
  • Project

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Document No.

  • Signed


  • Is an EMP in place for the specific works, and is it reviewed regularly?

  • Is the environmental aspects register in place and does it reflect of hazards apparent on site?

  • Have site personnel received environmental training identified in the SHE training matrix?

  • Are Environmental Toolbox Talks carried out (includes sub-contractors)? List talks completed for the month in notes

  • Are Emergency Response measures in place and have they been communicated?

  • Are Environmental incidents reported and closed out appropriately?

  • Are Environmental complaints recorded and responded to?

  • Has the site security been assessed and measures taken to protected the site from vandalism?

Prevention of Water Pollution

  • Are consents in place and complied with?

  • Have, where appropriate, control measures been implemented to prevent water pollution?

  • Foul and surface water drains identified? Marked up?

  • Protection provided for drains (if required)?

  • Have designated areas been allocated where relevant for Refuelling?

  • Have designated areas been allocated where relevant for vehicle washing?

  • Have designated areas been allocated where relevant for concrete washout?

  • Washout Water being managed correctly?

  • Are drip trays / bunds used, regularly emptied and the wastewater disposed of appropriately? Including inceptors

  • Are there visible signs of pollution e.g. discolouration?

  • Are control measures and any consent requirements monitored and recorded?

Traffic and Access Management

  • Access/egress routes sign-posted & clean?

  • Have speed restrictions been imposed and are they adhered to?

  • Are hard standing areas & roads clean?

Waste Management and Minimisation

  • Is the Site Waste Management Plan relevant and regularly reviewed?

  • Site registered as hazardous waste producer (Wales only)?

  • Carriers & Waste management licences/permits in place and checked?

  • Have opportunities to re-use or recycle been identified and necessary licences / exemptions obtained?

  • Have the principles of Save it been considered regarding the material stores to reduce unnecessary waste?

  • Is waste stored / segregated and labelled appropriately?

  • Are Transfer / Consignment notes fully completed and retained on site?

  • Is there evidence that waste material was taken to where it should go i.e. weight bridge ticket with invoice etc.

  • Litter / tidy site?

Noise and Vibration Control

  • Where appropriate are Section 61 consent conditions complied with?

  • *Bridge street/ Newport Stn specific* Are all plant items fitted with broadband reversing alarms or equivalent?

  • Any out of hours work and if necessary agreed with the client / local authority (Variation to section 61)?

  • BPM implemented e.g. switching off vehicles when not in use, silencers etc.

  • Noise protection installed where required?

  • Noise monitoring undertaken & recorded where required

Contaminated land

  • Has contaminated land or the potential been identified?

  • Has a management option been identified and method statements / control plan developed and followed accordingly?

  • Have H&S implications been considered

Dust and Air Quality

  • Is there evidence of dust deposits/ visible dust or air emissions?

  • Is dust monitoring required and if so are records maintained?

  • Are vehicles / plant maintained (no abnormal emissions?)

  • Are stockpiles minimised / controlled?

  • Have adequate control measures been identified and implemented e.g. water spray/ suppression methods required?

  • Are site conditions monitored to assess the need for controls?

Materials Storage

  • All oils & chemicals stored correctly? Secondary containment (110%)? Impermeable base?<br>

  • Hazardous materials stored adequately? (lids on, upright, on drip trays, correctly labelled with contents)?

  • Correct methods used for decanting/ refuelling?

  • Are spill kits readily available and replenished? Are the locations of these clear and communicated?

  • Has spill kit training been undertaken?

  • Spill drill undertaken on site?

  • Are there signs of leakage or spill?

Ecology & Archaeology

  • Have ecological sensitivities been identified on site? i.e. protected species / designated sites / invasive weeds

  • Have relevant consents / licenses been obtained and are conditions adhered to?

  • Is adequate tree and hedgerow protection in place and maintained?

  • Have method statements or control plans been developed, are they being implemented and monitoring accordingly?

Method Statements (ABC and Subcontractors)

  • Are environmental risks and appropriate controls identified in relevant Risk Assessments & Method Statements?


  • Enter any additional comments here

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.