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Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and Safety/Staff welfare
Regional Managers are required to carry out an inspection of all H&S compliance checks to ensure the branch manager is completing, example attached.
Regional Manager to record the date of the last compliance check they carried out at the branch.
Each branch manager is required to complete the compliance checks as described in the below document, this document should be printed and placed at the front of the H&S folder.
Does the Branch Manager complete the required compliance checks?
All new employees and all existing employees must complete the online Health and Safety induction on the GSF academy (20 minutes videos + test) **Ask the branch manager to log into their training module and navigate to 'my staff'
Have all staff completed the H&S induction?
Is there a minimum of 2 active first aiders in the branch and are the certificates on show. (certificates available from the training academy)
Is there a minimum of 2 fire marshals in the branch?
Is the branch clean and tidy?
Is there excessive stock on the floor and/or blocking the aisles?
Is there an option to increase the racking capacity?
Are the staff facilities in good order?
Is the carpark and surrounding area clear and tidy?
Are the staff wearing the appropriate PPE?
Has the branch had a H&S Audit in (2023)?
Has the branch manager actioned all outstanding tasks set by the H&S auditor?
Staff management
Driver performance, Regional Manager to discuss the trackm8 reports received weekly.
Is there any excessive out of hours activity on the TrackM8 report?
Is there any poor driver performance present on the TrackM8 report?
Drops per van - is the branch using all the vans at the branch (check drops per van)
All van trackers must be plugged in and working, each driver must use their own fob.
Are all van trackers plugged in and working?
Are fleet aware of the issue?
Daily checks to be carried out by each driver on the van they drive, the branch manager (or designated person) must ensure the checks are completed and sign off the form on a weekly basis.
Are the daily van checks being completed in full and signed off?
Drivers must log on the check sheet any mechanical fault, damage, tracker issue or service requirement, the repair work, where applicable, must be logged as carried out/booked in for repair by the the designated person.
Are the repairs, servicing etc actioned by the designated person?
T & A - Do the contractual hours match allocated Standard Hours shift patterns?
T & A - do the staff members match on both T&A and I-Trent?
Is the branch manager using the casual hours to excess?
Brag report - Regional Manager to discuss resource issues
Are the staff levels at the required brag KPI?
Have you identified any further training requirements during this visit?
Have you engaged with all staff in the branch during this visit?
Sales management
Is the branch on target for both Sales and Margin, month to date? (above 95%)
Does the branch manager have a plan in place to recover the deficit?
Missed calls, every branch should aim for sub 3% of incoming calls, as per daily communications and AX stats.
Does the branch achieve the required sub 3% standard for missed calls?
Is there a valid reason why the branch are not achieving the required missed calls standard?
Customer drift - Regional Manager to check top 10 drift customers and discuss with Branch manager, information taken from MI/AX
Does the branch manager understand the drift report on Power BI?
Does the branch manager require further support?
Does the branch manager have a plan in place to address the drift customers?
Is there a plan in place to recover the drift?
Do all sales advisors have allocated accounts on Power BI?
Promotional compliance - each branch is required to participate in the weekly promotions, reference power BI.
Does the branch participate in the promotions?
Overstrikes - Using power BI/AX each operator is tasked to reduce overstrikes to under 5%, it is the branch managers responsibility to ensure team compliance.
Are there any none compliant operators above 5% for overstrikes?
Do the customer terms require a review?
Does the operator require margin management training?
Does the branch manager have a general plan in place to increase sales?
Customer management
Customer returns, all customer credits are to be entered within a 24 hour period.
Is the branch up to date with credits?
Credits on suspend must only contain warranties, run report 2703BR, the report should be limited to outstanding warranty claims only, and be within a six month period.
Are the credits on suspend warranties only, and within the permitted time frame?
Does the Branch Manager understand the warranty process?
Is the Branch Manager holding back payment for warranty product?
Debt Management - COD to be managed within the current expectations (for example max 48 hours) . Pay later statements are to be issued once a week and Monthly accounts managed alongside the accounts team. The SLA percentage should be below 12.5%, with an aim for >10%.
Can the Branch Manager demonstrate knowledge of debt management using Power BI?
COD - is COD managed within a reasonable time frame?
Is debt management training required?
Are pay later statements printed and issued weekly?
Does the branch manager understand the customer statement process?
Is the branch operating below the SLA of 12.5%
Goodwill, should be managed by the branch manager and authorisation must be escalated as per the SOP attached.
Is there evidence of repeated customer goodwill?
Is the branch manager using Goodwill as a rebate scheme?
Is the branch manger obtaining authorisation as per the SOP?
Cash Management
Check contents of the safe for all monies waiting to go to the bank (collection dates attached) based on 511REC reports.
Each days takings must be bagged separately with clear instructions for contents, see attached picture. Cheques must also go into a separate bag. The bags can be obtained via the Security+ drivers.
Is all cash present and ready for collection, 1 bag per takings?
Are bags sealed and clearly written up with the days takings?
Check contents of petty cash, all receipts and cash should add up to the branch holding (obtained from the monthly banking declaration found on pitstop/finance/forms/banking declaration, input the branch number scroll to the bottom of the page for values.
Does the Petty Cash tally?
Is there a valid reason why the Petty Cash does not tally?
Till check - The float must be in the safe overnight and correct to the branch holding (obtained from the banking declaration same as above)
Is the float stored in the safe overnight?
Is there a valid reason why the float is not stored in the safe overnight?
Regional Manager to perform a till check, print the 511Rec report and count existing cash in the till?
Was the till check correct?
Does the till float match the banking declaration?
Refunds and credits - The 534BDD2 report must be completed daily, stock checked and filed with the refund paperwork attached. All refunds must have both the Operator and Customer signatures present
Is the refund process being completed in full?
Cash security - drivers must use the 3 part cash book, 1 copy for the customer, the 2nd/3rd remain in the book until checked and signed for by BM/ABM, once signed the 2nd copy goes with the cash the 3rd stays in the book.
Does the branch manager follow the correct process (check the integrity of the process)
Stock management
Stock take - the branch must complete the daily PI as per the current SOP.
Is the branch up to date with the required PI daily count?
Is the stock take count completed correctly and is there evidence of a discrepancy check being carried out?
Does the branch manager require training on stock take?
Stock adjustments - Is there evidence of high value adjustments being investigated? (Check PARC, for details, and run report AJ342SARCV2)
RTS write off, less than £100 per month (take an average of the previous 6 months)
Is the branch within the £100 tolerance per month for RTS write off?
Is the branch following the correct RTS process?
Does the branch require RTS training?
Check the branch filing - Does the branch manage the POR/GRN queries?
PARC review - Regional manager to discuss recent PARC results with branch manager.
Has the branch hit the required PARC criteria?
Has the branch had an Operational Audit?
Has the branch manager completed all outstanding tasks set by the Audit team?
Any additional comments