Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
List Rooms numbers
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Safety
Can I walk around the workplace easily and unobstructed are walkways, stairs and doorways non slip, clear of boxes, extension cords and litter?
Are for surfaces, including steps even (no loose titles, cracked pavements or carpet that is torn or has ridges or holes)?
Are all green emergency signs illuminated and the exit clear of obstruction?
Are all moving parts of machinery/office equipment not damaged and guarded? (eg shredder etc)
Are all security and duress alarms tested regularly and functioning effectively?
Are all ladders/steps in good condition with non slip material on the rungs/steps and ladders having rubber feet to prevent slipping?
Violence Aggression And Security
Is access to employee's and work areas difficult for an aggressor ?
Can workers easily communicate when threatened, and get assistance (shouting, duress, alarm or phone)?
Is external lighting provided around the workplace, (car parks, footpaths and walkways)?
Are cash and valuables kept secure and workers/contractors aware of their responsibility for their personal security?
Are workers aware of the employees assistance program?
Are all windows and doors locked when not in use and is their a key register?
Chemical Safety
Are all chemical substances clearly and correctly labeled? (No unlabeled chemicals)
Are all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) easily available to those who use them?
Are all chemicals stored safely in accordance with the MSDS?
Are all chemicals recorded in a chemical substance register?
Manual Handling and Ergonomics
Are work heights adjustable and appear to be at a comfortable height for the user, desks and benches?
Are all work chairs and stools height adjustable to enable a comfortable posture?
Computer monitors are set so the viewer is level with the top of the screen, and there is no glare?
Are trolleys , hand trucks hoists and equipment on wheels in good working order?
Are heavy and frequently used items stored between hip and shoulder?
Are all repetitive tasks (keying, data entry, filing etc) using small hand movements assessed and control plans documented?
All difficult manual Handling tasks have been identified, assessed and control plans documented?
Telephone headsets are used by workers who undertake phone and computer tasks simultaneously?
WHS Awareness and Involvement (Interview workers in the area)
Have all workers, and contractors undergone WHS induction training and records kept?
Is WHS on the agenda for all regular workers meetings?
Do the workers know who their Health and Safety Rep is?
Do the workers know the correct procedure in reporting an incident? (Notify their manager and report it in Works age as soon as becoming aware)
All workers can identify the First Aid Officer in their workplace?
Are Employee Assistance Program (EAP) posters and brochures available?
Sound levels are measured and controlled to less than 85db/8 hours /5 days time weighted average (headphones and feedback monitors)?
Hearing protection is available for workers at risk of exposure to noise induced hearing loss (ear plugs , ear muffins , limiters on headphones and ear pieces)
Information and Tips Davidson Trahaire Corp such is the ABC Employees Assistance provider. . They provide a free, confidential, independent and professional counseling service for BY workers and their families. Manual Handling by definition means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any animate or inanimate object. 85dBA (decibels actual) over period of 8 hours, 5 days a week is the accepted sage noise level, exposure greater than this have been found to case noise induced hearing loss. Please forward a copy to the line manager of the area inspected, and a copy to the State/Territory Directors office to confirm the inspection is complete.