Title Page
Pre-inspection preparation:
BESS sites are operated & maintained by an external contractor (Wartsilla). contact them in advance of the visit to obtain: evidence of environmental spill response procedures in place and evidence of waste management (if this is in their contract to manage). Also contact in advance to obtain HVAC maintenance reports if it is under their contract to manage.
BESS name and location
Date the environmental check was conducted on.
People completing or participating in the check:
Review the last time an environmental check was carried out and any open Sphera environmental records associated with the site. List all items to be revisited during this check, for example outstanding actions.
Planning conditions associated with the BESS:
Does the site have active habitat/landscape and/or wildlife/ornithological monitoring?
- Yes, continue to complete this section
- No, tick 'not applicable' to remaining items and move onto the next section.
Please tick all monitoring that applies:
- Ornithological monitoring
- Peatland monitoring
- Forestry monitoring
- Landscape monitoring
- Bat monitoring
- Habitat creation monitoring
- not applicable, no monitoring is required.
Review the planning condition tracker & associated records to confirm if planning conditions are up to date and implemented accordingly.
- Planning controls are implemented according to conditions
- Planning controls are not implemented according to conditions
- not applicable, the site does not have any active planning conditions.
- Planning controls are not implemented according to conditions but work is being completed to improve/put works in place for compliance.
Summarise the findings from the above check; including steps to keep in alignment with conditions. Ensure the planning condition tracker reflects the site's planning conditions accurately depending on the findings. If the site has no active planning, write N/A.
Housekeeping: Oil & chemical containers under 200 litres.
Do containers have sufficient strength and structural integrity so they don’t leak or burst under normal use? For example, rusty or dented containers are unlikely to be fit for use.
- Yes. All containers are in good condition with no evidence of holes, no containers are warped, all lids are tightly screwed on. All containers are fit for purpose.
- Partially. Most containers are in good condition, but a minority of containers are showing signs of being warped, slight damage and/or lids are not fitted.
- No. Most containers are in poor condition and it is posing a pollution risk to the site.
- Not applicable as there are no small chemical or oil stores.
Are containers stored inside a building, under cover or protected from the elements by another method?
- Yes.
- No, but containers are in good condition and there is no evidence of leaking. Container storage should be improved as soon as practical.
- No, containers are stored outside and there is evidence of leaking from them. Container storage should be improved as soon as possible.
- Not applicable as no small containers are stored at this site.
Are full or part full containers stored directly on top of one another? This does not apply to empty containers.
- No. There is no double stacking and full/part full containers are in good condition.
- Yes. Full and/or part full containers are double stacked but are in good condition with no evidence of splitting or collapsing.
- Yes. Full and/or part full containers are double stacked and there are examples of the containers splitting/collapsing.
- Not applicable. No full/part full containers present.
Would the store benefit from signage/additional signage? If yes please explain how this will be implemented/improved.
- No. The onshore windfarm has clear and concise signage which is an example of good practice for house keeping.
- Yes. Whilst the area for small container house keeping is tidy and free of stains/debris and containers are in good condition-the area would benefit from signage to identify location of different chemicals & oils + the identifying empties for waste management.
- Yes. The area has poor housekeeping which is creating a pollution risk at the windfarm. In addition to signage the area must be improved in other ways, for example ensuring containers are in good condition-residual oil stains are cleaned up and removing any litter in the area.
- Not applicable as there is no storage area.
Tick all forms of secondary containment used. Secondary containment systems are not a requirement-but can be utilised where needed to improve housekeeping and assist in pollution risk.
- Sump Pallets used for small containers
- Drip trays used for small containers
- The containers are stored in a fluid storage room with a purpose built bunded floor.
- Dedicated external storage e.g. a shipping container.
- Not applicable as there is no secondary containment system (SCS) used.
Is any secondary containment in poor condition?
- Secondary containment is in good condition with no evidence of splitting, it is free of debris, oil& water. It is also fit for purpose.
- Secondary containment is in sufficient condition. There is some debris/oil/water present but in amounts that does not compromise the ability to capture spills. There is some evidence of warping or splitting but is still functional.
- Secondary containment is in poor condition. It is full of debris/water/oil. It is broken and cannot do the job.
- Not applicable. Secondary containment is not being used, but housekeeping is in good condition.
Would the small oil/chemical stores benefit from additional secondary containment systems? If so, describe suggestions.
- Yes, please see the next question for details on how to improve.
- No,additional secondary containment is not needed.
- N/A
If the site contains Glycosantin liquid cooling on site, engage with the Area Manager and/or 3rd party O&M on maintenance regimes to ensure its escape into the environment is prevented (e.g. PPM schedules).
- Not applicable the site does not contain Glycosantin
- Yes, the the site does contain Glycosantin. discussions with the Area Manager and/or 3rd Party O&M team confirm PPM regime is in place for this pollution risk and examples have been provided (e.g. service records )
- Yes, the the site does contain Glycosantin. It is not clear via discussions with the Area Manager and/or 3rd Party O&M team how pollution risk is managed for Glycosantin via preventative maintenance, but the site has not yet experienced any leaks. The Area Manager should discuss how the PPM regime ensures pollution risk is reduced during maintenance and operation as a precaution.
- Yes, the the site does contain Glycosantin. It is not clear via discussions with the Area Manager and/or 3rd Party O&M team how pollution risk is managed for Glycosantin via preventative maintenance, AND the site has experienced leaks (including construction phase). The Area Manager should ensure the 3rd party O&M operator is completing PPM checks and records should be provided.
Depending on the findings in this section, discuss improvement options with the Area Manager and summarise them here.
Housekeeping: Oil & chemical containers over 200 litres.
Do containers have sufficient strength and structural integrity so they don’t leak or burst under normal use? For example, rusty or dented containers are unlikely to be fit for use.
- Yes. All drum(s) are in good condition with no evidence of holes, rust or damage, all lids are tightly screwed on. All drums are fit for purpose.
- Partially. Most drum(s) are in good condition, but a minority of them are showing signs of being damaged, rusty and/or lids are not fitted.
- No. Most drum(s) are in poor condition and it is posing a pollution risk to the site.
- Not applicable as there are no large chemical or oil stores.
Are containers stored inside a building, under cover or protected from the elements by another method?
- Yes
- No
- Not applicable, as no large oil/chemical stores
Are full or part full drums stored directly on top of one another? If so is there risk of splitting under pressure or over stacking?
- No. There is no double stacking and full/part full containers are in good condition.
- Yes. Full and/or part full containers are double stacked but are in good condition with no evidence of splitting or collapsing.
- Yes. Full and/or part full containers are double stacked and there are examples of the containers splitting/collapsing.
- Not applicable. No full/part full containers present.
Would the the store benefit from signage/additional signage? If yes please explain how this will be implemented/improved.
- No. all containers are clearly labelled
- Containers are not labelled but waste management is good including waste segregation. Containers are labelled, but there is evidence of co-mingling and waste management could be improved. Make suggestions in the note section for the Area Manager to review.
- Yes. Containers are not labelled and housekeeping/organisation is in poor condition (several examples of small oil spills on floor/SCS is not maintained.
- Not applicable as there is no oil storage containers over 200L
Tick all forms of secondary containment used.
- Standard drip tray (stainless steel and/or plastic)
- Sump pallets
- Dedicated external storage (e.g. shipping container). Must have a 'lip' or bunded floor.
- 'Built in' bunded floor
- Plant trays (plant nappy/sponge/etc)
- None, there is no secondary containment used
- double skinned tank
Does the secondary containment 'volume' meet legal requirements? If no, please describe why and what is needed to ensure compliance.
- Yes, secondary containment meets legal requirements.
- No, the secondary containment does not meet the legal requirements-please explain why.
- N/A. There is no secondary containment, as it is not a legal requirement in England and Wales if stored inside.
Is any secondary containment in poor condition?
- Secondary containment is in good condition with no evidence of splitting, it is free of debris, oil& water. It is also fit for purpose.
- Secondary containment is in sufficient condition. There is some debris/oil/water present but in amounts that does not compromise the ability to capture spills. There is some evidence of warping or splitting but is still functional.
- Secondary containment is in poor condition. It is full of debris/water/oil. It is broken and cannot do the job.
- Not applicable. Secondary containment is not being used, but housekeeping is in good condition & it is not a legal requirement in this case.
List and Photograph all containers above 200L on site.
Depending on the findings in this section, discuss improvement options with the Area Manager and summarise them here.
Housekeeping: Transformer bunding
For each transformer: does the secondary containment 'volume' meet legal requirements? If no, please describe why and what is needed to ensure compliance.
- No, the secondary containment's volume does not meet legal requirements. Record on Sphera as a non-conformance.
- yes, the secondary containment's volume does meet legal requirement
- Not applicable as no large containers above 200L
For each transformer: Are the bunds / secondary containment in poor condition?
- Secondary containment is in good condition with no evidence of splitting, it is free of debris, oil& water. It is also fit for purpose.
- Secondary containment is in sufficient condition. There is some debris/oil/water present but in amounts that does not compromise the ability to capture spills. There is some evidence of warping or splitting but is still functional.
- Secondary containment is in poor condition. It is full of debris/water/oil. It is broken and cannot do the job.
- Not applicable. Secondary containment is not being used, but housekeeping is in good condition.
Depending on the findings in this section, discuss improvement options with the Area Manager and summarise them here.
Housekeeping: mobile plant & handling of oil and chemicals
Is there any equipment on site that can be used to assist the process of oil and chemical transfer? E.g. Funnel
Is mobile plant in good condition and stored on plant nappies/sponges both during use and whilst stored?
Spill kits & Incident Response
Are EDF Renewables spill kits present and easily accessed at the BESS (easy to get to and not blocked by other items)?
Are the spill kits maintained to a good standard? (well stocked, organised, labelled)
Is the spill kit free of any rubbish?
Is there at least 240L capacity of spill kit present on site? The spill kit ideally will be a 'maintenance type' spill kit to ensure both it can be used for both oil and chemical use?
Are the most current EDF Renewables' work instructions for environmental emergencies present (flytipping, spills & emissions) and displayed clearly
Is the BESS sites' ESHP developed?
- Yes the ESHP is developed and on the DMS and communicated to the Area Manager and H&S rep for site
- Yes the ESHP is developed but in draft form and needs to be finalised and placed on the DMS and communicated to the Area Manager and H&S rep for site.
- No, the ESHP is not yet started. Add as an action on Safety Culture.
As BESS are operated and maintained by a 3rd party contractor, discuss here any other arrangements in with the Area Manager and any improvements deemed to be required to ensure good pollution prevention. If the arrangements are not sufficient, this should be 'flagged' and actioned with the Area and Asset Manager for BESS.
- Discussions and messages confirmed 3rd Party Contractor has work instructions in place to ensure good pollution prevention. This is especially relevant for sites that contain Glycosantin on site and/or Vanadium.
- Discussions, review of previous incidents and messages confirmed the 3rd Party contractor has reacted to incidents that pose a pollution risk but it is not clear if work instructions are formally in place.
- Discussions, review of previous incidents and messages confirmed the 3rd Party contractor demonstrate incident response measures are not sufficient plus there is no evidence of procedures or work instructions in place for the BESS.
Add a summary of discussions with the Area Manager here regarding incident response relationship with the 3rd Party Contractor and EDF Renewables. Identify any improvements needed, contract arrangements in place and further actions to improve incident response.
Foul water management
Does the BESS have foul water management facilities?
- Yes-the site has a septic tank
- Yes-the site has a biodigester/biodisc set up
- Yes-the site has a cesspool
- No-choose N/A for the next questions.
Is the septic tank or cesspool's metal or concrete lid in good condition and easily identified? (e.g. not overgrown or covered with soil?)
- Yes the lid is in good condition
- Sufficient. the lid is in good condition, but it was hard to identify (e.g. overgrown)
- No. the lid is in poor condition overall
- Not applicable
Is there any smell emanating from the septic tank or area around it?
- No. there is no smell emanating from the tank or around it
- Yes. there is a smell present
- Not applicable
Soakaway: for septic tanks and bio-digesters is the area around the tank swampy, smelly or has prolific grass growth.
- No. the land around the area is in good condition.
- Yes. the land around the area have these issues.
- Not applicable
Discharge pipe: If practical, check the discharge pipe for its condition
- Pipe is in good condition, with no smell and pale liquid only
- Pipe is in poor condition, it has a smell and liquid is black with solids or similar condition.
- Not applicable and/or was not practical to check the pipe.
Check with the FM/commercial team on the last time the foul water system was serviced. Depending on frequency decide if a service is required for maintenance reasons. If a service is needed, raise an iauditor action and liaise with the correct FM/commercial manager.
Is hazardous waste segregated from non-hazardous waste?
- There is some evidence of co-mingling non-hazardous waste in containers designated as hazardous waste. (e.g. pizza boxes inside oily waste container).
- Hazardous waste was found inside a non-hazardous waste container. (waste oil filter from a WTG inside of a general waste bin). If an example of this is found discuss with the asset environmental officer if it is to be recorded on Sphera.
- There was no evidence of waste being co-mingles in any waste container.
- Not applicable as there is no waste storage at this onshore windfarm.
Is there any evidence of waste NOT being handled and stored in a safe and secure manner (e.g. litter) to minimise risk of escape into the environment?
- Yes, there are several examples of waste not being handled in a safe and secure manner (e.g. litter is present in multiple areas around the service centre, larger waste items have poor storage and it is evident they have be present a long time). Action must be taken soon to improve the waste handling of the site.
- There are some examples of litter present, but other than this waste is being handled sufficiently.
- No. Waste is being handled, stored in a safe and secure manner with no improvement needed.
- Not applicable as there is no waste stored at this onshore windfarm.
Are waste storage facilities in good condition, fit for purpose and suitable to prevent waste escaping into the environment?
- No. Waste storage facilities are not in good condition. Examples include: broken lids, unlocked lids that are left open, water present in bins. leaking bins.
- Sufficient condition. Waste facilities are in sufficient condition but there are isolated examples that could be improved-for example some bins are unlocked but the lids were fitted tightly. Bins might have evidence of a lot of wear or tear, can still do the job but might need to be changed in the future.
- Good condition. Waste storage is in good condition and no improvement is needed.
- Not applicable as there is no waste storage on this windfarm.
Has any waste escaped into the environment that could lead to pollution? This also includes any fly tip incidents.
- Yes-there is waste that has escaped and/or a flytip present at the service centre that is likely to cause harm.
- No
Do waste storage facilities only contain waste from BESS activities? They must not have other items and/or water present.
- No. there are examples of waste containers that have other types of waste (e.g. from the general public) present and/or there is water in the waste containers.
- Yes. Waste containers only contain waste from windfarm activities.
Are all waste containers clearly labelled? if required
- Yes. all containers are clearly labelled
- Not Labelled but waste management is sufficient. Containers are not labelled but waste management is sufficient including waste segregation.
- No. Containers are not labelled and waste management is in overall poor condition.
- Not applicable as there is no waste storage at this windfarm.
As BESS are operated and maintained by a 3rd party contractor, discuss here any other arrangements in with the Area Manager and any improvements deemed to be required to ensure good waste management. If the arrangements are not sufficient, this should be 'flagged' and actioned with the Area and Asset Manager for BESS.
- Discussions confirmed the 3rd party contractor has good waste management practices in place as well as any EDF Renewables' required waste management under contract.'
- Waste management is on site but there are some examples of waste regulations not being adhered to. Minor improvements must be made by the 3rd party contractor and/or EDF Renewables-depending on contract agreements.
- Waste management is on site but there are many examples of waste regulations not being adhered to. Major improvements must be made by the 3rd party contractor and/or EDF Renewables-depending on contract agreements.
Add a summary of discussions with the Area Manager here regarding waste management with the 3rd Party Contractor and EDF Renewables. Identify any improvements needed, contract arrangements in place and further actions to improve waste.
F-gas Management
Are air conditioning units present at the BESS (check storage containers and substations)
- Yes, there is an A/C unit-it is a new unit (see photos and notes) to add to the F-gas management register.
- Yes, there is an A/C unit-it is not a new unit, make reference to F-gas register to identify specifications
- No, there is no A/C unit.
If the A/C meets F-gas leak testing requirements, has it been tested in line with regulations?
- Yes, it has been tested in line with regulations and recorded on the F-gas management register
- No, it has not been tested in line with regulations (add to Sphera as a non-conformance)
- Not applicable as no A/C or HVAC unit is above regulatory limit
Does the BESS have SF6 located in switchgear?
- Yes the site contains SF6 in switchgear & is recorded on the F-gas management register.
- Yes the site contains SF6 in switchgear but it is not recorded on the F-gas management register (record on Sphera as a non-conformance)
- The site does not have any SF6 in switchgear
If the SF6 volume hits regulatory limits for leak testing-has the equipment been leak tested in line with current F-gas regulation?
- Yes, the equipment has been leak tested.
- No, the equipment has not been leak tested in line with regulations
- Not applicable as no SF6 is present or the volume is below regulatory limits
Are HVAC units present on the battery containers?
- yes HVAC units are present on site
- Not applicable.
If the HVAC meets F-gas leak testing requirements, has it been tested in line with regulations?
- Yes, it has been tested in line with regulations and recorded on the F-gas management register
- No, it has not been tested in line with regulations (add to Sphera as a non-conformance)
- Not applicable as no A/C or HVAC unit is above regulatory limit
BESS walkaround: pollution checks
Environmental near hits & incidents from BESS activities.
Pollutant that has escaped containment but not entered the environment (soil/water).
Pollutant that has escaped into the environment to soil. Example: Stains/liquids present on the soil/ground.
Pollutant that has escaped into the environment to watercourse from windfarm activities.
Waste that has escaped into the environment (e.g. litter).
Deliberate fly tipping
Plant die back due/likely due to presence of pollution.
Evidence of fires (black patches on soil, items that have been burnt)
Dead wildlife, marine life, archaeological concerns present.
Summarise areas visit on the BESS site and location of any of the above. Maps can be used.
Environmental Check Summary
List all Sphera record IDs generated from the check, here (SHEQ observation or incident). Ensure that all Spheras are reviewed with the Area Manager and relevant site team before you publish the Sphera record.
Summarise the environmental check and include any findings not identified in the checklist items.
This is an optional area to highlight any other information from the environmental check.