Title Page
Site Conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by (Name + Last Name)
To answer (YES, NO, N/A) in ZONE 4...
Every area must be checked daily and its cleaning requirement assessed
Dextrose Filter cleaned x2 per shift & check tubes for signs of mold
Check clips/clasps along the catch boxes at the fryer
Check & Clean crumb build up at SWECO oil miser reclaim tank, auger and gem belt
Dextrose made up & a bag in dosing bin?
All cleaning equipment hanging up & Shadow Boards complete? (note down missing equipment below)
Please note the missing equipment
To answer based on the Cleaning Key...
Team leaders to inspect areas marked 'clean', Operators to note a comment reason area is 'not done'. Anything which is not up to standard, is to be reported to the Team Leader or Shift Manager at handover. Comments can be add at the bottom of this page.
A steam clean of each area MUST be completed at least once a week (shaded section) or as required
CLEANING KEY: C = Clean ; H = Hose ; S = Steam ; Clean Not Done = ND
Blancher waste tray exit & entry cleaned
Why are these parts still not clean?
Blancher pipes, framework and floor
Why are these parts not clean yet?
Sapp shakers, frame work, floor & inside Sapp hood
Why are these parts still not clean?
Floor & drain clear under Dryer & Fryer
Why are these spaces not clean yet?
Dryer outfeed conveyor belt tray
Why is this tray still not clean?
Sapp & Dextrose area
Why are these areas not clean yet?
Walls adjacent to clean off points
Why are these walls still not clean?