
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Access Routes - Public Highway Approach

  • Is there a continuous unobstructed access route and a designated car parking area to the principal or accessible entrance?

  • Is the building/premises within a convenient walking distance (50m) of the public highway, public transport, suitable car parking?

  • Does the route have kerbs which have been dropped?

  • Is there Tactile paving at pedestrian crossings points?

  • Is the surface even and slip-resistant?

  • Does the route provide an adequate width / a minimum width of 1800 mm?

  • Is the route free of hazards such as bollards, litter bins, areas below stairs / ramps etc?

  • Is the street furniture contrasting in colour and luminance with its background and is sited out of the general line of travel?

  • Do free standing posts and columns incorporate a contrasting band with bottom edge at 150mm - 1500mm high?

  • Is the route identified by visual / aural / or tactile information?

  • Does the route does appear to be adequately lit by? [Please state]

  • Is the route level (i.e. with no gradient steeper than 1 in 20 and with no steps)?

  • Are there any Drainage gratings within the access route? There size and location are acceptable because they have (13mm wide slots, 19mm diameter holes)

  • Are there Bollards are at a height of 1000mm? [It is recommended that bollards should have a minimum height of 1000mm]

  • Is there Hazard protection adjacent to doors and windows, which project into the access route? [It is recommended that projects should not project more than 100mm into the access route]

  • Is there a policy of keeping all (including any ramps or steps) access routes clear of ice/snow and fallen vegetation?

Access Route - OnSite

  • Is there a continuous unobstructed access route and designated car parking to the principal or accessible entrance?

  • Does the route have kerbs which have been dropped?

  • Is there Tactile paving at pedestrian crossings points?

  • Is the surface even and/or slip-resistant?

  • Is the route free of hazards such as bollards, litter bins, areas below stairs / ramps etc?

  • Does the route provides adequate width a minimum width of 1800 mm?

  • Does the Street furniture contrast in colour and luminance with its background and is sited out of the general line of travel?

  • Is the route identified by visual / aural / tactile information?

  • Is the route adequately lit?

  • Is the route level? (i.e. with no gradient steeper than 1 in 20 and with no steps)

  • Are there any Bollards? [It is recommended that bollards should have a minimum height of 1000mm]

  • Are there drainage gratings within the access route? [Thier size and location are / are not acceptable because (13mm wide slots, 19mm diameter holes)]

  • Are there free standing posts and columns incorporate a 150mm contrasting band with bottom edge at 1500mm high?

  • Is there Hazard protection adjacent to doors and windows, which project into the access route. It is recommended that projects should not project more than 100mm into the access route

  • Is there a policy of keeping all (including any ramps or steps) access routes clear of ice/snow and fallen vegetation?

Kitchen Area

  • Do all the signs meet recommendations, i.e. non glare, contrasting and tactile?

  • Is there adequate space between units for people to easily manoeuvre, with the narrowest point measuring mm. A 1500mm² turning space will allow most wheelchair users to manoeuvre.

  • Are the floors slip resistant?

  • Are the sinks accessible?

  • Are the basins fitted with lever operated taps?

  • Is there Hot water and are there signs to indicate the hazard?

  • Is the lighting is at lux which is within the recommended of 200-300lux evenly spread?

  • Are the fridges, cookers, microwaves accessible?

  • Do the access doors do have appropriate vision panels?

  • Do the doors meet the standard specification for widths etc? [Minimum width 750mm]

  • Are the work surfaces at a height that is recommended, being a maximum of 850mm where they may be shared by people standing or using wheelchairs?

  • Is there a good colour contrast between the worktop and the backwall?

  • Are the Power sockets placed at an accessible height of at the back of work surface? it is recommended that at least one be placed at the end of the worktop on the return wall at 150mm above the surface and no further back than 150mm from the edge

  • Is there leg space between worktops (800mm is the recommended)

  • Has a water boiler been provided with the control at a height that is accessible? [1150mm recommended height]

  • Is the light switch at a height of 1100 mm with a colour contrast?

  • Comments:

Fire Exits / Egress

  • Are the fire exits clearly signed?

  • Are the fire exits areas clearly lit?

  • Have the Fire doors been clearly marked?

  • Are the Staff and volunteers briefed on fire egress procedures?

  • Are the exits clear of debris and overgrown shrubs etc?

  • Have Evac chairs been provided at suitable points?

  • Are the Muster points clearly signed and accessible? [i.e. clear routes, pathways that meet recommendations for external routes]

  • Are the Fire alarm call points typically sited at 1400 mm high?

  • Does the fire alarm provide audible and visual warning?

  • Is the evacuation of all building occupants identified as a management responsibility and appropriate risk assessments, including evacuation, are in place?

  • Comments:

Car Parking

On-Street Parking

  • Are there designated on-street car parking bays?

  • Is there a dropped kerb adjacent the bay?

Carpark Entrance

  • Is there visible signage from the street indicating the car park?

  • Is there signage from the car park indicating reception?

  • Is there signage at the car park entrance indicating location of designated bays?

  • Is there a barrier control system? is at height mm and operates with a ticket / swipe card. Is it likely to be difficult to reach and use by some disabled motorists?

Car parking - Designated Parking area.

  • Are there spaces provided for each employee who is a disabled motorist? This is in accordance with the recommendations in BS 8300.

  • Are the car parking spaces on firm and level ground and are close to the principal or alternative entrance to the building?

  • Are the designated spaces as near the main entrance as possible? Is it sheltered from the weather?

  • Is the designated disabled parking bay adequately sized? [Minimum suggested size= 2.4m wide x Length 3.6m

  • Is the ground painted signage indicated designated bay?

  • Is there a 1.2m hatched space behind or to the side to manoeuvre around parked vehicles?

  • Are there any additional wall or pole mounted sign indicating the designated bay?

  • Is there lighting provided to the area, and vegetation monitored to ensure it does not reduce the effectiveness of the lighting?

  • Are there dropped kerb(s) adjacent the car parking area?

  • Are there designated spaces reserved for people who need them, the use monitored and the spaces kept free from misuse? Is there any other security provision? (eg CCTV)

  • Is the number of car ambulant parking spaces adequate and with the recommended disabled parking allowance of 5%?

  • Is there a suitable setting down point for disabled passengers close to the principal entrance or alternative accessible entrance?

  • Comments:

Building Entrance

  • Is the door clearly distinguishable from the façade?

  • Is the entrance well lit and clearly signed?

  • Do the entrance doors provide a clear view of the interior of the building?

  • Does the entrance incorporates weather protection?

  • Does the entrance have accessible automatic doors?

  • Does the entrance door comprise of power operated single doors with manual push pad at height 900 mm with signage and a safety stop device?

  • Is the entrance door a manual double / single / 1½ leaf door with closer requiring a force of Newtons which is not excess of the maximum recommended of 30 / less than the recommended maximum of 30Newtons to open?

  • Does the entrance door comprise of a revolving door supplemented by non-revolving door which is in regular use?

  • Does the entrance door comprise of a motion sensor, which remains open long enough for slow passage with both visual & tactile warnings & information?

  • The door opens at mm from the door leading edge of the door when open. The recommended distance is 1400mm.

  • Do the doors have kick plates?

  • Do the doors open in an inward outward direction with a clear opening width of 1000mm for entrances?

  • Are there vision panels to the doors these let people see others approaching and can avoid accidents as well as providing security?

  • Are there vision panels to the doors to let people see others approaching and can avoid accidents as well as providing security? [recommended zones of visibility which are 500-1500mm]

  • Is the glazing provided with manifestation? [At the recommended height of 850-1000 &1400-1600mm]

  • Are the door handles at a recommended height? [The height range for lever handles is 800-1050mm with the preferred being 900mm. D handles are recommended to start in the height range of 700-1000mm and have a minimum height of 1300mm]

  • Can the door can be opened with one hand and the furniture does contrast well with its background.

  • Is the entrance threshold level? [less than 15mm]

  • Are there steps that have uniform height risers and treads of equal depth and width?

  • Have colour contrasting nosings been provided?

  • Is there Tactile/Visual information?. [laid in accordance with current guidance: 400mm from start of the steps and for 800mm wide]

  • Have hand rails been provided to one or both sides of the steps?

  • Are the landings of a suitable size and free from obstruction or opening doors?

  • is thre a ramp that has a gradient of no more than 1:12°?

  • Is the ramp width within the recommended 1500mm?

  • Is there a handrail to ramp one of the side/ both sides at a recommended height? [The recommended height range is 900-1000mm above the line of pitch]

  • Does the ramp surface contrast with the landings?

  • Are the landings of a suitable size and free from obstruction or opening doors?

  • Does the entrance provides door matting, which is secure and easy to manoeuvre up on?

  • Is there is an obstructed space of at least 300mm between the leading edge of the door and return wall / other obstacle?

  • Is there an entry system located next to the entrance door at the recommended height? [900-1050mm and mm from the door, the recommended distance is a minimum 400mm]

  • Does the panel have good colour contrasting buttons and numbers, which allow tactile reading (engraved, embossed and Braille) along with an intercom?

  • Is there an indication of an inductive coupler being attached or visual indicators showing when to speak or open the door?

  • Is the entry system located on level, firm and even ground?

  • Is there a proximity reader at a recommended height of 1050mm and at least 400mm from the door?

  • Are the activation controls are exit button at the recommended height of 750-1000mm.

  • Comments


  • Is the corridor width within the recommended width is 1800mm with the absolute minimum being 1200mm?

  • Are there spaces at the end or within corridors (1800mm diameter) to allow wheelchair users to turn?

  • Is there colour contrast between walls, floors and ceilings?

  • Is the floor slip resistant with a matt finish?

  • Is the flooring clear of any heavy pattern?

  • Are the corridors free from obstructions e.g. fire extinguishers or radiators? Protrusions into the circulation routes should be guarded or ideally fire extinguishers should be recessed, if not these should offer good colour contrast with their surroundings.

  • Is there is way-finding signage within the access routes?

  • Is the signage at acceptable heights and the text offers good colour contrast with the sign board and the sign board offers good colour contrast with its background and the text is non-reflective?

  • Is the lighting in corridors even and avoids pools of light and dark which can give the illusion of steps? The minimum recommended lighting for circulation routes is 100lux.

  • Are the doors opening into circulation routes? Where this happens there should be a minimum of 900mm between the open edge of the door and the opposite wall, the distance is less or more than 900mm, it is not feasible to alter without changing the door style e.g. reduced swing doors.

  • Comments



  • Do the lifts contrast with the adjoining surfaces?

  • Is the lift accessible from the entrance door?

  • Is the lift location signed and is clearly visible from the entrance?

  • Does the lift lobby does provide in excess of 1500mm x 1500mm manoeuvring space in front of each lift?

  • Do the lift lobby finishes provide good colour contrast?

  • Are the visual lift location indicators clearly visible/audible from the lobby?

  • Are there clear floor level signs opposite the lift, and floor numbers are marked at eye level on the doorframes of lifts?

  • Do the signs contrast well with their surroundings.?

  • Are the lift lobby call buttons are sited at least 400mm from a return wall?

  • Are the lift call buttons embossed / Braille / engraved symbols which contrast with their surround?

  • Do the lift doors provide a clear opening width within the preferred minimum dimensions are 800mm clear door width, with the car measuring 1100mm wide x 1400mm deep?

  • Is the Internal control panel at the height range of 1200mm and adjacent the door opening and set back 400mm on the side wall which allows for use by a wheelchair user?

  • Does the lift control panel provide audible floor level indicators and an audible floor level and lift arrived indicator?

  • Does the lift emergency alarm work? Is there a visual indicator that the alarm has been sounded?

  • Does the emergency communication system incorporate an inductive coupler?

  • Has a mirror been provided starting at 900mm. [This meets with current guidance. Mirrors help wheelchair users back out of lift cars so as to avoid people waiting and also observe floor numbers]

  • Are there support rails provided?

  • Does the lift floor finish have similar frictional qualities to the floor of the lift lobby and is a suitable colour? [Dark colours are not recommended as people with visual impairments may think they are looking into an open lift shaft]

  • Is the lighting within the car suitable?

  • Comments:


Ambulant WC - Male

  • Is the location is clearly signed?

  • What are the Cubicle measurements mm wide x mm deep and urinals

  • Are the wash basins provided with lever, sensor or push taps?

  • Is the door furniture is easy to use with a clenched fist and can it be unlocked from outside?

  • Is there a 450mm diameter circle within the toilet cubicle, between WC pan & door?

  • Is the WC pan height within the recommended height of 480mm?

  • Are there outward opening doors to the cubicles?

  • Is the front edge of the urinals is at 500mm high when standing & 380mm seated, projecting 360mm from wall?

  • Are there modesty screens to the urinals?

  • Can these toilets provide wheelchair access?

  • Is there a good colour contrast between sanitary ware and its background?

  • Are the light levels within the guidance of 200 lux and are evenly spread?

  • Is the floor surface slip resistant?

  • Does the switch light pull have a good colour contrast with its background? [Light pulls should be 900-1000mm above the floor and located within 150mm of the leading edge of the door and the adjacent wall, but should not be red]

Ambulant WC - Female

  • Is the location is clearly signed?

  • What are the Cubicle measurements mm wide x mm deep

  • Are the wash basins provided with lever, sensor or push taps?

  • Is the door furniture easy to use with a clenched fist, and it can be unlocked from the outside?

  • Do these toilets provide wheelchair access?

  • Is there a 450mm diameter circle between WC pan & door?

  • Are there outward opening doors to the cubicles?

  • Is the seat height within the recommended height of 480mm?

  • Is there a good colour contrast between sanitary ware and its background?

  • Are the light levels within the guidance of 200 lux and are evenly spread?

  • Does the switch light pull have a good colour contrast with its background?

  • Is the floor surface slip resistant?

  • Is the WC pan height within the recommended 480mm?

Accessible WC - Unisex

  • Is there unobstructed access to the WC?

  • Room size mm wide x mm deep. The recommended minimum size is 1500 x 2200mm

  • What side is the Wc transfer? [left/right/ peninsula transfer WC]

  • Do the sanitary fittings contrast well with their background?

  • Do the support rails contrast well against their background?

  • Have all the recommended support rails have been provided:<br>• Drop down rail to the open side of the WC <br>• Vertical rail to open side of WC<br>• Horizontal rail to closed side of WC<br>• 2nd vertical rail to above the wash hand basin<br>• Back pad support to WC<br>

  • Are the floors slip resistant?

  • Is the wash hand basin within the recommended distance of 140-160mm from the front of the WC pan to the nearest edge of the wash hand basin. This is to allow people to wash their hands whilst seated on the WC?

  • Can a person wash their hands whilst seated on the WC as soap has been provided within reach?

  • Can a person dry their hands or body whilst seated on the WC, as there are paper towels provided?

  • Is the Wash basin rim height within the recommended height range is 720mm - 740mm?

  • Is the WC seat height within the recommended height being 480mm?

  • Has the WC been provided without a lid?

  • Has a WC seat without a gap been provided?

  • Is the flush is on the accessible side and can be operated with a clenched fist?

  • Is the basin fitted with a mixer lever / push taps and are easy / moderate to use?

  • Is the water temperature regulated for temperature at outlet and is not scolding?

  • Have the following been provided:-<br>• Paper towels, <br>• hand drier, <br>• soap dispenser, <br>• shaver point, <br>• sanitary products vending machines, <br>• shelf at 950mm high next to the WC on the closed side measuring 125-150mm deep<br>• clothes hooks at 1050mm and 1400mm<br>• Toilet tissue holder with roll / sheets.<br>

  • Is there a mirror at the height of 600mm. which meets with current guidance that mirrors start at 600mm above the floor?

  • Is there a horizontal closing bar fixed to the inside of the door? [This aids wheelchair users to close the door behind them]

  • Does the door furniture comprises of lever / knob / "D" handle at height of 1000mm and contrast well with its background?

  • Is the door lock easy to use? [Locks should be easy to operate with a clenched fist]

  • Is the effective clear width to the door acceptable and within the recommended minimum of 800mm for a straight on approach?

  • Is the manoeuvring area free from obstruction?

  • What is the opening force of the door in N?

  • Does the door open outwards into an access route width that is recommended to be at least 1800mm?

  • Is there emergency lighting available within the toilet if the power was to be cut?

  • Have staff been briefed on how to assist someone who may be in difficulties within the WC?

  • Is there is an emergency assistance alarm, which provides audible / visual warning outside the WC. Guidance states it should have pull be at two heights, 100mm and 800-1000mm above the floor. The reset button is located within reach of the WC pan?

  • Is the fire alarm audible/visual beacon within the WC?

  • Are the lights activated automatically or by by pull cord, which has good colour contrast? [Light pulls should be 900-1000mm above the floor and located within 150mm of the leading edge of the door and the adjacent wall. The pull and the cord should contrast in colour and luminance with its background, but should not be red]

  • Comments:

Lobby Area

  • Will the entrance lobby allows a wheelchair user to move clear of one door swing to open the next door?

  • Do the internal lobby door comprise of a manual double / single / 1½ leaf doors with closer requiring a force of Newtons which is not in excess of the maximum recommended of 30 Newtons to open?

  • Do the doors open at 1400mm from the door leading edge of the door when open?

  • Are the doors fitted with kick plates which meet recommend specifications?

  • Do the doors open in an inward / outward direction with a clear opening width of 1000mm?

  • Are the vision panels offset/narrow/ full height/ square/circular/top/middle and bottom starting at height of 900mm?

  • Is the glazing provided with manifestation at height(s)?

  • The door furniture is a pull plate / lever / twist knob / D handle at a height of mm. This is as per current recommendations. The height range for lever handles is 800-1050mm with the preferred being 900mm. D handles are recommended to start in the height range of 700-1000mm and have a minimum height of 1300mm.

  • Can the door be opened with one hand and does the furniture contrast well with its background?

  • Is there an unobstructed space of at least 300mm between the leading edge of the door and return wall / other obstacle?



  • Do the steps have uniform height risers (rise height mm) and treads of equal depth (with a depth of mm.) and a width of mm? [please measure]

  • Is a handrail to both sides at mm above the line of pitch? [The handrail shape is (please note) The handrail is mm from the wall and mm wide. The handrail is continuous]

  • Does the handrail does offer good colour contrast with its background?

  • Does the handrail project horizontally at least 300mm beyond the top and bottom steps?

  • Will the fixing of the handrail allow continual grip along its full length? [Users should not have to let go of the handrail because of the supports nor should they have the potential to cause harm]

  • Do the steps have colour contrasting nosings?

  • Has tactile warning been provided and installed correctly?

  • Are the nosings slip resistant?

  • Do the stairs provide a surface width (distance between walls, stringers or wall and upstand etc) that is acceptable and the recommended minimum of 1200mm surface width?

  • Do the nosings have acceptable overhang of recommended 25mm?

  • Are there no more than 20 steps in each stair flight?

  • Do the Stairs offer a medium steep / easy pitch? [what is the angle]

  • Is there a clear floor level signage? A person who is visually impaired may not be aware of how many storeys a building has, so for this reason clear floor level numbering is recommended and it also helps to orientate a person’s position within a building

  • Are the landings of adequate size? [As these should be a minimum depth which is not less than the stair surface width]

  • Are the lighting levels good with a reading of lux which is acceptable? [current guidance recommends a minimum of 150 lux evenly spread]

  • Are there emergency refuges within the stair enclosure? [Check location of communication system with proximity of emergency sounder]

  • Is there evacuation chairs on the landings?

  • Are there mechanical means of vertical transport or alternative route to overcome the stairs?



  • Does the ramp have a maximum gradient of 1:12?

  • Is the width of the ramp within the recommended 1500mm?

  • Is there a handrail to one side or both sides at a height of 900-1000mm above the line of pitch?

  • Does the ramp surface contrast with the landings?

  • The landings are 1200mm and free from obstruction or opening doors?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.