Must have annual inspection and date of inspection must be labeled on cherry picker -
Does the cherry picker meet all applicable standards?
Which part of the cherry picker does not meet standard?
- Condition
- Weight Rating
- Hook Safety Latch
- Annual Inspection
- Annual Inspection Label
- Other
Chain Standards
- All lifting chains must be at least grade 8,80,800 or higher
- All chains must be tagged with correct load rating
- All chains must have annual inspection -
Does all chain meet the applicable standards?
Which part of the chain does not meet standard?
- Grade
- Not Tagged with Weight Rating
- Inspection Out of Date
- Other
Are all vehicles being serviced with lifted dump beds using a secondary locking device? Wood blocks are not approved as a secondary locking device.
Does the department have adequate lighting?
Does the branch have fluorescent bulbs?
Is the branch disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Do they have an approved Waste Management recycling box?
Is it properly labeled with an accumulation start date that is less than 1 year from today?
Are there records showing that a vendor is properly disposing of fluorescent bulbs?
Are all light bulbs working (no lights out)?
Is the department free of all metal, caged drop lights?
Lock Out/Tag Out
Lock Out/Tag Out Standard
All Reefer units will have:
- Start stop disengaged
- Battery connector removed -
Is the LOTO program in effect and properly administered per the work instruction?
Which part(s) of the LOTO Program does not meet standard?
- Key Not on Floorboard
- Tag not Hung from Turn Signal
- Other
Personal Protective Equipment
Are safety glasses being worn by employees in the shop at all times?
Is the visitor safety glasses bin stocked and safety glasses readily available?
Are all visitors, vendors, and other MHC employees wearing safety glasses in the shop?
Are steel-toed or composite-toed boots being worn by all employees in the shop at all times?
Are all employees handling any tools, parts, or materials wearing cut resistant gloves?
Does this department have bump caps?
Spill Control
Does the branch have a Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan developed and available?
Is spill containment (Green Stuff, oil dry) material present and readily available?
What is the branch using for spill containment?
Does the department have a spill kit for larger spills?
Tool Room
Is the tool room organized and free of slips, trips, and falls?
Does it meet the MHC housekeeping standard?
Is it free of homemade tools?
Are all tools and equipment free of broken or fractured handles and in good working condition?
Are the striking ends of all seal drivers in good condition?
Are the power cords of all tools and equipment free from damage, including missing ground prongs?
Tooling and Equipment
Does this facility have a tool list?
Check the tools that are missing from the list.
- DPF Cleaning
- Rotating Engine Stand
- Overhead Crane
- Undocking A-frame
- Heavy Duty Cherry Picker
- Dump Bed - Hinge Locks/Alternative Safety Device
- Wheel Dolly
- Drive Line Support/Removal Tool
- Brake Drum Dolly
- EGR Flush Kit
- Jump Start Box/Cart
- A/C Machine 134A Only
- Disc Hub Brake Remover
- Column Lifts
- Stationary Engine Stands
- MX Counterbore Cutting Tool Monaco/Mira
- Pico Scope
- Transmission High Lift Jack
- Transmission Jack
- Clutch Jack
- DPF Aftertreatment Jack
- Tiger Tool - Steering/Suppression Press
- Alignment Machine
- Flywheel Cutting Machine
- Press
- Welder
Wash Bay
Does the department have a wash bay?
Is the wash bay organized and does it meet MHC housekeeping standards?
Do all electrical outlets have the proper weather covers?
Is the wash bay free from storage of excess barrels?
Is the wash bay free from any barrels containing flammables?
Waste Lubricants
Are all oils and lubricants cleaned up and disposed of in the designated area?
Are all the spent oil materials (including mats, absorbent, socks) being disposed of properly?
Are all used oil, antifreeze, and fuel tanks labeled properly?
Per state regulations, is the department disposing of oil filters properly?
Oil Water Separator
Does the department have an oil water separator?
Is there paperwork showing the separator has been cleaned in the last year?
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Are all drain grates in place, free from damage, and serving their original purpose?
Ask multiple employees their opinion on why we have Vehicle Safety Standards and DriveCam.
Was the employee able to discuss the Vehicle Safety Standards?
Educate the employee on MHC's Vehicle Safety Standards program and the importance of it.
Does this department have a vehicle?
Vehicle Inspection
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Dump Body Fabrication
Dump Body Fabrication
Does this branch have Dump Body Fabrication?
Dump Body Fabrication
Behavioral Observation
Take multiple pictures of the housekeeping throughout the department.
Is the department free from slip, trip and fall hazards?
Are employees practicing safe lifting techniques (using lifting equipment like a cart/dolly or assisted lifting like a team lift) for all items over 50 lbs?
Egress & Exits
Do all lighted exit signs and emergency lighting work when tested?
MHC Egress and Exit Standards
- Walkways to exits must be clean.
- Exits must not be obstructed from the inside or outside.
- Exit doors must unlocked from the inside during business hours. -
Do all exits and egress paths meet MHC standards?
Eye Wash Station/Bottles
Does this department have an eye wash station or bottles?
What type?
- Plumbed Eye Wash Station
- Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station
- Eye Wash Bottles
Plumbed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Caps must be in place.
- Basin must be clean and not broken.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the plumbed eye wash station meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the plumbed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Gravity Fed Eye Wash Station Standards
- Basin must be clean.
- Station must be clear from all obstructions. -
Is the gravity fed eye wash station meeting all standards?<br>
Which part(s) of the gravity fed eye was station does not meet standard?
- Caps not in Place
- Basin not Clean/Is Broken
- Station is Obstructed
- Other
Eye Wash Bottles Standards
Bottles cannot be a substitute for an eye wash station. They must only used as supplemental protection.
- Cannot be expired.
- Must be free from all obstructions. -
Are the eye wash bottles meeting all standards?
Which part(s) of the eye wash bottles do not meet standard?
- Used as a Substitute for Eye Wash Station
- Bottles are Expired
- Access to Bottles is Obstructed
- Other
First Aid
Does the department have a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Standards
- Cannot have any oral medication.
- Must have bloodborne pathogen kit.
- Must be clean and maintain a professional image. -
Does the first aid kit meet all standards?
Which part of the first aid kit does not meet standard?
- Oral medictions
- Blood borne pathogen kit
- Appearance
- Other
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Standards
- Annual inspections must be completed by a third party.
- Monthly inspections must be completed by the branch.
- Must be clearly marked, free from obstruction, and mounted every 75'.
- Must be mounted 3-5 feet from the floor.
- Safety signage must be present. -
Is the department meeting all fire extinguisher standards?
Which part(s) of the fire extinguishers does not meet standard?
- Annual Inspection
- Monthly Inspections
- Not Marked
- Obstructed
- Improperly Mounted
- Seal was Tampered With
- Pin not in Place
- Gauge not in Green
- MHC Signage
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are all employees wearing steel or composite-toe footwear that covers at least the ankle?
Are all employees wearing safety glasses or goggles any time they are beyond the Foreman Tower?
Are all employees wearing cut-resistant gloves any time they are handling materials?
Please thank all employees that you see who are wearing cut resistant gloves while handling materials.
Are all employees using approved safety knives (instead of pocket knives) when cutting?
Please thank the employees who are using an approved safety knife while cutting.
Are all employees using a face shield while cutting or grinding?
If you witness an employee using a face shield while cutting or grinding, please thank them.
Are all employees wearing a respirator any time they are subject to airborne contaminates?
Is it being properly worn?
If you witness an employee properly wearing a respirator, please thank them.
Respirator Training
Have all employees who wear a respirator or double-banded dusk mask completed their medical evaluation, ShareKnowledge training, and annual fit testing?
Does the department have a forklift?
What is the instructor(s) name and employee #?
Have they been trained?
Are new hires being trained via the Safety Culture app?
Have all employees who may operate a forklift in this department completed ShareKnowledge training in the last 3 years?
Forklift Safe Operation Conditions
- All components must be free wear, damage, or modification
- Top of cab must be free of visual obstructions -
Is the forklift in a safe operating condition?
Which component is not within safety operating condition?
- Components Worn/Damaged
- Top of Cab Obstructed
- Other
Required Forklift Paperwork
- Driver Certifications
- Weekly Inspections - Quarterly Preventative Maintenance -
Does the forklift have all of the required paperwork?
Which paperwork is out of compliance?
- Weekly Inspections
- Preventative Maintenance
- Other
Forklift Safe Operation Standards
- Seatbelt must be worn by all operators
- Forks must be left down when not in use
- Propane must be turned off at end of shift
- Parking brake set when not being used
- Horn sounded when passing through doors and reversing -
Is the forklift being operated in a safe manner?
Which part of the forklift is not being operated in a safe manner?
- Seatbelt
- Forks Left Up
- Propane Left On
- Parking Brake Not Set
- Horn Not Sounded
- Other
Asset Number
Take multiple pictures of the vehicle's exterior and interior condition.
Vehicle Safety Sticker
Does the vehicle have 3 of the stickers above?
No Phone Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers above on the pillar next to the driver's side door?
Max Speed Sticker
Does the vehicle have 1 of the stickers on the back bumper?
Take pictures of each sticker.
Is this a DOT or non-DOT vehicle?<br>- DOT vehicles have a GVWR over 10,00 lbs (anything bigger than F250)<br>- Non-DOT vehicles have a GVWR of 10,000 lbs and under (F250 and smaller)
Does the vehicle have proper daily DVIRs and weekly MHC inspections?
Take a picture of the inspections.
Does the vehicle have all required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid insurance card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit<br>- Annual DOT inspection (paperwork & legible sticker on vehicle)
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Insurance Card
- Valid Registration
- Vehicle Collision Assistance Guide
- Annual DOT Vehicle Inspection
Take a picture of the paperwork.
Does the vehicle have all required safety items?<br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Reflective Vest and Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement<br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount <br>- Lock Out Tags<br>- Extra Fuses<br>- Triangles or Flairs<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher<br>- Wheel Chocks
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed - DOT # must be displayed on both sides in 2-inch bold letters<br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Does the vehicle proper weekly inspections?
Does the vehicle have all of the required paperwork? Includes: <br>- Valid Registration<br>- Valid Insurance Card<br>- Collision Assistance Kit
Which required paperwork is missing?
- Registration
- Insurance Card
- Collision Assistance Kit
Does the vehicle have ALL required safety items? Includes: <br>- Functioning DriveCam<br>- First Aid Kit<br>- Hi-Viz Seatbelt Covers <br>- Cargo Securement <br>- Bluetooth<br>- Spill Kit<br>- Safety Glasses<br>- Cut Resistant Gloves<br>- Phone Mount<br>- Lock Out Tag<br>- Secured Fire Extinguisher
Which safety items are missing?
- DriveCam
- First Aid Kit
- Reflective Vest
- Cargo Securment
- Hazmat Spill Kit
- Safety Glasses
- Cut Resistant Gloves
- Phone Mount
- Secured Fire Extinguisher
- Hi-Viz Seat Belt Covers
Does the vehicle’s condition meet MHC standards? Includes: <br>- Must be clean inside/out and present a world-class appearance<br>- Asset number must be displayed <br>- Logos must be in good condition and free from peeling or tears<br>- Mirror and dash must be clear of all obstructions and items<br>- Vehicle must backed in or parked in a pull through manner <br>- Tires must not be damaged & have 1/8th of an inch tread<br>- Vehicle must be free from all damage, including tailgate<br>- Windshield must be free from all damage, including chips/cracks
What part of the vehicle’s condition and image does not meet standard?
- Vehicle Cleanliness
- Asset Number
- Logos
- Parked Properly
- Mirror/Dash Not Clean
- Windshield
- Tailgate
- DOT Number
Truck Sales
Does this branch have a Truck Sales Department?
Truck Sales Department
Additional Notes:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are all employees wearing safety glasses or goggles any time they are beyond the Foreman Tower?
Are all employees wearing cut-resistant gloves any time they are handling materials?
Are trucks parked close together to prevent tire theft?
Are trucks properly secured and locked, including the sleeper doors and tool boxes?
How many trucks are unlocked?
Are anti-theft devices (air brake locks) being used to secure trucks?
How many trucks are missing anti-theft devices?
Did this department have a new hire?
Was the employee onboarded correctly and was it completed through Safety Culture?
Provide employees Name and Number.
Safety Committee
Safety Committees
Does this branch have a Safety Committee?
Is the Chairperson Nomination Form posted in a central location at the branch?
Has the Committee established goals for the year?
Are safety flashes and other training topics posted in a central location at the branch and visible to all employees?
Is there an evacuation map posted and is it accurate?
Has the branch educated all employees on emergency preparedness in the last 12 months?
When did the branch complete this?
Has the branch discussed evacuation procedures with all employees in the last 12 months?
When did the branch complete this?
Fuel Tanks
Fuel Tanks
Fuel Island
Does this branch have a fuel island?
Take pictures of the fuel island.
Which of the following signage is present?
- NFPA Diamond
- No Smoking
- Diesel Fuel
- No Cell Usage
- Turn Off Engine
- Flammables
Is the state certification present?
Have the fuel pumps been annually inspected?
Are there bollards or securement around tank or pumping station?
Are they painted yellow or red and in good condition?
Are all electrical outlets equipped with the proper covers/faceplates?
Are the fuel gauges in good condition?
Are the fuel hoses secured, so they do not cause a trip/fall hazard?
Are the fuel hoses free from damage or cracks?
Is the fuel island free from any plastic or non-OSHA approved fuel cans?
Is the access to emergency switch/shut off free from obstruction?
Is there a spill kit nearby that is easily accessible?
Is there a fire extinguisher nearby?
Does it meet all MHC standards?
Is the bonding/grounding present?
Above-Ground Storage Tank
Does this branch have an above-ground fuel tank?
Take pictures of the above-ground fuel tank.
Does the tank have double-insulated walls or secondary spill containment barriers around it?
Is the area free from any plastic or non-OSHA approved fuel cans?
Is there a spill kit nearby that is easily accessible?
Is there a fire extinguisher nearby?
Does it meet all MHC standards?
Final Comments
Branch Manager Signature
Safety Committee Chairperson Signature