
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Aircraft Tail Number: Hornet: A21-nnn


  • Task:

  • Auditor/s:

  • Add Auditor's Name:
  • Auditor Name:

  • Position:

1. Aircraft Documentation

  • a. Applicable entries into aircraft documentation are made (unserviceabilities)

  • b. Appropriate certification level entered into aircraft documentation (FOC/IMI)

  • Comments:

2. Authorisations

  • a. Will more than one TNCO be employed for the conduct of the task?

  • Tap to enter information
  • How is it determined who will be the Maintenance Certifier if more than one TNCO is conducting task? Comment:

  • b. TNCO checks if personnel are authorised to conduct task prior to starting task.

  • c. TNCO determines if any Tradespersons are conducting task under Mentor.

  • d. IMI/II, TNCO and Tradespersons conducting task are authorised in their RTE.

  • Team
  • Rank / Name / PMKeys:

  • Role: (T/man, trade supervisor, II, MM)

  • Authorised?

  • Comments:

3. Publications

  • a. Relevant publications are obtained

  • b. Publications are complete, up to date, and applicable to the task?

  • c. Copies of publications and data are marked Uncontrolled and Dated

  • Comments:

4. Tools and GSE

  • a. CTKs used during the task are U/S'd in the aircraft documentation.

  • b. CTKs are checked prior to use to ensure no tools are missing.

  • c. Tool control procedures are used correctly (tools tagged etc.

  • d. Tools and GSE are checked for serviceability prior to use (Cal, Serv tags, etc.

  • Comments:

5. Aeronautical Product

  • a. Relevant publication used to identify correct part numbers.

  • b. ADAASS used to identify parts are authorised to fit.

  • c. Check for documentation attached to parts (Trav tag, Serv tag, C of C, etc).

  • d. Ensure parts have been certified serviceable on documentation.

  • e. CAMM2 checked for outstanding MODS/STIs, life of item and builds check.

  • f. Details on the part, packaging and documentation checked for matching details.

  • g. Physical characteristics checked for consistency with the item being replaced.

  • h. Parts checked for damaged or deterioration of condition.

  • i. Consumables checked and are within marked shelf life (goops, O-rings, etc).

  • Comments:

6. Safety

  • a. All safety precautions stated in publications are followed.

  • b. MSDS sheets checked for hazardous substances used.

  • c. Applicable precautions stated in MSDS are followed.

  • d. Applicable PPE is worn.

  • e. PPE used is serviceable.

  • Comments:

7. Conduct of Maintenance

  • a. Publications are referenced and followed throughout task.

  • b. Tools and GSE are used properly.

  • c. OH&S requirements are observed.

  • d. Relevant PPE is used.

  • e. Tradespersons do not proceed past inspection points until authorised to do so.

  • f. Correct level of supervision used (Mentored personnel directly supervised).

  • g. Progressive inspections are carried out when required.

  • h. FOC/IMI/II inspections carried out when required.

  • i. TNCO does not become involved in 'hands on' work.

  • j. Independent inspector remains independent of the task.

  • Comments:

8. Maintenance Certification

  • a. Certification makes reference to applicable publication.

  • b. Tradespersons certification made by person who did the 'hands on' work.

  • c. Trade Supervisor certification made by TNCO supervising task.

  • d. FOC/IMI/II certification made by person who conducted the inspection.

  • e. Maintenance Identification Numbers entered next to all signatures.

  • f. Certification made within required timeframes.

  • g. Record of component changes completed correctly.

  • h. CAMM2 work completed and Job Number entered in documentation.

  • i. CFU and ASI sheets checked and adjusted if affected by task.

  • j. Errors made in documentation corrected and properly certified.

  • Comments:

9. Completion of Task

  • a. CTK’s used during task cleared and signed for in aircraft documentation.

  • b. Appropriate tags attached to U/S items (Trav tags, U/S tags, etc).

  • c. U/S repairable parts returned to repair pipeline.

  • d. U/S non-repairable and consumable parts disposed of appropriately.

  • e. Used PPE is disposed of appropriately.

  • f. Hazardous substance waste disposed of appropriately.

  • g. Work area cleaned (FOD removed from work stands, CTK’s, etc).

  • Comments:

10. Overall Comments, Cars Raised, Observations & Recommendations

  • Comments:

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