Title Page
Site Name
Please select region
- North
- Central
- South
- Fresh Direct
- Medina
Investigation Manager
Injured Person's Name
Severity status
Please select department
Date and time reported
Incident date
Incident time
Incident number
Please go to phase 1 incident response
Phase 1 Incident HS1082/HS1083
Incident type - On Site/ Off Site
Summary of Incident - Ensure driver is in a safe place to continue the call (not stood in road).
Are you in a safe place, where are you making this call from
Has the emergency services been called
Which servies
Brief summary of incident
If on customers premises - Has the customer been informed of the accident
Why not?
Can you take photo's of the scene (use the see it sort it app on hand held)
Why Not
Has the scene been altered since the incident
Why was the scene altered
The Injured Person, please ensure the welfare of the individual before continuing.
Was the injury to the head
Please tell me if you are suffering from the following - Feeling tired, sick, headache, dizziness, blurry vision.
you may be feeling the effects of concussion, please go to customers premises so not alone, we will phone the customer.
Has the injured colleague receive first aid
If no why not
Please can you take a photo of your injury
On return to site please see your manager to complete an injured persons statement
Supporting comments
Supporting Comments
Signature of Incident Manager
Add signature
Select site to submit this initial accident report to the accident notification group
- Aylesford
- Bodmin
- Bridgend
- Brighton
- Ashford
- Corby
- Bodelwyddan
- Deeside
- Dundee
- Durham
- Eastleigh
- Grantham
- Harlow
- Hemsworth
- Inverness
- Newark
- Newhouse
- Covent Garden
- Peterlee
- Portbury
- Premier park
- Reading
- Ripon
- Tamworth
- Thetford
- Warrington
- Wigan
- Bicester
- Dagenham
- KFF Aylesford
- KFF Witney
- Medina IOW
- Medina Southampton
Summary of Incident
Brief summary of incident
Please take photos of the scene (if using desk top, upload them to this pack)
Has the scene been altered since the incident
Why was the scene altered
The Injured Person
Has the injured colleague receive first aid
If no why not
Has the injured colleague remained at work
Did the injured person go to hospital
Did the injured person go home
Take Photo of injury
If possible take a comparison photo (i.e Other arm/ leg)
Has an Injured persons statement been taken
Please explain why
Was PPE being worn at the time of the incident
Please explain why not
Are you able to take photo of their gloves
Please explain why
Add media
Are you able to take photo of their Boots
Please explain why
Add media
Are you able to take a photo of other PPE being worn at time of incident
Please explain why
Add media
Work Place
Exact location of incident
Activity in work area at time of incident
Witnesses to incident
Are statements being collected
Condition of work place
Please describe the reason why
Name of supervisor of area
Equipment & MHE
Was Equipment/ MHE being used or in use during incident
List the equipment/ MHE being used including fleet number or Serial number
Has the Equipment/MHE been isolated
If no please explain why not
Please take photo of piece equipment
Hampton Knight
Was Hampton knight Called to site
If No please explain why not
Any other info
Please add any additional information or photographs that you feel is relevant to this incident
Supporting comments
Supporting Comments
Signature of Incident Manager
Add signature
Click to submit this initial accident report to GM
- Aylesford
- Bodmin
- Bridgend
- Brighton
- Ashford
- Corby
- Bodelwyddan
- Deeside
- Dundee
- Durham
- Eastleigh
- Grantham
- Harlow
- Hemsworth
- Inverness
- Newark
- Newhouse
- Covent Garden
- Peterlee
- Portbury
- Premier park
- Reading
- Ripon
- Tamworth
- Thetford
- Warrington
- Wigan
- Bicester
- Dagenham
- KFF Aylesford
- KFF Witney
- Medina IOW
- Medina Southampton
Have the captured IP and first Aider Statements been sent with the Initial response to all necessary escalations with this report