Title Page
Project No. & Name
Area Inspected
ACPL Personnel Doing Inspection
Subcontractor Personnel Participating in Inspection
Conducted on
1. Answer "Yes" if the statement is correct and "No" if the statement is not 100% compliant. "N/A" if not applicable.
2. Add Photos and Notes by clicking on the paperclip icon
3. To add a Corrective Measure click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority, and due date
4. Complete audit by providing digital signature
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link
I. General
1. Actions arising from last site safety checklist complete
2. Weekly Tool Box carried out
3. Daily Pre-Starts carried out
4. Site Inductions carried out
II. Amenities / Facilities
1. Washrooms / Toilets clean & tidy
2. Meal rooms clean & tidy
3. Covered rubbish bins provided
4. Drinking water available / supplied
5. Offices clean & tidy
6. Site notice board is current with relevant information
III. Public Protection / Site Security
1. Appropriate barricades, fencing, hoarding secure & in place
2. Appropriate PPE & First Aid advisory signage in place
3. Signage visible from site entrance
4. Star Pickets fitted with end caps
5. Visitor & employee sign in / sign out register current
IV. Lighting
1. Adequate for task being performed
2. Lighting clean & free from glare
V. Fire Control / Emergency Preparedness
1. Appropriate fire fighting equipment available with signage in place
2. Emergency procedures displayed
3. Emergency personnel identified & telephone numbers displayed
4. Emergency warning devices functional
VI. First Aid
1. First aider nominated, contact details & photo displayed
2. First aid kit provided & fully stocked
3. Appropriate & correct type kit for size of site
VII. Access / Egress
1. Prohibited / hazardous areas barricaded & sign posted
2. Access paths defined around the workplace
3. Access paths clean & free from debris
4. Exit doors or path ways clear of obstruction
5. Emergency exit / muster point signage in place
6. Sign in / sign out register in use
VIII. Electrical
1. Electrical tools & leads in good condition & have current Test Tag
2. Portable generator fitted with RCD / ELCB
3. Electrical extension leads off ground
4. Locked cover is provided over C/Bs
5 Electrician’s contact details available on board
6. Leads run through bottom of SWBD
IX. Material Handling & Storage
1. Material stacks stable / heights correct
2. Material stored to prevent damage
3. Heavier items stored low
4. Sharp edges protected
5. Storage container clean & tidy
X. Hazardous Substances
1. SDS register maintained
2. SDS available for Haz Subs
3. SDS current (less than 5 years old)
4. Haz Sub containers stored in bunded area
5. Fully stocked spill kits available & of suitable size to contain potential spills
XI. Traffic Control
1. Appropriate traffic control plan available & implemented
2. Signs & devices as per plan
3. Pedestrian & traffic movement separated by clear demarcation (barricades & barriers)
XII. Personal Protective Equipment
1. Mandatory PPE worn
2. Task specific PPE worn when required
3. PPE correctly used by employees
4. UV protection measures available
1. SWMS reflect task being performed (not generic)
2. SWMS has been signed by those performing the task within the past week
3. SWMS available to workteam at task area
4. Subcontractor SWMS reflect task being undertaken
5. SDS relevant to SWMS readily availiable to the work area
6. Review conducted on a random selection of active Abergeldie and Subcontractor SWMS using form WHS001-F03 Safe Work Method Statement Audit
XIV. Environmental
1. Dust suppression practices implemented
2. Noise management practices implemented
3. Sediment and Erosion Control devices have been installed as per ESCP and where these devices are different, the difference recorded and ESCP updated
4. Vibration management practices implemented
5. Temporary Ground Covers used as required
6. Hours of work maintained to minimize noise disturbance
7. Plant not left unnecessarily running
8. Spill kits nearby plant and easily accessible
9. Collected water not released until tested
10. Berm/Trench Drain in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
11. Energy Dissipater in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
12. Sediment Trap/Sump in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
13. Stabilized Site Access in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
14. Sediment Basin in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
15. Check Dam in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
16. Earth or Mulch Bund/Mound in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
17. Sediment Fence in effective condition and where damaged have been replaced
18. Jersey Kerb, where filled under, still intact and effective and replaced where damaged
XV. Plant & Equipment
1. Is maintenance on plant and equipment up to date and are records available
2. Plant register current for plant on site
3. Daily log book completed
4. Operator ticketed / competent
5. Pre-start inspection completed
6. Keys removed from unattended plant
7. Warning sign displayed in / on plant / equipment
XVI. Health Surveillance and Monitoring
1. If any new activities have started a Noise identification checklist has been completed (WHS018-F01)
2. Existing identified noise and or vibration hazards are being monitored as required by WHS018
3. Workforce is being monitored and there has been no breach of the fatigue management procedure
4. Health Surveillance and Monitoring is being carried out in accordance with WHS005 any changes actioned and noted on the daily diary.
Are there any additional Site Specific Items to be inspected?
XVII. Additional Site Specific Items
To add other Site Specific Site Items, please click on "Add Item" button
Item Details
Was the added site 100% complaint?
Are there any actions that was not completed from the previous inspection?
To add action that was not completed, please click on "Add Incomplete Action" button
Incomplete Action
Specify the Incomplete Action
Summary/General Comments
Inspection Completed by: (Name and Signature)