Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Investigation - answer all questions clearly
Accident Investigation Report:
Accident Report Number:
Accident Date & Time:
Company Information
Accident Address ( if Different than above ):
Phone #
Investigator Phone #
Employee Information:
Home Address:
Phone #
Job Title:
Employee Status:
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Temporary
- Other
Length of Employment:
- Less Than 1 Month
- 1 - 5 Months
- 6 Months to 5 Years
- More Than 5 Years
Time in Occupation at time of accident:
- Less Than 1 Month
- 1 - 5 Months
- 6 Months to 5 Years
- More Than 5 Years
Injury Information:
Person Reported to:
Date & Time Reported:
Nature of Injury and Part of Body Affected:
Employees Specific Task and Activity at the Time of Accident:
Was the Employee Working:
- Working Alone
- Working with assigned group
- Supervised
- Not Supervised
Severity of Injury:
- Fatality
- Lost Days-Days Away from work
- Days of Restricted Activity or job Transfer
- Medical Treatment
- First Aid
Accident Report Numbers and Names of Others Injured:
Name and Address of Hospital / Clinic (if applicable)
Name & Phone #
Name & Phone #
Name & Phone #
Name & Phone #
Name & Phone #
Scene of Accident Information:
Specific Location:
Describe How the Accident Occurred:
Diagram any Specific Location Factors That Contributed to the Accident:
Type of Equipment / Machinery Involved:
Equipment / Machinery Has been:
- Out of Service
- Repaired
Accident Sequence: Describe in order of occurrence the events leading to the accident and/or injury. Reconstruct the sequence of events that led to the accident.
Event# 1
Event# 2
Accident Event:
Injury Event:
Causal Factors:
Describe events and conditions that contributed to the accident. Include information on worker, machinery and equipment, environment and management.
Corrective Actions: Identify the factors listed above that can be corrected to prevent a reoccurrence of this type of accident. Indicate the person responsible for making the change and project a target date for completion of the task. Use the diagram grid below to illustrate layout changes.
Action required:
Assignment Responsibilities:
Target Date for Completion:
Evidence (photos) and summary of incident
Summary: Include comments that would promote a safe workplace environment and reduce an accidents potential in the future based on review of the causal Factors and implementation of Corrective Actions.
This Accident Investigation Report was prepared by:
Approved by ( If Corrective action is required.)