
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on


Exterior & Walkup

Exterior Observations / Exterior Guest Journey

  • Parking lot condition

  • Exterior lighting

  • Exterior Poster Cases

  • Marquee / Exterior Signage

  • Other Exterior Observations
  • Add media

  • Exterior Guest Pain Points
  • Add media



  • Management visible on the floor upon walk-in.

  • Lobby doors clean, fully functional, and vestibule clean?

  • Greeter or manager welcoming guests?

  • Lobby comfortable, free of odor, music playing?

  • Good merchandising practices in place?

  • Cue lines well managed?

  • Lobby lighting and signage lit and functional?

  • Movie posters properly placed and sniped?

  • Lobby floor clean and safe?

  • Lobby trash maintained?

  • Unlimited table clean and well presented?

  • Other Lobby Observations / Opportunities
  • Add media

  • Lobby Guest Pain Points
  • Add media

  • Game Area Observations
  • Add media


Concession Stand

  • Guest-facing surfaces of concession clean?

  • All napkins, straws and condiments stocked and neat?

  • All soda towers lit and clearly labeled?

  • All concession marketing materials neatly and effectively placed?

  • Cast members warmly greeting guests and working with urgency?

  • Upselling / Suggestive Selling / Leading with Loyalty observed?

  • Hot foods prepared and ready for sale?

  • Impulse freezers, coolers, candy racks full with product faced?

  • Good cleaning practices in place for concession equipment, cabinets, counters, walls and other surfaces.

  • Team members in proper uniform and non-slip shoes?

  • Stock levels good for the level of business?

  • Proper food labeling and dating practices in place?

  • Food safety logs in use and completed properly?

  • Are free of pest activity?

  • Other Concession Observations
  • Add media


  • Kitchen floor clean and safe?

  • 3 Bay Sink clean, properly labeled, and used correctly?

  • Ice machine clean and evidence of regular sanitization?

  • Refrigerators and freezers clean & at proper temperature?

  • Soda BIB racks and lines clean and BIBs in date?

  • Kitchen free from accumulated trash / cardboard?

  • Area free of pest activity?

  • Kitchen Observations
  • Add media



  • Hallway carpets and/or tile clean / spills addressed promptly?

  • Auditorium marquees lit and functioning properly?

  • Auditorium entry doors functioning properly?

  • Hallway trash emptied and exterior of cans clean?

  • Hallway posters properly merchandised, and lit cases illuminated?

  • Water fountains functional and clean?

  • Hallway seating clean and any vending equipment clean and full?

  • Hallway lighting all functional?

  • Booster seats available and clean?

  • All non-guest area doors secure?

  • Hallway Observations
  • Add media

  • Hallway Guest Pain Points
  • Add media



  • Auditorium trash can empty and area free of spills and odor?

  • Carpet and wall carpet in entry ramps clean and in good repair?

  • Aisle lighting functional and covers clean?

  • Tops of banisters and handrails clean to the touch?

  • Auditorium properly cleaned between shows? (NA if before 1st show)

  • Any broken/damaged seats observed?

  • Any active ceiling leaks observed?

  • Ceiling tiles in good condition? Note any dangerous conditions observed.

  • Any soiled seats observed in need of extraction or seat cleaning service?

  • Auditorium lighting functioning and area properly illuminated between shows?

  • Emergency exit doors clean, functional and unobstructed?

  • Auditorium temperatures comfortable? Odor free?

  • Physical Auditorium Observations
  • Add media

  • Presentation Quality & Comfort Observations
  • Add media

GM Presentation Follow-Up

  • Have all issues been reported to TSNOC?

Auditorium Janitorial

  • Are carpets properly vacuumed?

  • Are floors clean and mopped, free from spills and accumulated dust/dirt/buildup?

  • Are cupholders, armrests and other guest touchpoints clean?

  • If recliners, do floors under recliners show signs of regular cleaning?

  • If recliners, are cushion crevices free from food/debris?



  • Restroom door and handle clean?

  • Trash can clean and emptied? Bag liner correctly in place?

  • Is the floor clean and free from spills?

  • Counters, mirrors and sinks, faucets clean and operational with good water flow?

  • Wall behind counter or under hand dryers clean?

  • Stalls in good repair? Door locks, handles, coat hooks in place?

  • All areas free from graffiti?

  • Ceiling in good condition and clean? Vents clean?

  • Urinals, toilets and seats in good repair?

  • All dispenser equipment stocked, clean and functioning?

  • All lighting functional and lamps of same type? Covers in place?

  • Evidence of frequent restroom checks being performed?

  • Restroom Observations
  • Add media

  • Restroom Janitorial Observations
  • Add media

Stock and Storage rooms


  • Stock levels appropriate?

  • FIFO signage posted? Stock dated and rotated per guidelines?

  • Free from pest activity?

  • Lighting functional, shelves 6 inches from ground, 18" clearance from ceiling?

  • Storage Room Observations
  • Add media

Janitor's Closet

  • Janitor's closet clean and organized? No trash kept?

  • 3 color mop system in place and being followed?

  • Free from pests?

  • Janitor's Closet Observations
  • Add media



  • Theatre appropriately staffed for business levels?

  • Staff Shout-Outs to Note
  • Add media

  • Staff Observations
  • Add media

Break Room

Break Room / Clock Room

  • All required postings available near the time clock?

  • Team Bulletin posted / available?

  • Evidence of communication / sharing of Vision and Values?

  • Is the break room clean with comfortable seating available?

  • Are snacks and personal care kits available?

  • Break Room / Clock Room Observations
  • Add media


Projection Booth

  • Projectors, pedestals, port glass and lenses properly detailed?

  • Appropriate number of spare lamps and filters on hand?

  • Booth clean and organized?

  • Booth floor free from popcorn, dirt and buildup?

  • Any booth storage rooms clean and organized?

  • Projectors free of errors and alerts? Any issues reported with the TSNOC?

  • Booth Observations
  • Add media


Maintenance Observations

    Maintenance Observations
  • Add media

Janitorial Concerns

Janitorial Observations

    Janitorial Observations
  • Add media

KPI Review

KPI Review

  • Reviewed Market Share Graph & Results?

  • Reviewed InMoment results and discussed action plan?

  • Reviewed succession, recruiting, HR issues?

  • Any other business reviewed?

TCA Review

  • Reviewed TFI reports? Compliant?

  • Reviewed BOR (refunds, voids, passes)? Compliant?

  • Reviewed minor work files? Compliant?

  • Reviewed Time Adjustment Log and Manual Punches? Compliant?

  • Network rack locked?

  • Main safe locked and no unsecured cash?


  • Other

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.