Title Page
Concretus job number
Site Address
Pump Contractor
Conducted by
Conducted on
Pre-start site checklist
Think about the task.
All site personnel wearing the appropriate PPE for this task?
Instruct all site personnel to wear the appropriate PPE for this task before continuing.
Hard Hat, Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Hi Vis, Protective Gloves, Safety Boots .
Myself and my offsiders are trained, competent and fit to do this task?
Cease all works on site and contact Concretus area supervisor.
Do I have a current SWMS (Safe Work Method Statement) with me, that myself and offsiders are signed on to?
Cease all works. Your current SWMS must be carried with you to all ABN sites.
Think about the hazards!
Do I need to create an exclusion zone to prevent people being caught between the pump and reversing agi truck?
Create required exclusion zone before continuing. If unable to please cease all works.
High Risk Work.
Clear path of communications between pump operator, agi driver and other site personel in case of emergency?
Ensure there is a clear path of communication prior to proceeding with works. Failure to do so puts yourself and others at risk.
Have I checked for underground services in outrigger locations by probing the ground?
Ensure that all outrigger locations have been inspected and deemed suitable to support the intended load before proceeding.
Have I taken into consideration the safety of the public?<br>
Ensure adequate warning signs and/or exclusion zones are in place to protect the public prior to proceeding with your works.
Placed traffic cones where required, warning signs, exclusion zones in place or a spotter required
Are all warning devices operational and in use?
Do not commence works until all warning devices are operational and in use.
Are all outriggers appropriately extended and set up on stable and level ground?
Ensure that all outrigger locations have been inspected and deemed stable and safe to support the load before proceeding.
Have I checked for overhead power and other obstructions/hazards and can carry out this task in a safe manner?
You must be able to carry out the task without endangering yourself or others. If you cannot safely proceed please cease all works and notify Concretus site supervisor.
Have all prestart checks been completed including connections/clamps/safety clips, hopper cover in place, emergency stop button accessible and within reach?
You must carry out all required checks & inspections prior to commencement of works. If this cannot be achieved please cease works and contact Concretus area supervisor.
Has a suitable area for excess concrete and washout been agreed upon with Concretus supervisor?
Please discuss with Concretus supervisor prior to commencing.
Contractor Sign off
I have read and understand the requirements set out in the ABN Group's trade Induction Pack and SWMS.
Name, Date and Signature